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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Honorary Canadian.
why is ricky gervais on bbc giving dialogue about this election?

cnn wouldn't even do that shit on election night :lol

are britons really that bored? if so, why wouldn't they just go back to Robin Hood or something?




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Amir0x said:
why won't they call the FUCKIN' STATES already

i mean they should be catering to me goddam
Fixed for PoliGAF


:lol :lol

CNN is pulling some hologram shit right now with Wolh Blitzer and Jessica Yellin in Chicago.

they're out of control with this technology. it's pure, rampant techno-lust.

:lol :lol

Wolf is like a giddy schoolkid talking about this stuff.

Princess Leia, indeed.
MSNBC: Virginia is too early to call.

I just handed in my non-electronic ballot about 30 minutes ago and there were absolutely no exit polls at most of my friends and family's voting areas. So yeah, I gots a feeling it'll be a while. But mark my words: IF it doesn't go blue, then it was a close motherfucker.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
What the heck is this on CNN. I swear to god I thought they were doing a Star Wars parody for a second. OMG.

Wolf Blitzer, you're our only hope.
500 - Internal Server Error


Why did they call Vermont for Obama. I know it'll go blue anyway, but there aren't any votes counted yet...?
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