Here's the problem, and I think I'm stealing this from Chris Hayes: both sides think they'll benefit politically from a collapse. It's like the opposite of the Mutually Assured Destruction theory, where instead of both entities being destroyed leading to de-facto cooperation, both parties believe the other will be destroyed leading to further and futher runs down the rabbit hole.
I'm terrified, as ambivalent as I am.
This whole thing was fucking bought and sold long ago, and we're staring down the gaping mouth of the starved beast. Except the beast isn't helping poor people and reaching for equality, the beast are the natural forces of what happens when the richest people on the planet don't throw a few loaves to the mob.
I'm tired of the back and forth and the endless, eye-rolling rhetoric from both sides, both of which are paid by giant, soul-less corporations, enivorment-fucking donors, and self-serving miscreants to do their collective bidding.
This thing goes down in flames, or we tape it up and have another go at it in 5, 10, 15 years. It's all the same to me.