Macho Madness
This guy says it's Kushner:
I just hope Dems win at least one House seat over the next 3 odd special elections that will happen.
This guy says it's Kushner:
This guy says it's Kushner:
How I'd love to be a fly on the wall of Air Force One right nowTrump will be FURIOUS, my goodness.
How on earth will Fox News cover Trump's impeachment?
This posted yet?
McClatchy: Trump-Russia probe now includes possible cover-up, Congress is told
How on earth will Fox News cover Trump's impeachment?
Kush most likely wont return. He will need a bullshit excuse to stay behind, like he's working with Arabs and Israelis for mideast peace process.Jared is going to need another ill fitting vest to hide in.
Seth Richards and Hillary's emailsHow on earth will Fox News cover Trump's impeachment?
How on earth will Fox News cover Trump's impeachment?
Jesus Christ they nailed the dashboard confessional cadence on that. Lmao
*Trump walks over to drapes*Trump probably thinks that covering up something is putting a drape over it.
Congress is once again thumbing the nose of Americans where they're wasting taxpayer money to impeach President Trump. Where was the impeachment process for Obama's Solyndra scandal, Fast & Furious scandal, IRS scandal? Why wasnt Hillary in prison for giving our secrets away?How on earth will Fox News cover Trump's impeachment?
My fear is that we are now heading into territory where the investigation team either takes too long to gather conclusive evidence and were it any other administration in US history orange trash would feel shame and resign. We all know orange bigot will never resign.
In all seriousness, if it actually happens they will pretend it's all a liberal delusion until literally the very last second when they will then flip and pretend they were critical of Trump all along while highlighting one-off statements from their cast of morons as well as Shep Smith and Chris Wallace who actually have a brain in their heads.
Which is what the rest of the GOP will do, by the way. You guys think you're frustrated now? Wait for 10-15 years from now when every Republican claims they always knew Trump was a bad guy.
Donny TwoScoops will resign once he hears the word of subpoena going out to IRS for his entire tax history. It will be something like:My fear is that we are now heading into territory where the investigation team either takes too long to gather conclusive evidence and were it any other administration in US history orange trash would feel shame and resign. We all know orange bigot will never resign.
Politico on Trumps trip: People Here Think Trump Is a Laughingstock
Man the pieces keep coming today.
Politico on Trumps trip: People Here Think Trump Is a Laughingstock
Man the pieces keep coming today.
This guy says it's Kushner:
This guy says it's Kushner:
I honestly think the pee pee tape dropping would actually help Trump as this point. Would distract from the actual horrible issues.
Also this guy was trying to text his cousin but accidentally texted a former Congressman:
I'm not hearing much from Republicans right now.
The White House actually confirming the "nut job" quotes feels like the jig is finally up.
Nope. Not until Jack Kingston admits on CNN.I'm not hearing much from Republicans right now.
The White House actually confirming the "nut job" quotes feels like the jig is finally up.
Gotta be Kushner at the center of the investigation. He pushed for the Comey firing, and was pissed when his family couldn't get richer selling visas to China for 500k each. Man I can't WAIT to see how Trump reacts when his beloved Jared goes down.
Unless that was the plan all along to get Ivanka all to himself.
I'm actually suprised he went through with this whole trip. Would've thought he cancels it
I was struck by this exchange between reporters and Congressman Jim Himes, who sat in on a briefing Rosenstein provided to the full House of Representatives today. Himes, according to The Washington Post, recalled the dissonant moment when Rosenstein refused to say who had asked him, if anyone had asked him to write his memorandum.
He said, That is [Special Counsel] Bob Muellers purview, and that was puzzling to a lot of us, said Himes, a member of the House Intelligence Committee.
It strikes me as fairly revelatory that the question of who was involved in laying the pretext for firing Comey is now a matter for the special counsel to examine.
Rosensteins representations here read like a tacit admission that, in the wind-up to the firing, he may have been witness to a crimethe obstruction of justice, perhaps.
This posted yet?
McClatchy: Trump-Russia probe now includes possible cover-up, Congress is told
The trip is the reset.
Administration hopes that the trip goes through without any issues, he gives some well received speech, talks up America everywhere, gets positive press - "Oh look, Trump gave a ok speech" and allows them to go past Russia and Comey.
Of course it's Jared.
bye bye
If it's really someone from his family like Jared Trump is going to go into full meltdown.
Miller or Bannon would have annoyed him but going for his family will fuck him up.
Well, that's definitely not going to turn out how they hope.The trip is the reset.
Administration hopes that the trip goes through without any issues, he gives some well received speech, talks up America everywhere, gets positive press - "Oh look, Trump gave a ok speech" and allows them to go past Russia and Comey.
Jared is Kushner not Trump.
Turning on a dime from supporting trump to support for kasich or whoever the face of the party's attempted pivot is, while pretending they never liked Don the con anywayHow on earth will Fox News cover Trump's impeachment?
Well, that's definitely not going to turn out how they hope.