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WTF. Are you daft?

Just waiting for one of these predictions to actually come true, rather than trying to fake it and equate a weather pattern to proof (comically, after being told for a decade weather was not climate).

Should anyone want to make an avatar bet on that Florida map in 2099, I'm game (I plan on still being alive)

The solution to climate change: move.

It has been shockingly effective throughout human history as Earth has warmed and cooled.


So all that needs to happen to prevent another Miami Heat championship for the rest of time is a 3' rise in ocean levels?

What can I do to make global warming happen today?


So, today Obama will be speaking about 10min away from my office, and the older, teabagger lady co-worker is whining about it. She complained about how Obama only goes to blue & swing states, never has "the balls" to go to red state for an event, like Mitt does for blue states. I didn't want to crush her Fox News-reality by telling her the Lone Star state has been good for Obama.

But I understand her complaint about Obama speaking 10min from here at 4:10pm. Traffic may be a headache on the way home.

You can start here

Im assuming thats it. Although he posts like a machine so that might not be it.

Like most of his posts, he was clearly just trying to annoy/troll others in that thread. Manos was asking for it.

FYI, this is what your state looks like with a 3' rise in global sea level, the head of the University of Miami's Geosciences dept. predicts that's coming by about 2099:.

hmm...so I'll have beach front property in the not-so-distant future? nice



American inflation is below 2 percent today. Economically speaking, it would actually be good for everybody if we printed some cash -- we might actually get some growth. If Bernanke would get off the pot, that is.


So as a Floridian you aren't the least bit concerned about coastal land loss due to global climate change?

You know, the thing Obama's EPA is trying to mitigate through regulating greenhouse gas emissions until we better understand what exactly is happening.

FYI, this is what your state looks like with a 3' rise in global sea level, the head of the University of Miami's Geosciences dept. predicts that's coming by about 2099:
Do you have any friends or family in the military? Thanks to Obama's foreign policy we're already mostly out of Iraq and have a real timetable to get out of Afghanistan.

Obama displayed the kind of geo-political stance many of us have been wanting for quite some time when he "led from behind" on Libya, keeping U.S. troops off the ground and U.S. financial commitments to a minimum.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Obama created) has put more protections in place for consumers than almost all the laws before it combined with regards to how lenders and the like must deal with consumers. They just hit Capital One with a $210M fine (the vast majority of which is being returned to consumers) for outright fraud in how it marketed card features to those consumers.

Now if you aren't just Florida-centric he did also keep Detroit from turning completely into a 3rd world city and saved several major U.S. jobs providers in the auto industry, with money that has almost all been paid back.

Hell, if you just like "America - FUCK YEA!" stories he got Bin Laden and had snipers shoot Somali pirates from the deck of an aircraft carrier like a billion miles away on the high seas. Pretty baller shit there.
Not even remotely worried about loss of coastline. Beach erosion was happening here before I came to the US in'86. The CFPA stuff sounds cool, but I thought those lax CC policies were enacted under a Dem-controlled Congress. I don't care about Detroit and its self-inflicted wounds, nor the frivolous war on terror. Like I said, he's done little for me personally.

Because then we just wind up with two extremist factions and this country goes to hell in a hand basket.

You're literally complaining about your elected representatives acting like intelligent, compromising, adults as opposed to whiny little children, which apparently is your preference.
Agreed to a point, but let's take healthcare for example. The initial proposal by a Dem-controlled government never even had a public option, much less single-payer system. That's not extreme, that's upholding your parties policies and offering something for your base. They started from a position of compromise and it only got worse from there. Why? Because elected Dems don't believe in their platform enough to actually back it. They thought they'd catch backlash and lose their jobs. Well...look at the Reps. Dudes are going in raw, already calling for a complete repeal of the plan. That' could be called extreme, or could be considered starting with your principles before you compromise.

One party believes its policies and concepts are right. One party will just do whatever it takes to please their constituents. I didn't vote for Obama for pseudo-Republican policies. I thought I was voting for change. Obama takes a ton of blame for the way healthcare turned out IMO.

People vote republican because they fear change. That fear is born out of 1. loving their white privilege 2. fearing all other races 3. not wanting to learn anything new. I'd say when presented with people who push for the opposite of those agendas (like the current POTUS) those of us who actually give a damn and have some self awareness are responsible or standing up and supporting them.

Obama is the best president this country has had in over 30 years. Just because he doesn't have carte blanche to push every liberal agenda, or doesn't even care to push every liberal agenda, he's suddenly an "ineffective" president to many on the left. Dude just can't win with some people.

And FYI, his health care plan (while flawed) is a massive improvement over what we had, its not his fault if some people refuse to handle their shit like grown ass adults.
Not all Reps are white. Lots of hispanics and some blacks vote Rep too. Why? I have no clue. However, it's certainly not due to white privilege.

Obama might or might not be better than Clinton IMO, but that's kind of irrelevant. If this is the best effort we can get from the best president in 30 years, then you tell me what motivation I should have to vote for him again. I'm a liberal. I don't consider that a bad word, so I don't want to keep voting for people who treat it like a bad word. Democrats seems far too scared of being labeled liberal...with some exceptions, of course.

An improvement? OK. But now we're stuck on this particular path, being mandated to pay a for-profit industry that's shown not an ounce of scruples up to this point. Short of the Reps repealing it and basically hitting the reset button, there's no way we're gonna get any sort of public option. One of the arguments at the time was that we needed to get some sort of foothold with the plan, but did anyone think it would all be privatized? In a way, haven't we done part of the Reps' work for them? They've wanted to privatize Medicare (and Social Security), and this is a step in that direction. It frustrates me to no end.

Anyway, thanks for the well thought out response. I've just kinda of lost my patience with it all now and I feel more comfortable voting for a true liberal that will lose than a moderate who'll win and just frustrate me some more. At least I don't feel like I'm going against my principles that way. PEACE.


Re: Eduction -- late to the topic but online education will probably solve the education and student loan crisis in the long term. We've reached the point now that a well delivered online course is roughly the equivalent of a lecture hall style classroom, and should be appropriate for most 101 and 201 level topics.

The only thing missing is the legitimacy of online education, but I think that is a problem that's already solving itself. We just need to kick the bit players out of the space and get more traditionally successful universities to start participating.


Not even remotely worried about loss of coastline. Beach erosion was happening here before I came to the US in'86. The CFPA stuff sounds cool, but I thought those lax CC policies were enacted under a Dem-controlled Congress. I don't care about Detroit and its self-inflicted wounds, nor the frivolous war on terror. Like I said, he's done little for me personally.
So you think the "war on terror" is frivolous but the guy ending that useless spending didn't do something good by getting us out of it?

Who cares who passed those lax CC policies (FYI, its long been a bipartisan effort)? Obama made it a priority to put some lock downs on it.

Detroit's wounds might have been self inflicted, but you can't say it was bad policy or that it didn't have major positive impacts on the nation as a whole. What amounted to a now nearly repaid loan has helped save a major economic backbone of this country. Those self inflicted wounds would have hurt the entire nation if the bleeding hadn't been stemmed at the source.

Not all Reps are white. Lots of hispanics and some blacks vote Rep too. Why? I have no clue. However, it's certainly not due to white privilege.
And those are the ones who fear change (typically in the form of gay rights). Not all of the three apply to every conservative, but almost always at least one does.

Obama might or might not be better than Clinton IMO, but that's kind of irrelevant.
Clinton was a con man who is responsible for large portions of our current economic clusterfuck. Who do you think signed off on Gramm-Leach-Bliley, which removed Glass-Steagall? Then one foot out the door Bill Clinton who never pushed for long term reform and instead just worked to inflate the economic bubble so he looked good. He was a charlatan, nothing more. The only recent POTUS to give Obama a real run for his money in terms of being a responsible leader was George H.W. Bush, and he got turned into a one term president by not being a self serving ideologue. Now people like you refuse to keep the current guy from suffering the same fate.

If this is the best effort we can get from the best president in 30 years, then you tell me what motivation I should have to vote for him again. I'm a liberal. I don't consider that a bad word, so I don't want to keep voting for people who treat it like a bad word. Democrats seems far too scared of being labeled liberal...with some exceptions, of course.
So a president who has publicly endorsed gay rights, has openly acknowledged that private sector only exists thanks to public sector services, and is trying to patch all the massive holes in our social safety net is running from the term "liberal"? He doesn't rule with an iron fist. Sounds like you want a liberal president who at the same time agrees with Bush's joke the being president would be a heck of a lot easier if this was a dictatorship.

An improvement? OK. But now we're stuck on this particular path, being mandated to pay a for-profit industry that's shown not an ounce of scruples up to this point. Short of the Reps repealing it and basically hitting the reset button, there's no way we're gonna get any sort of public option. One of the arguments at the time was that we needed to get some sort of foothold with the plan, but did anyone think it would all be privatized? In a way, haven't we done part of the Reps' work for them? They've wanted to privatize Medicare (and Social Security), and this is a step in that direction. It frustrates me to no end.
You do know that one of the main arguments the far right makes against Obamacare is that it has, in their view, locked us into a path towards the public option, right?

States are going to be required to set up insurance exchanges of some kind. Already we see Vermont's solution to that being a single payer model. The fear on the right is that once these exchanges are set up more and more companies will just dump their employees along with the required fee into the gov't. managed exchange. More progressive states will take up single payer models more quickly, but in the end enough people will be working through the exchange and that exchange will be regulated enough on both the federal and state levels to bring it as close to single payer as you can get without outright shuttering insurance companies.

Then as their profit margins shrink they'll be reduced to nothing more than a servicing company who effectively manages your gov't. run healthcare.

The notion that we could step from where we were pre-2008 straight into a single payer system, killing several of the largest companies in this nation instantly, is a fantasy. They have too much power, too many lobbyists, and honestly employ too many people. Instead Obamacare creates a roadmap by which those companies will likely be starved into the margins and then more easily replaced.

Rep. John Conyers (Dem from Michigan) speaks to that here.

Anyway, thanks for the well thought out response. I've just kinda of lost my patience with it all now and I feel more comfortable voting for a true liberal that will lose than a moderate who'll win and just frustrate me some more. At least I don't feel like I'm going against my principles that way. PEACE.
The big problem with your viewpoint is that you're painting Obama with too broad a brush. You're assigning to him all the failures of the democratically controlled congress and senate, when those weren't things he could truly control.

Within the scope of the presidency Obama has been an incredibly progressive president without descending into full blown left wing extremism. His foreign policy management is better than what any left wing ideologue could ever dream up. His economic efforts are being focused on long term gains, not quick fixes that give us nothing. His social reforms are the most comprehensive of any democrat since FDR brought us the New Deal. Yet somehow that isn't good enough because he should have been able to crack the whip from day one and make the entire party deliver us some sort of leftist utopia?

I've always said that about 95% of the politicians in this country are con men out for their own and nothing else. Regardless of what letter is in parenthesis after a guy's name, if I can feel secure in the fact that he's part of the remaining 5% and actually gives a shit he's got my vote. Barack Obama is just about the most obvious example of someone in that 5% you'll find in D.C. today. Its the obligation of all rational individuals to stand up for the handful of politicians who actually want to improve this country by keeping them in office for as long as possible.

This doesn't mean what you think it means. In fact, the opposite. Zimbabwe could never run out of these, it can only run out of things to buy with them. In other words, you're asking the wrong question. If you want to make a point that hyperinflation can occur under certain circumstances--a different assertion from one that a currency-issuing government can go bankrupt--and that the US is in danger of this like Zimbabwe, you will have to explain how the US economy is similar to Zimbabwe's economy at the time.

(Also, I have one of these.)


I got in a long argument with a friend who told me I have to vote for Obama because I come from a battleground state (Florida). I told her I voted for him in 2008, but since then, he's done nothing for me. I didn't care for his shitty healthcare plan and didn't like the way it came about. Ironically, I would have love a single-payer system, but forcing me (and others) to private insurers has pissed me off to no end. There's been nothing else of note that he's done that's impacted my life in any significant way.

So I told her, I'm going back to voting Green, or whatever other candidate I personally like. My rationale is that while I'm put off by much of the Republican party, I don't feel I should be forced to vote for someone else just because they represent the lesser of two evils. She's like, "so what happens if Mitt wins this year?"

My reply, "You have to accept the fact that we are outnumbered in this state and country by idiots. If that many people willingly vote for shitty policies and candidates, then why keep fighting it? At some point you need to stop fighting a losing battle between Douchebag and Turd Sandwich and just vote your conscience.

I don't understand why Reps always push extremist, borderline retarded platforms when in power, but everytime the Dems get power, they can only push through marginalized, watered-down crap that doesn't even adhere to the party's platform. I'm tired of it. If Dems want my vote, then instead of becoming moderate pussies that only look out for their jobs, once elected, then they need to stand by their platform and stop wilting everytime they get pressed. Give liberal ideas a chance to grab a foothold.

IMO, the reason people readily vote Republican is because at least they stick by their guns. Love them or hate them, they don't compromise a whole lot. You know what Republican policies and concepts are because they bludgeon you to death with them. The Democrat platform has been so diluted it's hard to even tell where Dems stand. Democrats don't have confidence in their own platform. Who really wants to vote for a party that can't even hold up its own principles? Ugh.

So...this Fall I'll be voting Green, if I even vote at all. That's gonna be 1 more liberal, Floridian vote not going to Obama. I hope he wins, because he's better than Mittens, but I refuse to vote for this bullshit anymore. Something's gotta give. Dems are still Republican-lite, and that's not cutting it anymore. Rant off. PEACE.
I look at voting as a strategic move. I don't like everything Obama or the dems do, but they're much closer to what I want to see happening so I want them to not just do good, but do great.

If both sides continue to only do 'okay' we'll be stuck like this forever. If you vote third party, you're merely perpetuating this 'middle of the road' dynamic that you rant against.

But if you want to see more liberalism, you want the dems to demolish the republicans. When elected offices are continuously stacked with dems, it will signal a shift in the electorate. We'd then have the option to vote for moderate liberals and more extreme liberals.

It will take small changes over time. Baby steps are still steps in the right direction.


The Cryptarch's Bane

that... was... insane.

"It does make me wonder, with all those people in the theater, was there nobody that was carrying a gun that could have stopped this guy more quickly?" he asked.
The dude threw two canisters of tear gas into the crowd. Someone blindly returning fire in a packed movie theater (it was a goddamned midnight showing) would have improved the situation in his God-fearing eyes?


Obsidian fan
that... was... insane.

The dude threw two canisters of tear gas into the crowd. Someone blindly returning fire in a packed movie theater (it was a goddamned midnight showing) would have improved the situation in his God-fearing eyes?

Earthly tear gas does not impair the Hand of God.
The dude threw two canisters of tear gas into the crowd. Someone blindly returning fire in a packed movie theater (it was a goddamned midnight showing) would have improved the situation in his God-fearing eyes?
IIRC he was also wearing bulletproof armor, wasn't he?


The Cryptarch's Bane
IIRC he was also wearing bulletproof armor, wasn't he?
Yes. And a ballistics helmet and gas mask. This was an act of an unbridled madman; the best bet any of us have of preventing something like this from occurring probably would be divine intervention.

I guess America hasn't been praying hard enough...
Yes. And a ballistics helmet and gas mask. This was an act of an unbridled madman; the best bet any of us have of preventing something like this from occurring probably would be divine intervention.

I guess America hasn't been praying hard enough...

Unlike a lot of other shooters, he was armed to cause maximum damage without being taken down.


Like I said, he's done little for me personally.

This sums up the problem with the American mentality pretty well. If the President isn't doing things "for you" then you can't approve of his policies. Never mind what may be good for the welfare of the country, or even the planet / world / humanity in general. Me me me.
I will not publicly announce the college debt my wife and I have. I don't even want to think about it.

Same here. I'll just say that ours is equivalent to the cost of a small condo in Washington, DC. Quite depressing. It's like we're paying two mortgages.


Same here. I'll just say that ours is equivalent to the cost of a small condo in Washington, DC. Quite depressing. It's like we're paying two mortgages.

my wife carries the load on that one. She went for her doctorate in a field that pays... ok. Mine is done, we spent time on her credit cards that she used to live on while she was in school. Its no condo level, but it more then enough for a downpayment on a really nice place in Philly


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Same here. I'll just say that ours is equivalent to the cost of a small condo in Washington, DC. Quite depressing. It's like we're paying two mortgages.

my wife carries the load on that one. She went for her doctorate in a field that pays... ok. Mine is done, we spent time on her credit cards that she used to live on while she was in school. Its no condo level, but it more then enough for a downpayment on a really nice place in Philly

Geez, guys...wtf.


Same here. I'll just say that ours is equivalent to the cost of a small condo in Washington, DC. Quite depressing. It's like we're paying two mortgages.

Yeah, mine's depressing as hell too. I've got, I think, about $45,000-$50,000 in student debt. My wife has somewhere around $6000 (thank god she dropped out).

I'll be paying off the government for 15 years total, and that payment will keep going up. I'll be paying Sallie Mae for 30 years, but those payments will stay about the same. Right now my payments are about $350 or so per month, and my wife pays $80.

What's really shitty about that debt is that without that debt we could move on with our lives. We could think about a house, or think about having a kid. But the way it is now, it's just too large of a payment every month, so we're just stuck waiting for me to find a much higher paying job.


I like how everyone is ignoring the polls of Virginia that have come out recently with Obama up high single digits over Romney because Quinnipac has one where they're tied.

Even Ras has him up in Ohio, he's leading in Iowa relative to his national numbers, and seriously he's not losing in Michigan.
To my knowledge, a PPP poll is the only recent poll estimating a large lead for Obama in Virginia. Could you provide the other polls? Otherwise, the three most recent polls estimate a closer race.
The inanity of that statement is only surpassed by the number of conservative Christians who share it. It's axiomatic that most of our social ills resulted from taking God out of schools.
Thanks guys. New question. Is anyone else really upset with Syria and the UN? I cant believe how awful China and Russia are being now. The UN just seems like a joke. Why hasnt the president been speaking out? Why don't we stop them, USA, England, France, get in there.
The violence in Syria is unfortunate. But I don't understand the exasperation at China and Russia. Ignoring their strategic concerns, they're not exactly paragons of liberalism. I'd be more surprised if they acceded to measures condemning an authoritarian regime for violating human rights. And although your sentiments regarding the UN are ubiquitous, it stems from a misunderstanding of the UN's role. Effectively, the UN, or more accurately the UNSC, is a platform to conduct major power relations. And it functions ably in that capacity. Further, I suspect we've refrained from intervening because it would be imprudent. The responsibility of deposing and then administering the transition necessitates a major commitment with a high probability of deteriorating into a regional quagmire. Unfortunately, nobility is not invariably feasible.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I didn't realize that when Ann Romney said "We have given all you people what you need to know" that she was talking to a black reporter.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I didn't realize that when Ann Romney said "We have given all you people what you need to know" that she was talking to a black reporter.

Ohhhhhhh. Oh, that makes more sense. I wondered what people were making a fuss about. I mean, I still think that was a stupid quote to jump on, but it makes a bit more sense now.


I didn't realize that when Ann Romney said "We have given all you people what you need to know" that she was talking to a black reporter.

lol, then I guess it is pretty funny. Not a gaffe or anything, really, but kind of a funny coincidence.


Geez, guys...wtf.

What? Its pretty standard.

My wife was the valedictorian of her high school, had a full tuition scholarship to undergrad, graduated magna cum laude, top student in her department, got a fully funded graduate assitantship for her M.A., completed it in record time (20 months), then got a fully funded graduate assistantship for her PhD. She's gotten one B in her entire life, and that was our junior year of undergrad when she took an 18 hour credit load while being the TA for three 100 person 101 lectures. That class was a gen ed. requirement directly overlapped by one of her lectures so she literally never went and lost 10 points on the final grade for "attendance".

She finished with $100,000 in college loans. Because it doesn't matter how awesome you are, if you aren't in the hard sciences pursuing a graduate degree means stipends that barely beat out doing 20 hours a week at Starbucks, far too small to cover cost of living. She had to take out loans all through school just to have a place to live and a way to get to classes/work.

Hell, I graduated with $20K in debt and I:
1. received $14K in scholarships my first year of college, with $4K of annual renewal scholarships.
2. worked between two and three jobs every year I was in college. My last two years of school I spent my summers pulling asbestos 10-12 hours a day M-F, then worked 8-10 hours Saturday and Sunday landscaping under the table for a friend. Once the school year started I worked a part time work study job M-F while taking classes, still did landscaping and snow removal every Sat and Sun for 8-10 hours, and spent both Christmas breaks and spring breaks back pulling asbestos.

That was so I could cover what the government deemed my parents reasonable contribution to my education while still affording a home, a car (no public transportation available in town), books, etc..

For a lot of people going to college isn't exactly easy.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I don't care that it is standard practice, it is asinine to take on that much debt for jobs that don't create that much income in return...

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

Well if this is just hysterics, it's fucking working. I'm having a panic attack.

You know, its funny, just yesterday I was reading Foundation and Earth for the first time and one of the characters says that a planet could have been rendered uninhabitable by its population's disregard for the environment and the other character rejects it, saying "I find it hard to believe that any group of people could behave so foolishly as to not recognize the importance of sustaining the system that keeps them alive"
This sums up the problem with the American mentality pretty well. If the President isn't doing things "for you" then you can't approve of his policies. Never mind what may be good for the welfare of the country, or even the planet / world / humanity in general. Me me me.

If the world burns, at least he can look back and say he didn't compromise his principles. We should all be so fortunate.


I don't care that it is standard practice, it is asinine to take on that much debt for jobs that don't create that much income in return...

It's either that or give up on your dreams and a chance at upwards mobility. I exaggerate a bit, but that's how it feels to young people nowadays.
I don't care that it is standard practice, it is asinine to take on that much debt for jobs that don't create that much income in return...

It's the American way! Haven't you heard that the solution to the structural/policy changes (free trade, de-unionization) to replace living wage, blue collar jobs in this country is for everyone to earn BAs?


I don't care that it is standard practice, it is asinine to take on that much debt for jobs that don't create that much income in return...

I would agree. My wife regrets even pursuing her PhD. This from a woman who was told at every level that she was the most exceptional student they've had. She literally TAed lecture classes for two years in undergrad, managed a published journal in her masters, and organized full on academic conferences while doing her PhD.

If that kind of person can't pursue the highest level of education without regret in this country that is pretty damn fucked up.

My debt I knew was coming because despite being an exceptional individual I was born into a very poor, very rural family. Is what it is. My earnings have more than off-set any debt I took on.

But hey, on the subject of "Obama kicks ass any nobody ever talks about it", the income based repayment system he sponsored, got passed, and then moved the timetable up on sure is making it easier to manage my wife's mountain of debt. That and her debt will be forgiven if it's not fully paid in 10 years anyways because she helps vets who's brains have been turned to mashed potatoes from bomb attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan learn how to function in society.
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