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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Unconfirmed Member
Alt-right people attacking Sanders hard on Twitter now.

Also strong rumors from the pro-wrasslin' side that Linda McMahon (former WWE CEO) is going to be Trump's Sec. of Commerce.


Can't someone tell trump that these aren't ceremonial positions, and we kinda need competent people there? What's wrong with just giving them ambassador positions for rewards?


James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, submitted his letter of resignation.

This is normal. All of the people in these types of roles have to submit resignation by the end of the presidency and Clapper in particular has been itching to get out for over a year.

And yeah, the fake news issue is infuriating. Ben Sasse tweeted this morning asking why the press wasn't looking into paid protesters. He at least got an earful.
Who else made Breitbart's 52 elitist coastal counties list? I feel so honored!


Bronx County? Is that a joke?

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
White support for Donald Trump was driven by economic anxiety, but also by racism and sexism

Read whilst remembering that correlation is not causation. But it's still thought-provoking.

Trump resonated so strongly with a lot of white people because he wasn't just promising to break up the hated government and bring back all the blue collar jobs and industry. He laced his promises with a strong racial component that spoke to the ambient culture of a lot of whites. The mythology is deeply embedded among certain white demographics of the foreigner coming to America and taking everything away, especially jobs.

For a lot of people their economic anxiety is almost inseparably fused with a prejudiced myth. Many of these people may not be Evil Racists who wish to actively hurt non-whites - but they may be vulnerable to such radicalization - but they do carry a lot of deep resentment towards non-whites who are a symbol of white people being sabotaged.

In a relatively normal election cycle a democrat going to the rust belt and trying to reach out might have done more good. The sheer degree of howling white rage Trump incited though; makes me wonder even if Clinton or Sanders worked with rural whites, they'd still have gone with Trump because he wasn't just promising to help them. He understood the "reality" of their life that politically correct democrats try to cover up in order to protect the minorities ruining everything.


Trump talking to world leaders without being briefed or prepped increases the chances we're going to see a declaration of war under his presidency. He's way to carefree with the important stuff, can easily see him saying the wrong shit.

I'm reminded of Star Trek: Enterprise, where every time they encountered a new alien race, they managed to cock-up somehow.

Clinton's speech at the Children Defense Fund yesterday is like a ghost of what could have been a President who actually cared for children and would have done good things for them,

Trump's win is way more painful when considering would could have been

Yeah, that's what gets me, too. Everything we're worried about will recover in time (save for the climate, maybe), but the after-effects (emotional/psychological as well as physical) of Hillary not winning will be felt long long after everything's back. Every time I think I'm over it, it hits me again how we've gone from a bright optimistic future to a literal Neo-Nazi rule.
I'm reminded of Star Trek: Enterprise, where every time they encountered a new alien race, they managed to cock-up somehow.

Yeah, that's what gets me, too. Everything we're worried about will recover in time (save for the climate, maybe), but the after-effects (emotional/psychological as well as physical) of Hillary not winning will be felt long long after everything's back. Every time I think I'm over it, it hits me again how we've gone from a bright optimistic future to a literal Neo-Nazi rule.

Supreme Court will not recover in my lifetime. We're talking a likely 6-3 maybe even 7-2 conservative tilt before Dickface's term is up.
"Elite" = any county that went for Clinton, I'm going to assume. Hey Breitbart! While you're at it, why not single out every urban area that went for her, and single out the few liberal bastion counties that break up otherwise entirely red states? To put everyone in their place, of course.

Not sure if Trump doesn't understand that cabinet positions aren't ceremonial or if he seriously can't find anyone better for it. Or that more qualified persons that are interested are of no interest to Trump. Imagine how deep he's going to go to fill out the entire roster of appointments. We're going to have people like random hotel managers getting ambassadorships.
I don't think he can find anyone better. Nobody wants to be attached to this toxic administration. Everyone with a brain knows it's going to fail, badly, in the next four years.
I was saying this a while back. Giving these people more education only has limited use. The reason we think that education has an influence on racial resentment is because we have the chain of causation wrong. If you're from an economically deprived background, you're less likely to get further education; you're also more likely to be persuaded that your situation is the black guy's fault. If you're from an economically secure background, you're more likely to get further education; you're also less likely to be swayed by racist rhetoric because all things considered your life is on the up. So education is correlated with less racial resentment... but there's no direct causal chain.

Apologies, I can't remember who I was arguing this with about whether education was more important or not, but I think I explained it better here than I remember doing when we had that discussion.

I'm not sure this is 100% correct. Higher education tends to effect your own current economic position too, which would also reduce desire to blame other races even if you came from a poor start. So education should help reduce racial resentment, to the point that it's so prevalent the economic advantage is negligible.


aka andydumi

Can't someone tell trump that these aren't ceremonial positions, and we kinda need competent people there? What's wrong with just giving them ambassador positions for rewards?

He sees his position as partly ceremonial, while the underlings do the actual work. So he probably has that same view of most other "named" positions.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not sure this is 100% correct. Higher education tends to effect your own current economic position too, which would also reduce desire to blame other races even if you came from a poor start. So education should help reduce racial resentment, to the point that it's so prevalent the economic advantage is negligible.

Higher education only increases your economic position because other people don't have it, though. Most economic studies I know of on graduate degrees conclude they result in only marginal productivity gains for workers compared to equivalent workers who did not go to college. The point of higher education is signalling - showing that you were willing to commit to study and already (prior to study) had the requisite intellect and ability. It doesn't improve your intellect or ability. So getting more people higher education doesn't really help that much. It doesn't improve their productivity, and it dulls the value of the signal - or, in other words, the more and more people do degrees, the less valuable a degree is, and so the less it improves their economic situation.

Basically, it's not the case that education leads to higher productivity leads to better pay. It's higher productivity leads to better educational attainment leads to better pay. If you want to improve people's productivity and therefore their economic position, you're actually better off offering them apprenticeships and vocational courses.


I'm not sure this is 100% correct. Higher education tends to effect your own current economic position too, which would also reduce desire to blame other races even if you came from a poor start. So education should help reduce racial resentment, to the point that it's so prevalent the economic advantage is negligible.

Anecdotal: I come from a conservative family, and was conservative myself until I went to college.


Higher education means you are more likely to see and interact with people of different ethnicities. Interaction is important when breaking down racism but when the former goes from fear to hate, then it just seems impossible.

and then there's idiots like a law prof wearing a blackface during Halloween. Fucking UO.
I love how after the media talked about Hillary's emails for 15 fucking months straight, no one cares that Trump is making unsecured phone calls to world leaders.

I hope Criss Cillizza is put in Gitmo by Trump.


Supreme Court will not recover in my lifetime. We're talking a likely 6-3 maybe even 7-2 conservative tilt before Dickface's term is up.

If he only lasts 4 years, the SC will likely look no different than it did before Scalia died.

I'm not confident Trump will be a one-term president, though I think there are some external forces that can make that happen: Trump's unpopularity + what will surely be disastrous policies + the near-certainty of another recession in the next four years. But, Americans tend to re-elect presidents than cut them off after four years, and I worry that if the sky doesn't fall by 2020 then enough people will think the Trump concerns were overblown and see little reason to not vote for him a second time.
Absolutely worst part of this election is that we have to now coddle racists, do not call them racists, understand their economic anxiety, show them why their attitudes are not nice, explain them with numbers and facts.

Fuckk all that noise. If you're a dumb shit motherfucker who thinks blacks/muslims/mexicans need to be scapegoated and made fun of, I'm not going to fucking be nice to you. You're a racist asshole and I don't really care if I hurt your feels.
Higher education only increases your economic position because other people don't have it, though. Most economic studies I know of on graduate degrees conclude they result in only marginal productivity gains for workers compared to equivalent workers who did not go to college. The point of higher education is signalling - showing that you were willing to commit to study and already (prior to study) had the requisite intellect and ability. It doesn't improve your intellect or ability. So getting more people higher education doesn't really help that much. It doesn't improve their productivity, and it dulls the value of the signal - or, in other words, the more and more people do degrees, the less valuable a degree is.

Basically, it's not the case that education leads to higher productivity leads to better pay. It's higher productivity leads to better educational attainment leads to better pay. If you want to improve people's productivity and therefore their economic position, you're actually better off offering them apprenticeships and vocational courses.

I was actually referring to Bachelor's degrees not post-grad. Post-grad is explicitly about demonstrating your capability, through demonstrating the ability to do useful research on a specific topic, rather than improving it in general ways useful to productivity (except for non-Research Masters which are basically vocational education for people with a Bachelor's).

Though I'm not disagreeing at all about benefit being due to "rarity".

Anecdotal: I come from a conservative family, and was conservative myself until I went to college.

Sure , me to. But like a lot in that basket that wasn't because my personal views changed it was because I realised there were other things to be, and a lot of my views were deeply at odds with modern conservatism. I basically jumped about 3 parties on the political spectrums.


I love how after the media talked about Hillary's emails for 15 fucking months straight, no one cares that Trump is making unsecured phone calls to world leaders.

I hope Criss Cillizza is put in Gitmo by Trump.

Everyone knew once Clinton was out of the picture no one would give a fuck about her emails. It was never an actual issue. Not a single pundit has bothered to talk about the emails in anything more than a post-mortem sense since the election ended. Nothing will come of it, nothing was going to come of it.

At the very least the card has been played to its fullest against the DNC, now it's out.
Absolutely worst part of this election is that we have to now coddle racists, do not call them racists, understand their economic anxiety, show them why their attitudes are not nice, explain them with numbers and facts.

Fuckk all that noise. If you're a dumb shit motherfucker who thinks blacks/muslims/mexicans need to be scapegoated and made fun of, I'm not going to fucking be nice to you. You're a racist asshole and I don't really care if I hurt your feels.

I don't think non-white people or Jews should show any empathy to Trump voters.

But people who are white and not Jewish have to go and try to convince these people that "hey, calling Muslims snakes is very bad." and jesus fucking christ, I want to put a nailgun to my head just thinking about having to have those conversations. We need the votes of these assholes unfortunately.
I'm not confident Trump will be a one-term president, though I think there are some external forces that can make that happen: Trump's unpopularity + what will surely be disastrous policies + the near-certainty of another recession in the next four years. But, Americans tend to re-elect presidents than cut them off after four years, and I worry that if the sky doesn't fall by 2020 then enough people will think the Trump concerns were overblown and see little reason to not vote for him a second time.

Trump is making big promises he'll never be able to keep. If he does absolutely nothing he set out to do, end NAFTA, stop companies from leaving the US, build his wall, his voters are not going to be enthusiastic.

Meanwhile, stuff like Net Neutrality and Gay Rights get worn down by GOP legislation, and this gets the Democrats fired up.

Trump's hope for 2020 is he starts a war and manages to keep it popular going into 2020, like Bush did. If he starts an unprovoked war, he's done. He'd have to retaliate to a foreign terrorist attack, which we haven't had in awhile, so unless he starts pointing to random Middle Eastern countries every time an American extremist does something stupid, he'll not have the justification needed to secure re-election during a war.
Absolutely worst part of this election is that we have to now coddle racists, do not call them racists, understand their economic anxiety, show them why their attitudes are not nice, explain them with numbers and facts.

Fuckk all that noise. If you're a dumb shit motherfucker who thinks blacks/muslims/mexicans need to be scapegoated and made fun of, I'm not going to fucking be nice to you. You're a racist asshole and I don't really care if I hurt your feels.

This week Bernie was watering down the ''percentage'' of racist voters who voted for Trump; that pissed me off.
Downplaying the truth. Ignoring the real racism

I hope he doesn't run in 2020. No more boomers.

It's Kamala time
So, I thought I'd take one for the team and check a random Brietbart article. I chose this:


I click the "source". It's an article on another shitty site, with primarily anti-Hillary articles, by an author that publishes Hillary smears. he claims "sources" told him these things.. and that's it. That's all it takes. Look at the # of comments. 10,000+

I took another one for the team, and read through them. I kept reading, and reading, and scrolling, and scrolling.. and did not come up with a SINGLE post where the story was questioned in the smallest way. Not one. It was taken as absolute fact, and face-value, no question. Because this is what people want to believe, and it simply serves as an avenue for them to further mock, deride, and demonize in their cesspool of mob mentality.


It doesn't fucking matter what is true or not anymore, and nobody fucking cares either. I have no hope. These are the kinds of sites are expanding greatly in readership and influence. I have no doubt that a couple yrs from now Brietbart will have 10X the readership it has today. As human beings we're not better than what we were 50, 100, or 500 years ago. It only took someone like Donald Trump to "go there", and get people excited about comfortably and confidently spouting their hatred again. I truly believe a huge swaths of this country would be perfectly fine with massacres and genocides in our own borders, as long as someone put a shred of effort convincing them it would benefit them.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Absolutely worst part of this election is that we have to now coddle racists, do not call them racists, understand their economic anxiety, show them why their attitudes are not nice, explain them with numbers and facts.

Fuckk all that noise. If you're a dumb shit motherfucker who thinks blacks/muslims/mexicans need to be scapegoated and made fun of, I'm not going to fucking be nice to you. You're a racist asshole and I don't really care if I hurt your feels.

Enjoy 20 more years of Trump and Trumplikes, boyo. I'm sure the situation of minorities will really improve on account of you refusing to do the dirty work and aim for conversions.

If you adopt this attitude, you are complicit in Trump's election.


Trump is making big promises he'll never be able to keep. If he does absolutely nothing he set out to do, end NAFTA, stop companies from leaving the US, build his wall, his voters are not going to be enthusiastic.

Meanwhile, stuff like Net Neutrality and Gay Rights get worn down by GOP legislation, and this gets the Democrats fired up.

Yeah, for one thing, just look at Trump's transition period. This is the easiest part of the whole process - you get people who can do jobs and put them into those jobs. But the administration just can't cope. If it can't cope with putting people into jobs, it's just going to crumble if the unemployment rate starts to swing back up, or US troops are needed somewhere.

There's no way Trump will go for re-election, and at that point, the Dems litigate the next election on the GOP and their removal of rights. Oh! And their acceptance that Trump can lay all the secrets the US has over unsecure phones lines.

The Dem base seems to assume that just because people have rights, those rights will stay - maybe this'll show them they shouldn't be so complacent.
Enjoy 20 more years of Trump and Trumplikes, boyo. I'm sure the situation of minorities will really improve on account of you refusing to do the dirty work and aim for conversions.

If you adopt this attitude, you are complicit in Trump's election.

Rusty Nails is a Muslim man. The people that elected Trump either want him dead or were indifferent to Trump's hatred of Muslims and cared more that Trump will pretend to bring factories back. These people had no empathy whatsoever to Rusty and he owes no empathy in return.

White people have to do this "outreach" and convince Trump voters that they're dumbfucks and that Muslims actually are human beings, Muslims need to stay safe

editing this post to be more accurate:

Crab has no empathy and should be ashamed of how he can care only about the pursuit of the Communist Revolution instead of understanding how Muslims feel.
Enjoy 20 more years of Trump and Trumplikes, boyo. I'm sure the situation of minorities will really improve on account of you refusing to do the dirty work and aim for conversions.

If you adopt this attitude, you are complicit in Trump's election.

"Get in line minorities, open your hearts, and minds, and ideas, to the hoses that are going to be aimed your way. You gotta be good, to show you're willing to be the better man to the racists that hate you."

This is what you sound like to me.
Enjoy 20 more years of Trump and Trumplikes, boyo. I'm sure the situation of minorities will really improve on account of you refusing to do the dirty work and aim for conversions.

If you adopt this attitude, you are complicit in Trump's election.

It's hard to have a meaningful conversation with someone if they think you are subhuman and are at best indifferent to your wellbeing.

Conversations are necessary for sure, but I don't want minorities walking up to Trump supporters and asking to share feelings. White liberals need to be the ones doing it.


I agree that sexism and racism play a part in how voters vote, and that Obama was such a damn good candidate that he had an advantage that helped shield against the racism levelled at him, and I don't want people to think that's ever been something I've argued against. The key point that I am maing is that: "America is sexist -> Clinton lost" turns something as messy as the current situation into a story so simple it can't possibly be true. Even worse, if "America is sexist -> all non-sexist candidates will lose"/"if America is racist -> all non-racist candidates will lose" becomes the way all liberals think, we're beaten before we've begun. Some Trump voters must be convertible, or we won't win. Turning away from the chance that they are just says: I will not fight the good fight; I won't battle for minorities or women (or the poor or the sick or the elderly). That's the last thing anyone needs right now.

I see where you're going with this, and I agree with you on it. What I meant was more that some parts of the US are sexist enough that Hillary had no chance of winning the majority in those parts no matter what she did, because there were enough "scandals" surrounding her that their sexist thoughts felt justified. They wouldn't have listened to a word she said if she had tried to talk to them directly.

If there's one thing I've had affirmed this election it's that propaganda works. The Republican hate machine managed to turn Hillary into the virtual devil, not only for their own base, but for a huge number of liberals as well. It doesn't matter that more than 95% of what they were spreading was likely lies or turned out to be nothing in the end. If something is repeated ad nauseum for 30+ years there must be some truth in it, right?

Hillary was a bad candidate for a presidential election, but I am certain that she would have made a good, if not excellent president. Sadly, presidential candidates are not measured on competence, or even what they say they want to do a lot of the time.


There's probably no end of the things that a Trump administration makes me extremely worried about, but the fact that Breitbart now has a direct line to the White House -- with views and slightly-less-than-overt ideologies completely validated by the fucking PRESIDENT -- is incredibly disturbing, and portends poorly for the future. And I have no idea what can be done about it. How do you discredit a media outlet that is completely detached from fact-based journalism?


"Get in line minorities, open your hearts, and minds, and ideas, to the hoses that are going to be aimed your way. You gotta be good, to show you're willing to be the better man to the racists that hate you."

This is what you sound like to me.

This again?

Crab's post: Racist A/B.

Also, Racist Cs

If I may, l'd like add Racist C, who, like Racist B, is not, at core, racist. They operate from a place of absolute antipathy; not malicious intent, because they don't care enough to actively dislike, let alone hate. This may come from a simple lack of exposure to a world other than their own, or from other factors. It may be that these folks are easier to reach than any other kind, by the simple expedient of broadening their horizons - It's a lot harder to justify voting for a party of bigots when your children play with your Iranian neighbours' children, and everybody on the street goes to the barbecues hosted by the gay Eastern European couple.

Like the B's, something needs to be done about the C's. But calling everybody A's will get us nowhere - real changing of minds happens between people, not between angry Twitter avatars.

It's hard to have a meaningful conversation with someone if they think you are subhuman and are at best indifferent to your wellbeing.

Conversations are necessary for sure, but I don't want minorities walking up to Trump supporters and asking to share feelings. White liberals need to be the ones doing it.

No, this is exactly the way it should be. And, to be fair, if someone thinks an African American going up to a Trump supporter and trying to "convert" them is going to work, well... They're in for a big surprise.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Rusty Nails is a Muslim man. The people that elected Trump either want him dead or were indifferent to Trump's hatred of Muslims and cared more that Trump will pretend to bring factories back. These people had no empathy whatsoever to Rusty and he owes no empathy in return.

White people have to do this "outreach" and convince Trump voters that they're dumbfucks and that Muslims actually are human beings, Muslims need to stay safe

That post is true and I stand by it. Every single person who adopts the "fuck attempting to persuade anyone" rhetoric is complicit in whatever happens. They refused to lift a finger to actually make a damn change. He doesn't owe Trump's voters empathy, no. But he owes every other Muslim in America the effort to persuade Trump's voters; the same as all of us who oppose Trump.

Also, I think that last sentence which I have cut out goes too far towards bannable, but I like you and would rather you just edited it out before anyone sees.
One thing that should be noted is a separation between White Evangelicals and neo-Confederates and other Trump voters.

The later are irrationally Hillary haters that need to become woke and are marks who can be tricked into voting for us like they were tricked into voting for Trump. The former two groups are deplorable and irredeemable and outreach is pointless.

That post is true and I stand by it. Every single person who adopts the "fuck attempting to persuade anyone" rhetoric is complicit in whatever happens. They refused to lift a finger to actually make a damn change. He doesn't owe Trump's voters empathy, no. But he owes every other Muslim in America the effort to persuade Trump's voters; the same as all of us who oppose Trump.

Also, I think that last sentence which I have cut out goes too far towards bannable, but I like you and would rather you just edited it out before anyone sees.

This post is a very good example of someone who has never encountered hate based on who they are before.

I am disabled, if someone thinks disabled people are subhuman, I'm not going to be able to have a conversation with them, I'm going to want to kick them in the balls and face.

Your post is actually totally devoid of empathy while trying to yell at someone for not having enough empathy, impressive work.
Brietbart will be the direct propaganda outlet for our next President. That should horrify any American. It'll be no better than those accursed "state-run media" complaints we have about so many other countries when trying to get independently verified information.


Clinton's speech at the Children Defense Fund yesterday is like a ghost of what could have been a President who actually cared for children and would have done good things for them,

Trump's win is way more painful when considering would could have been

True. God Clinton would have been an amazing president. Fuck. Just wake me up in 2020, or during Trump's impeachment.
Enjoy 20 more years of Trump and Trumplikes, boyo. I'm sure the situation of minorities will really improve on account of you refusing to do the dirty work and aim for conversions.

If you adopt this attitude, you are complicit in Trump's election.
I'd rather rot in a Trump gulag than try to be subservient to racist attitudes. Sorry.
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