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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
ChoklitReign said:
Is this about the proposed spending cuts? Internet liberals sure are hard to please for spending cuts. What would YOU be comfortable with cutting besides defense?
Erm, I think he was simply stating that most of the reforms passed under obama have looked more like proposals by american conservatives.

Health care reform was designed around the use of private insurance exchanges, which has been the republican proposal since the early-mid 90s. (making them "state based" was a relatively late goal post movement). The anti-trust exemption was retained.

Regulatory reforms in the financial regulation bills were neutered (although this is as much due to dems on the banking committees as it is the GOP caucuses).

The Bush tax cuts were extended for 2 years. All of them.

The largest portion of the Stimulus package was tax cuts.

Obama is cutting federal spending by $5T over the next decade, while cutting taxes by close to that amount for the next two years.

It is pretty much impossible for any reasonable person to call the policies passed under Obama non-republican in nature.
ChoklitReign said:
Is this about the proposed spending cuts? Internet liberals sure are hard to please for spending cuts. What would YOU be comfortable with cutting besides defense?
Did you read what I said? His reforms have been fairly conservative. Healthcare and financial reform are both excellent examples of this.

I don't really subscribe to the idea that we only need to cut programs to balance the budget, and neither should you. If you consider that our healthcare spending as a percentage of GDP is at least 5% more than any other advanced industrialized economy, then you'd realize there are significant savings to be had there if we can figure out a way to do things more efficiently. coughuhccough. Let EGTRRA expire for everyone, etc.


GaimeGuy said:
It is pretty much impossible for any reasonable person to call the policies passed under Obama non-republican in nature.

They may not be as progressive as you would like, but they are not non-Republican (or more correctly, non-conservative). You have to separate what he does in the name of political expediency with what the ultimate goal is.
Kosmo said:

They may not be as progressive as you would like, but they are not non-Republican (or more correctly, non-conservative). You have to separate what he does in the name of political expediency with what the ultimate goal is.
In case it wasn't clear before, this is what I was talking about when I leveled the accusation of Beck-like thinking. Despite the fact that it has been repeatedly demonstrated that Obama's approaches to our various problems are fairly conservative on the political spectrum, Kosmo is taking this as evidence for his liberalism.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Kosmo said:

They may not be as progressive as you would like, but they are not non-Republican (or more correctly, non-conservative). You have to separate what he does in the name of political expediency with what the ultimate goal is.
Jesus christ you're dense.

Originally someone pointed out the obstinate, obstructive nature of the republican party and you used a, and I quote, "no different than" comaprison to Obama as soon as he got into office. Whatever the hell that means. Despite the fact that Obama has about about comprimse, comprimse, comprimse with the stubborn asshole repubicans and the biggest legistlation he's put through has been relatively very conservative. You really are just a troll. You have to be.
GaimeGuy said:
Erm, I think he was simply stating that most of the reforms passed under obama have looked more like proposals by american conservatives.

Health care reform was designed around the use of private insurance exchanges, which has been the republican proposal since the early-mid 90s. (making them "state based" was a relatively late goal post movement). The anti-trust exemption was retained.
It was conservative 15 years ago, but Americans have moved to the right enough that they don't like it (even though they like a lot of the individual changes).

Regulatory reforms in the financial regulation bills were neutered (although this is as much due to dems on the banking committees as it is the GOP caucuses).
No comment.

The Bush tax cuts were extended for 2 years. All of them.
Compromise. Everyone knows that Obama wants them to expire for the rich. He might let the rest expire when the economy boom again...10 years from now.

The largest portion of the Stimulus package was tax cuts.
Sort of a compromise, but I don't know how Obama personally thinks whether tax cuts can create jobs.

Obama is cutting federal spending by $5T over the next decade, while cutting taxes by close to that amount for the next two years.
It's political so he'll hope to be reelected. Lots of these tax cuts are compromises.

It is pretty much impossible for any reasonable person to call the policies passed under Obama non-republican in nature.[/QUOTE]
I guess both Clinton and Obama are Republicans now. I'm sorry that liberals have no one electable left to look to for president. But I'm not making a big deal about it.
demon said:
Jesus christ you're dense.

Originally someone pointed out the obstinate, obstructive nature of the republican party and you used a, and I quote, "no different than" comaprison to Obama as soon as he got into office. Whatever the hell that means. Despite the fact that Obama has about about comprimse, comprimse, comprimse with the stubborn asshole repubicans and the biggest legistlation he's put through has been relatively very conservative. You really are just a troll. You have to be.

Please define "relatively very conservative".... whatever the hell that means.
ChoklitReign said:
It was conservative 15 years ago, but Americans have moved to the right enough that they don't like it (even though they like a lot of the individual changes).
I'm not inclined to put a lot of stock in how people "feel" about legislation. Particularly when they endorse most of what the legislation entails, but are not well-informed enough to support the legislation itself.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Please define "relatively very conservative".... whatever the hell that means.
I think you know what I mean, it's been gone over before. And thanks for taking the effort to contribute to the discussion by bolding my typos. I was typing in a rush at work while trying to avoid being seen on a discussion forum.
If Obama had it his way the health care and financial reforms would probably look different today. Southern Democrats and the few moderal Republicans politicians seemed like they were more worried about their constituents being angry, which is why the reforms got watered down in order to get their votes.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
If Obama had it his way the health care and financial reforms would probably look different today. Southern Democrats and the few moderal Republicans politicians seemed like they were more worried about their constituents being angry, which is why the reforms got watered down in order to get their votes.

Not quite.


Invisible_Insane said:

Can we properly call our institutions democratic if $1bil need to be raised to run for the presidency? #AskObama

That last one really bothers me.
How else are we supposed to keep them dirty poor people out of Washington?

Jason's Ultimatum said:
If Obama had it his way the health care and financial reforms would probably look different today. Southern Democrats and the few moderal Republicans politicians seemed like they were more worried about their constituents being angry, which is why the reforms got watered down in order to get their votes.
Invisible_Insane said:
Not quite.
Motherfuckers act like they forgot about Dre Droopy.
demon said:
I think you know what I mean, it's been gone over before. And thanks for taking the effort to contribute to the discussion by bolding my typos. I was typing in a rush at work while trying to avoid being seen on a discussion forum.
Well, one man's "very conservative" is another man's "liberal". But, yes I know in general what you're trying to say.
You have to hide your Neogaf habit at work? Damn, what kind of hard-ass slave-driver are you working for?


Jason's Ultimatum said:
If Obama had it his way the health care and financial reforms would probably look different today. Southern Democrats and the few moderal Republicans politicians seemed like they were more worried about their constituents being angry, which is why the reforms got watered down in order to get their votes.

The sad thing is that those southern Dems still got crushed in the 2010 mid terms. Watering down the reforms didn't help them one bit.

Edit: BTW, it seems Romney may need to be worried about winning NH


The Real Deal: Polls Show Bachmann Surge In New Hampshire

Tea Party darling Michele Bachmann is surging in the New Hampshire primary according to multiple polls, the strongest sign yet that she may be a credible contender for the Republican nomination.

According to Democratic pollster PPP, Bachmann is polling at 18% among Republican voters, second only to Romney at 25%. Not only that, non-candidate Sarah Palin is third at 11%, suggesting Bachmann may have more socially conservative and Tea Party votes up for grabs. The rest of the field are in single digits: Ron Paul at 9%, Rick Perry and Herman Cain each at 7% Jon Huntsman and Tim Pawlenty at 6%, and Newt Gingrich at 4%.

Bachmann has gained 14 points in PPP's polling over the last three months and other polls confirm heavy movement as well, even if she's farther back from Romney. A University of New Hampshire poll and a Suffolk University poll each showed her gaining 8% since her debate performance in the state, but they peg her total support at 12% and 11% respectively, versus 35% and 36% for Romney.


Enron said:
If EGTRRA expires, that's going to fucking suck. It will assrape our ability to sock money away in our 401ks :/

i had to go look up the entirety of the provisions in EGTRRA and came across this nugget.

The Heritage Foundation predicted the cuts would result in the complete elimination of the U.S. national debt by fiscal year 2010.[2]
Averon said:
The sad thing is that those southern Dems still got crushed in the 2010 mid terms. Watering down the reforms didn't help them one bit.

Edit: BTW, it seems Romney may need to be worried about winning NH


The Real Deal: Polls Show Bachmann Surge In New Hampshire

The thing is, with Michele Bachmann, her opponents don't have to dig up crazy statements said by people she may be associated with to pin on her, they just have to go to YouTube and compile all of the crazy statements said by Michele Bachmann.
gcubed said:
i had to go look up the entirety of the provisions in EGTRRA and came across this nugget.
Those guys are great at math.
On the other hand, allowing EGTRRA to expire for everyone would solve a huge part of the debt/deficit problem. If that's the kind of thing you think is important.


Invisible_Insane said:
Those guys are great at math.
On the other hand, allowing EGTRRA to expire for everyone would solve a huge part of the debt/deficit problem. If that's the kind of thing you think is important.

lol I am an idiot. I totally forgot that the EGTRRA limits were made permanent by the PPA of 2006. Nevermind!
I think Obama just suggested that it's proper for people in the private sector to be envious of public sector workers for having benefits. This shit gives me a headache.


Invisible_Insane said:
@johnboehner After embarking on a record spending binge that’s left us deeper in debt, where are the jobs? #AskObama

I think this would be a more effective method of negotiation than whatever the fuck it is they are trying now.


Invisible_Insane said:
@johnboehner After embarking on a record spending binge that’s left us deeper in debt, where are the jobs? #AskObama

@johnboehner forget the fetus and focus on jobs


gcubed said:
i had to go look up the entirety of the provisions in EGTRRA and came across this nugget.
Hey now, just because they were wrong about everything that doesn't mean that we should stop listening to them.

By the way, for those curious, Israel recently had a fun little experiment with the Laffer curve (oh yeah, Netanyahu's stupidity extend far and wide) with the exact same results as in the US.
The only difference is that in Israel people don't really vote based on taxation (though it might change) so they just jacked up the indirect taxes.


Gray is direct taxes revenue and blue is indirect.

But that's okay, I'm sure I will be told real soon why this example is tainted and I'm not controlling for something or other.

It's only fair, just because something has never been shown to work and has shown to not work many times, it doesn't mean we should stop do it.
Not if you really really really REALLY want it to be true.
Invisible_Insane said:
@johnboehner After embarking on a record spending binge that’s left us deeper in debt, where are the jobs? #AskObama
oh fuck him.

how about some job creating legislation, mr. speaker
Invisible_Insane said:
@johnboehner After embarking on a record spending binge that’s left us deeper in debt, where are the jobs? #AskObama
"Can't you see we're TRYING to be reasonable to negotiate these things? WHAT MORE DO THEY WANT?"


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Update at 2:20 p.m. ET.

Mr. President, will you issue an executive order to raise the debt ceiling pursuant to section 4 of the 14th amendment?

He then heads immediately into “what’s at stake.” To date, this is like watching an informational interview. Obama is making sure people are watching — the young and political reporters paid to do so (ahem) — know where he comes from on each issue.

He said that if we don’t raise the debt ceiling, “the Treasury will run out of money...and potentially the entire world capital markets could decide the full faith and credit of the U.S. don’t mean anything.” He then adds that it could cause a “whole new spiral into a second recession.”

Obama also ruled out the invoking of the 14th amendment. “I don’t even think we should get to the Constitution issue,” he said. Also, that question was asked by someone named “renegade nerd.” That’s my bit. Not cool, dude.

I would have loved to hear a follow-up question on the 14th Amendment and debt ceiling answers from President Obama. But, the reality is that these sorts of town halls make that next to impossible. Which is good for Obama, good for Twitter and bad for reporters.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Frank Rich really turned on Obama, eh?


Obama can win reelection without carrying 10021 or Greenwich in any case. The bigger political problem is that a far larger share of the American electorate views him as a tool of the very fat-cat elite that despises him. Given Obama’s humble background, his history as a mostly liberal Democrat, and his famous résumé as a community organizer, this would also seem a reach. But the president has no one to blame but himself for the caricature. While he has never lusted after money—he’d rather get his hands on the latest novel by Morrison or Franzen—he is an elitist of a certain sort. For all the lurid fantasies of the birthers, the dirty secret of Obama’s background is that the values of Harvard, not of Kenya or Indonesia or Bill Ayers, have most colored his governing style. He falls hard for the best and the brightest white guys.

Glad to see this type of complaint catching on


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
#AskObama (from Nicholas Kristof) Was it a mistake to fail to get Republicans to commit to raise the debt ceiling, at the same time tax cuts were extended?

Obama explains the compromise on the extension of the Bush tax cuts. He then notes that he got a payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance extended. “That was a much better deal than most people expected,” he says.

Obama also uses the question to get back to the debt ceiling; “The debt ceiling is not something that should be used as a gun against the head of the American people” to extract tax cuts for corporate jet owners,” he says.

Listen to Obama’s language on the debt ceiling talks: “sensible, ”“balanced.” All of this is aimed at the independent voter. I wrote earlier today on how Obama and his team are focused on making him look like the adult in the room — the one guy in Washington looking out for the country’s interest rather than their own partisan concerns. That’s exactly what his choice of words aims to do.

It’s also fascinating how Obama openly acknowledges his wealth (“a lot of people bought my book”) in his regular answer on tax increases for “millionaires and billionaires.” It’s not new but still interesting.


mckmas8808 said:
#AskObama (from Nicholas Kristof) Was it a mistake to fail to get Republicans to commit to raise the debt ceiling, at the same time tax cuts were extended?

Thank god this is questions from normal people who would otherwise never have the chance. If it weren't for Twitter, when would the NYT ever get an Obama interview?!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
So will you raise taxes on the middle class at least to W Bush levels @askObama

Obama notes that simply going back to the pre-Bush tax rates would effectively close the debt. “Balanced approach,” “common sense,” etc

In talking about what needs to happen to solve the debt problem, Obama keeps saying the only thing wealthy people need to do is “simply” go back to pre-Bush tax rates.

“It doesn’t take all that much,” says the president. The image Obama is trying to create is one where the wealthy need to give only very little for this to get done. Also, Obama just channeled Vice President Joe Biden when he referred to the quote: “You’re entitled to your opinion but not to your own facts.”
Invisible_Insane said:
@johnboehner After embarking on a record spending binge that’s left us deeper in debt, where are the jobs? #AskObama
Fuck this asshole.

Hooray, lets invade Iraq some more, you piece of shit. Where was your fiscal conservative cred then you fuckwit? Where was your fiscal conservative when Bush chopped the taxes?

Eliminate those two things and our credit starts looking incredibly better. Such phony fucksticks.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
dave is ok said:
Frank Rich really turned on Obama, eh?


Glad to see this type of complaint catching on

Do the american people really think Obama is tool of the very fat-cat elite business men? I thought 40% of the country thought Obama hated the fat-cat elite business men?

And he falls hard for the best and the brightest white guys? Really? So Barack in all his blackness wants to be loved so much that he's willing to do whatever makes the elite, bright, and white man happy? Is he serious?
mckmas8808 said:
Do the american people really think Obama is tool of the very fat-cat elite business men? I thought 40% of the country thought Obama hated the fat-cat elite business men?

Have you seen the people he's hired?

It's wall street passing policy to help wall street
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