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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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Talking politics with my wife and we got into the discussion of who we were going to vote for, she took my information about Romney better than I expected. She, like many Mormons who are ignorant of politics thinks that he is some awesome, honest, inspired guy. I told her I am probably going third party and she thought that was alright. As long as I don't vote for President Obama, I will be fine :p

Does your wife think gay people shouldn't be married? Oh wait, I already know the answer but I'm sure you're still going to tell me how awesome the lds is.


retail sales, this job as of 2009, but I have been doing sales in one way or another (founding member Sales-Age at Best Buy back in 2000 :p ) for the better part of 12 years. I am not saying this job was easy to get or maintain, but having a degree was inconsequential. Working my way up through the ranks of crappy retail to today is making me better money than what my future degree will ever give me.
I respect sales but I consider it a more unique area that doesn't necessary require college education. But most people are not cut out for sales and it definitely wouldn't provide the jobs needed for people that aren't cut out for college.

Compounded with a lot of public trade schools being de-funded, it's making the situation worse. Like I said in another thread, a lot of the teachers that used to teach at public trade schools got picked up by private ones. Those private ones can cost thousands of dollars for a certification program and many times they are predatory.

I wanted to do a ASE auto mechanic certification program for fun and to gain some experience and training and maybe a job meanwhile I gain some experience in the auto industry (my goal being to end up writing for something like Motor Trend). But the public trade schools have been so underfunded that they don't offer the same amount of training as they did maybe ten years ago.

This is in Los Angeles by the way. Also, some community colleges have started to offer more technical training but classes and locations are limited.

A good friend at work his son in law racked up 40k in debt to for an auto machanic degree from a for profit college. Obviously it completely predatory and ridiculous that you could do that. The trade schools definitely need cheap public education to provide reasonable education but yet in the wake of the financial crisis they are left underfunded or with budget cuts.
I actually disagree and think tragedies are the proper time to reflect on where gun control in America has gotten too.

Especially when,

Some versions of the AR-15 assault rifle that police said was one of three guns James Holmes carried into the movie theater massacre were outlawed for civilian sale under the federal assault weapons ban that expired in 2004. Since then, all versions have been legal for sale and possession in the U.S.

If we don't bring it up right now, people will forget about it in a month.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So Rep. Louis Gohmert has some stuff to say:

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said Friday that the shootings that took place in an Aurora, Colo. movie theater hours earlier were a result of "ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs" and questioned why nobody else in the theater had a gun to take down the shooter.

During a radio interview on The Heritage Foundation's "Istook Live!" show, Gohmert was asked why he believes such senseless acts of violence take place. Gohmert responded by talking about the weakening of Christian values in the country.

"Some of us happen to believe that when our founders talked about guarding our virtue and freedom, that that was important," he said. "Whether it's John Adams saying our Constitution was made only for moral and religious people ... Ben Franklin, only a virtuous people are capable of freedom, as nations become corrupt and vicious they have more need of masters. We have been at war with the very pillars, the very foundation of this country."

"You know what really gets me, as a Christian, is to see the ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and then some senseless crazy act of a derelict takes place."

Indeed, sir.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
By the way, The Cycle is a pretty, awful, awful show. Blech.

Not even my red haired goddess can save it.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
So Rep. Louis Gohmert has some stuff to say:

Indeed, sir.
Why did the shooter have tear gas, an AR-15, a Remington 12-gauge, 2 glocks, tear gas, and full riot gear?

Why should people be expected to bring guns with them to a movie theater for protection? Why should they, and not society at large, be expected to protect innocents?

Why do I, or anyone for that matter, have the unregulated ability to legally arm myself with enough firepower to kill hundreds of people without reloading any clips?

Why does our society encourage the proliferation of guns to everyone, then whitewash any incident as simple "irresponsibility" that was unpreventable and in no way empowered by ease-of-access?

There should be a lot more than personal restraint or fear of getting shot by someone else in place for preventing such a massacre. Specifically, there should be more barriers to entry for acquiring the resources needed to commit such acts in the first place.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
my brother sent me this, too good to not repost here:

So Rep. Louis Gohmert has some stuff to say:

During a radio interview on The Heritage Foundation's "Istook Live!" show, Gohmert was asked why he believes such senseless acts of violence take place. Gohmert responded by talking about the weakening of Christian values in the country.

Indeed, sir.
Of course in the atheist countries like Scandinavia, such atrocities almost never occur.

OK, yes, we just had the Breivik nutcase in Norway . . . but he was a self-proclaimed defender of the Christian faith. Go Figure.

Gohmert is a douche.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Y'know... In a perfect world, comments like this should be considered political suicide, but nope. Just another Friday for the GOP and Tea party.

Indeed. And in a related story, Tea bagger fuckstick, Judson Philips says if Obama's gonna continue asking for Romney's tax forms, he has to provide his college transcripts and such to prove he wasn't a crack smoking homosexual who got into Harvard and Columbia cause of Affirmative action. No, seriously:



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
This is the first and probably last time I'll ever ask for a link to reddit.

Here, a collection of some of the better ones:


Lol some of that stuff is good.

The best one was the one I posted earlier, I'm not going to crap up the thread with a bunch of them which is why I just linked to them.
Political news came to a standstill with the tragedy in Colorado, so not much to talk about at the moment.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Here, a collection of some of the better ones:


The best one was the one I posted earlier, I'm not going to crap up the thread with a bunch of them which is why I just linked to them.
Political news came to a standstill with the tragedy in Colorado, so not much to talk about at the moment.

Political talk is literally deadlocked by both sides fear of the gun lobby. Republicans know it's evil and shut the fuck up out of some modicum of taste. Democrats are afraid of the money and the base. I don't know which is more venal and pathetic. This country has a serious gun problem and the NRA is a bigger problem than the weapons.
Political talk is literally deadlocked by both sides fear of the gun lobby. Republicans know it's evil and shut the fuck up out of some modicum of taste. Democrats are afraid of the money and the base. I don't know which is more venal and pathetic. This country has a serious gun problem and the NRA is a bigger problem than the weapons.
I think we could hash out some reasonable restrictions on gun ownership while still preserving the second amendment, too bad the gun fetishists don't ever want to negotiate.
My main problem with gun control is that while yes, Japan has low gun violence and all that, but it's a COMPLETELY different culture and mindset than us.

Yeah, we do what Japan does, cool. But criminals here will ALWAYS find a way to get a weapon, always, always, always. Now I'm not saying, yeah, concealed weapons fuck yeah! But still, I'm not entirely sold on the idea that we should just use Japan as our model for gun laws
My main problem with gun control is that while yes, Japan has low gun violence and all that, but it's a COMPLETELY different culture and mindset than us.

Yeah, we do what Japan does, cool. But criminals here will ALWAYS find a way to get a weapon, always, always, always. Now I'm not saying, yeah, concealed weapons fuck yeah! But still, I'm not entirely sold on the idea that we should just use Japan as our model for gun laws

I don't think anyone needs assault weapons for self defense.

I don't see any good by laws/loopholes that allow selling of guns at gun fairs without proper background checks.


I don't think anyone needs assault weapons for self defense.

I don't see any good by laws/loopholes that allow selling of guns at gun fairs without proper background checks.

When the Zombie apocolypse finally arrives, it will be Americas chance to laugh at the rest of the world once more.


Political talk is literally deadlocked by both sides fear of the gun lobby. Republicans know it's evil and shut the fuck up out of some modicum of taste. Democrats are afraid of the money and the base. I don't know which is more venal and pathetic. This country has a serious gun problem and the NRA is a bigger problem than the weapons.
The US first and foremost has a crime and mental health problem.
Gun violence is just a single aspect of it, and honestly, I think liberals tend to overstate it a bit too much (I'm guilty of that as well).

assault rifles have no use for civilians, unless they intend to massacre random people.
Most people own them because they enjoy shooting them.
You can say that's not enough of a reason to allow them, but don't make every rifle owner a killing maniac.


For example, I worked at a grocery store for about 5 years. After college and having to repay my loans and stuff I really wanted to move up. I wasn't getting lucky in my field, so I wanted to move up in the company I was with. I tried everything. I put in resumes and applications to almost every opening higher up in the company. In the end they were just confused.

But you said this was after college; didn't you have a degree?

A friend of mine was an assistant store manager at Albertsons for about a year after college. He said that since he had a degree, he could have become a store manager after some time. He ended up getting hired on at a tech startup, but the opportunity was there.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The US first and foremost has a crime and mental health problem.

It's true that we don't spend enough on mental health, furthermore there is a stigma attached to talking to a psychiatrist/psychologist (really anybody in general), which is total bullshit.


This student loan discussion is why I'm very pessimistic about the future of our country. No one seems to care that we're loading up the future (and current) drivers of our economy with a huge ball and chain right out of the gate. There are no signs of this practice slowing.

I had a discussion with my dad about this the other day.

He went right into the vanilla conservative "Well they knew what they were signing, didn't they? No one forced them to take out those loans?" argument. After that, he moved on to "What's the answer? Having the taxpayers subsidize it?"

As with many other problems, one of the biggest challenges in getting anything done about the cost of education in the U.S. is the extremely simplistic, two-dimensional mindset that many conservatives bring to the debate.

You know the mindset I'm talking about. On tax policy: "He worked for that money; it's his. Why should the government get to confiscate it?" On the Catholic hospital birth control debate: "Why should the government get to tell a religious organization what they have to cover if it goes against their beliefs?" On national healthcare: "I've always taken care of myself. Why can't other people do the same?"

It's an unwillingness or inability to understand that millions of people making individual decisions can have a massive deleterious effect on the nation as a whole.


But you said this was after college; didn't you have a degree?

A friend of mine was an assistant store manager at Albertsons for about a year after college. He said that since he had a degree, he could have become a store manager after some time. He ended up getting hired on at a tech startup, but the opportunity was there.

Yeah I did have a degree, but I didn't have a degree in precisely what they wanted, I guess. Really, it's kind of a long, annoying story:

I had graduated, and couldn't find much in my field outside of the store I worked, so I stayed there. I had been there about 4 years at the time, and a job came up in corporate at that place for a graphic design (what I went to school for) internship. For the most part it was kind of the marketing department's internship in general. The position would do odd jobs for whoever needed it. Whatever, sounded awesome to me. I didn't mind being everyone's bitch, so to say, lol. I applied, enthusiastically. I got a call interview, and then went in and did an in person interview. Then, nothing. I didn't hear from them for quite some time, so I had to call in and bug them to figure out what had happened. I figured since I worked for them they'd at least let me know, but they didn't. They hired someone with a master's degree for the position. Yeah, doesn't make much sense to me, I know, since I figured that person would just quit when they found a real non-internship job.

So I keep trucking along. In this job I'm basically doing 3 people's work at once. I don't mean this to toot my own horn. I was literally doing 3 people's jobs. When I was not on the schedule they had 3 different people doing those things. At this point I've learned everything in my department and more. I'm pretty knowledgeable about how everything works, and there's really not much left to learn, so I'm also feeling antsy. I want to move up. I'm still not finding anything in my field outside this place, so I start applying to the listings they have for other stuff. I apply for my department's manager, and other stores they own for manager of that same department, figuring I know a pretty good amount about that department. I also apply for a few other upper type positions, and a few things in corporate. I also emphasize to them on my resumes that on top of working for them for 4 years and knowing pretty well everything about the department and how they work, my minor is in marketing, so I've taken management classes. At one point I have a talk with HR about trying to move up, and they basically tell me if something comes up they'll let me know, especially in my expertise.

Anyway, I get nothing back from them for all of these things, and I'm getting a little frustrated. But, another ray of light shines. That person that I said was going to leave indeed did leave. So, that graphic design position goes up again. Incidentally their stupid HR didn't contact me about it or anything, either. I had to stumble upon the posting... Anyway, I apply again, and then hear nothing. I had to call up again a few times until they said they went through the process and didn't give me an interview because they saw my stuff last time.

After that I had a meeting with my store manager, because HR was confused. They were apparently so confused at me trying to move up in the company they just didn't understand what was going on. They didn't know why I was applying to so many different avenues. That's when my manager told me straight up that just hard work doesn't get you into those positions. You need the degree and to have already had experience in them, normally. That was his personal note, but HR officially just didn't understand what I wanted. They wanted me to pick one thing and only take a chance on that. In other words, since I had a design degree they felt like I didn't really want any of those other jobs. But I did. Quite honestly I'd be happy with whatever career path I got put down. If that's design, awesome. If it isn't, then whatever. I just wanted to move up and perhaps get my foot in the door of corporate, so I could have other opportunities. They kind of wanted me to literally make a choice right there, except they weren't going to train me or do anything in order to guarantee they might have something in that area. Basically if I told them I wanted to eventually do manager of my particular apartment, then in their minds I'd be locked out of graphic design. If I said I was still interested in possibly doing design stuff later, then I was locked out of doing any management stuff. It was just a really weird conversation, I'll admit.

That's also when I learned that the 2nd time the design position opened they just quickly gave it to another guy who was hired in corporate for something else. He told them he really wanted to do design, but took that job to get his foot in the door... in other words, precisely what I was trying to do, except when I did it that confused them...

Realistically I suppose they were just horribly poorly managed. They have a hard time keeping any managers around, and they hire managers really stupidly (always from outside with experience, but with no idea how this particular company operates). I also went through some other stupid stuff before I finally left a year ago that proved their overall incompetence with managing things. Still, I have had other friends that echoed the same sentiment, that companies were mostly hiring from outside and getting people who already had experience and had the degree. I feel like the people I know that were able to move up in companies had already been moved up before the recession really hit, and after the recession hit companies knew they could get their dream candidates for any opening, so why bother with moving people up?

I had a discussion with my dad about this the other day.

He went right into the vanilla conservative "Well they knew what they were signing, didn't they? No one forced them to take out those loans?" argument. After that, he moved on to "What's the answer? Having the taxpayers subsidize it?"

As with many other problems, one of the biggest challenges in getting anything done about the cost of education in the U.S. is the extremely simplistic, two-dimensional mindset that many conservatives bring to the debate.

You know the mindset I'm talking about. On tax policy: "He worked for that money; it's his. Why should the government get to confiscate it?" On the Catholic hospital birth control debate: "Why should the government get to tell a religious organization what they have to cover if it goes against their beliefs?" On national healthcare: "I've always taken care of myself. Why can't other people do the same?"

It's an unwillingness or inability to understand that millions of people making individual decisions can have a massive deleterious effect on the nation as a whole.

Yeah, your last point bugs the hell out of me, too. When it becomes of national concern, then your stupid personal responsibility arguments or whatever fly out the window as far as I'm concerned. And at this point the student loan problem is of national concern. It doesn't matter how many people knew what they were signing or whatever, it's of national concern. You can get to the personal responsibility crap after we figure out the problem.

Luckily this is one of the few things I agree with my dad on. He's a tea partier type, but on this one particular issue he believes in student loan forgiveness. His view is that "You did everything right. You did what our generation told you to do, and now you're screwed. That's not fair." I think the thing is that he respects me and the work I did to get through college, since he dropped out of high school. So, college is a big deal to him, and that's why he pushed me and my sister through it. He knows how hard I work and how good I am at what I do, so he can realistically see it isn't some personal responsibility issue. Also, he didn't realize himself the reality of the payments I'd have, and how crippling they would be.

That and he does understand that it's of a national concern. As much as he falls for the weird conservative mantra sometimes, he does know that money into the middle class is a good thing, and he knows that my generation not having money to put back into the economy is a bad thing.


This whole student loan discussion is really depressing. I finished my Associate's and is looking to transfer to a 4 year school next Spring. I'm beginning the process of seriously researching what schools to go to. The last thing I want is to get out of school loaded with $10s of thousands of dollars in debt, so I'm looking at the cheapest schools in my area and applying for every scholarship and grant I can find that I'm eligible for. Even then, I'm afraid I'm going to have to make some kind of student loan.


Man, arguing with stupid conservatives on the internet is so aggravating... just told one of them that Obama is realistically a center right politician and that the individual mandate which he despised is actually a republican idea. "He was all WTF where did you learn that BS, it's not a conservative idea!" Boy the republican propaganda machine is good spreading that crap... made them actually forget history. I mean hell he didn't even seem get the fucking connection to Mitt Romney. I could forgive him for not remembering that it was a conservative idea way longer than before that, but not even really thinking of that? Crazy...

This whole student loan discussion is really depressing. I finished my Associate's and is looking to transfer to a 4 year school next Spring. I'm beginning the process of seriously researching what schools to go to. The last thing I want is to get out of school loaded with $10s of thousands of dollars in debt, so I'm looking at the cheapest schools in my area and applying for every scholarship and grant I can find that I'm eligible for. Even then, I'm afraid I'm going to have to make some kind of student loan.

Yeah, be diligent with scholarships and grants. I stupidly wasn't. I got a $25,000 scholarship to my school, and that's a large reason I went there, but other than that I didn't go for anything else. Again, I guess I just didn't really have a concept of what I'd have to actually pay back then. I was a stupid kid making stupid decisions...


I am pretty lucky that my parents live within easy driving distance of UCLA and are able and willing to let me live there while I'm going to school. Not having to pay for a dorm or apartment will make a serious difference.
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