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PoliGAF 2011: Of Weiners, Boehners, Santorum, and Teabags

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PhoenixDark said:
Seems like a ridiculous article that assumes

A. Bachman is real
B. Another, more credible conservative will not enter the race

She's just the Howard Dean of the GOP this year. Either Perry wins or Romney and Pawlenty battle it out.

Perry is seen as this lovable conservative, but I'm not sure he's a lock if he jumps in.


jamesinclair said:
The republican war on infrastructure and mass transit continues.

They wont be happy until we go back to the good old days of 1421, where roads where built by real men (bears).


Much of the blame goes to democrats. The last bill ran out under their watch, and they were too busy doing jack shit to pass a new 6 year bill. We've been running on re authorizations of the existing stuff.

Incredible. In other news, the SunRail is back on track:

U.S. Rep. John Mica, R-Winter Park, who was instrumental in winning a federal pledge of more than $300 million for the train, said, ""This is as significant for the state as when Henry Flagler brought the railroad to Florida and when President Eisenhower initiated the Interstate. This transportation alternative offers the only real cost-effective, near-term solution for our region's highway congestion, and will have tremendous benefits for employment."



PhoenixDark said:
No, but I just skimmed through it now and see nothing to dispute it. Two months ago Donald Trump was leading in the polls. His overlying point about a conservative beating Romney makes sense, but at the same time the GOP primaries are always determined by power players - the establishment. If a conservative/far right candidate wins, it won't be her. Perry fits that niche and is more electable.
The overlying point was about demographic changes in the Republican party and why they refuse to compromise. The part I c/ped really wasn't the main thrust of the article.


mckmas8808 said:
Is this the high speed rail train?

No, I should have made that more clear. This is a commuter rail line for the Orlando area, the HSR is still dead. The governor put this one on hold until he could get the appropriate earmarks from Mica in Congress. CSX, who owns the lines, happens to be one of his biggest campaign contributers.


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Rep. Paul Broun: Let’s LOWER The Debt Ceiling!
Benjy Sarlin | July 7, 2011, 3:34PM


Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) found a novel way to out-conservative even Tea Party members demanding the debt limit never be raised: he suggested the ceiling be lowered instead.

In an op-ed in the National Review Online, Broun urged members to sign onto legislation that would reduce the debt ceiling by $1 trillion next year, forcing Congress to go beyond balancing the budget and instead find a huge surplus, which experts suggest would be tough given that a sudden $2 trillion plus total cut to federal spending would plunge the economy into a deep recession.

"Should my legislation be signed into law, Washington would have to get serious about making the cuts they've been talking about, and our national debt would be one step closer to being manageable," he wrote. "My legislation would not just slow down, or stop the reckless spending train; it would completely turn it around. To be realistic, we can't lower the debt limit today, but if we set a deadline, the beginning of FY [Fiscal Year] 2012, it would force politicians to make those decisions in the months to come."

Broun's timeline to start paying down the debt was even a bit much for Tea Party icon Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). Asked by TPM about the bill, Paul said that while it was "interesting" and that he wished there more lawmakers him, he favored a bit more caution.

"I'm sort of looking, i guess, at a little more gradual approach," he said. "Even my five year balanced budget, which is the quickest, still requires a trilion more dollars in borrowing."


Man simply put, "da fuck"?


PhoenixDark said:
Pelosi draws line in sand on Medicare, SS cuts

Clearly she was not informed, which is pretty pretty pathetic on the WH's part. If this deal truly hinges on entitlement cuts you can kiss it goodbye. Unlike the president, Pelosi has a backbone and won't play dead over this.
Yup. And she has real leverage here, as well. She grasps both the policy and political implications much better than Obama.


Professional Schmuck
The last vestige of one about to lose is denial, but I'll do it anyway: I won't believe SS gets cut until I see the final deal.


eznark said:
Both sides are refusing to budge. I guess that about wraps it up. Let's gridlock this thang

Yup. One side says we'll cut a bunch of shit except maybe SS and Medicare. The other side says no taxes raised, period. Both sides are totally equal.


Professional Schmuck
Clevinger said:
Yup. One side says we'll cut a bunch of shit except maybe SS and Medicare. The other side says no taxes raised, period. Both sides are totally equal.

Just yesterday, I noted a very good reason for both sides to stand firm and I'm pretty sure you called it idiotic.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Sorry to say, but Pelosi will do whatever Obama tells her.

eznark said:
No shit. It's nuts to think there is a statue of a democrat in Texas.

Please tell me you're not one of those "hey guys, if republicans hate black people, then why was Lincoln one? :smug " people.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
Yup. And she has real leverage here, as well. She grasps both the policy and political implications much better than Obama.

Naw she's just lucky that she's not the President. The President has to make the hard choices and be some where further to the right than Nancy. Which is fine for both Obama and Pelosi.

I noticed that Nancy said this.....

“We do not support cuts in benefits for Social Security and Medicare,” she said at her presser today.



Professional Schmuck
^ oh, stop. That's just silly.

Oblivion said:
Sorry to say, but Pelosi will do whatever Obama tells her.

Please tell me you're not one of those "hey guys, if republicans hate black people, then why was Lincoln one? :smug " people.

Pretty sure eznark isn't one of those people. Rather than :smug, I think it's :wink.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
PantherLotus said:
Pretty sure eznark isn't one of those people. Rather than :smug, I think it's :wink.

Just makin sure, since I assumed ez was one of the non-dumb right wingers in poligaf. :p


Oblivion said:
Sorry to say, but Pelosi will do whatever Obama tells her.

Please tell me you're not one of those "hey guys, if republicans hate black people, then why was Lincoln one? :smug " people.
that was a joke.

as for claims of false equivalency, i'm making no judgements on issues. Both sides claim they refuse to budge. Either it's honest and no deal is done or one side proves to be a liar. Since we're dealing with politicians I'm betting they'll all prove to be liars.
jamesinclair said:
At one point does the media start putting a R next to Obama's name?

And at what point do the democrats decide to start campaigning for their vacant presidential slot?

hah. The majority of them would find someone running against them if that's the case.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
RustyNails said:
Debt deal is reached, bush cuts set to expire
Tomorrow greatly improved job numbers are released

Diablos/PD merge into a singular existence

GaimeGuy said:


If it's any consolation, PD, I still love you. :(


eznark said:
Both sides are refusing to budge. I guess that about wraps it up. Let's gridlock this thang

Would be hilarious if they just invoke the 14th amendment and all this was for naught.


Shaking my head at the Obama administration. What a disappointment. I thought at the very least he would be capable of leading reality based discussions. Apparently not.

Interviewer: Why does the number 1 indicator that would support what you are saying not show that what you are saying is true?

Sperling: I don't really need any evidence for what I am saying. I just know that it is true.




Are people still pretending like this Republican primary is still a race?

I guess if Perry jumps in, that could change the dynamics. But his window to get in is closing fast.

That reminds me .. I need to start finding Gruco an avatar.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
ToxicAdam said:
Are people still pretending like this Republican primary is still a race?

I guess if Perry jumps in, that could change the dynamics. But his window to get in is closing fast.

That reminds me .. I need to start finding Gruco an avatar.

So you are that confident that Mittens will win?


eznark said:
Both sides are refusing to budge. I guess that about wraps it up. Let's gridlock this thang
May I remind you, that one side is refusing to fund the budget it passed.
So you know, perspective.

Not all positions are created equal.


mckmas8808 said:
Naw she's just lucky that she's not the President. The President has to make the hard choices and be some where further to the right than Nancy. Which is fine for both Obama and Pelosi.

I noticed that Nancy said this.....

Obama proposed benefit cuts to Social Security, which is why she had to be that specific.


And Nancy Pelosi herself drew a firm line today against Social Security and Medicare cuts. “We do not support cuts in benefits for Social Security and Medicare,” she said at her presser today. “Any discussion of Medicare or Social Security should be on its own table.”

Boo! Keep stealing from me you fucking bastards.


Invisible_Insane said:
She just oozes folksy charm, no?

That's no way to get yourself Wall St. money, tsk tsk.
I was aware she had a sterling, impressive resume. But I was unaware that she is a "small-business job creator." Impressive. Especially for a member of the House. She has my vote.

Also, it will be an interesting weekend as Southern Sudan will officially declare independence this Saturday. Ambassador Rice, General Powell, and other U.S. officials will attend the ceremony. Still, despite the excitement, the situation remains precarious. The official borders remain mutable; as a corollary, the issue of Abyei, irrespective of the arrival of the Ethiopian peacekeeping force, remains unresolved and a potential flashpoint. And those are merely a few of the myriad problems besetting the situation. Regardless, the South remains positive.

South Sudan secedes amid tensions

By Mary Beth Sheridan and Rebecca Hamilton, Thursday, July 7, 4:28 PM

The map of Africa will be redrawn Saturday, as South Sudan becomes an independent nation through a peace process championed by successive U.S. presidents but still beset by lingering tensions from years of war.

President George W. Bush put Sudan at the center of his foreign policy in Africa, helping broker a 2005 peace agreement that ended a conflict that had claimed more than 2 million lives. President Obama has rallied international pressure to rescue that accord as it risked unraveling.

U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, who is scheduled to lead the U.S. delegation at the independence ceremony, said in a telephone interview this week that this was “a fraught and fragile moment, but a remarkable one nonetheless.”

Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir is expected to attend Saturday’s ceremony. He has promised to accept the oil-rich south’s secession, after initially balking at losing a Texas-size region that had provided much of his government’s revenue.​



In addition to the other positive economic news, retail sales increased robustly in June. Tomorrow's employment report should be quite positive; of course, it has played coy in the past.
Ether_Snake said:
The US needs more parties.
I'm having one next weekend. Do you want to come?


Jackson50 said:
I'm having one next weekend. Do you want to come?

Amazing idea. A party economy. Allow people to deduct party costs and watch an explosion of parties bloom. Party stores, liquor manufacturers, glostick makers, auto repairmen, mortuaries, and grave diggers would see a huge boost! We'd have a huge uptick in municipal and state funds from all the DUIs.

And the effect on morale? Why aren't we doing this already?
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