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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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LOL, Matthews saying it's an amazing accomplishment of the USA to elect a black man, and that no other western country has done it up till now....

It's an incredible feat sure, but no other western country has more than 5% of citizens with a black skin color. Just to place things in perspective there.


ToxicAdam said:
Is there going to be some sort of epic comeback by Obama in Georgia? Almost 80% of the vote in and they haven't called it for McCain yet.

Huh? Most networks called it for McCain along with all the Southern states.






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beermonkey@tehbias said:
Damn straight. Of course the Rapture looneys say this means a huge shift to the liberal side, but reality is we needed this win just to keep the same fucked up court that Bush has had.

Exactly. The liberals are on deaths door on the Court, the conservatives are the young ones on the bench!
Going to get some stuff to drown my Prop-8 induced sorrows, folks. See ya soon.

HylianTom said:
Yeah (still homesick for it, too). Ole Miss gave me a free ride, something LSU didn't do. Met my partner at Ole Miss 12 years ago. LSU was too close to home; Ole Miss was just far away enough. :lol
Well, at least you met your partner there. That's a total of... one good thing about Missisippi. :D
HylianTom said:
I grew-up in Louisiana, went to college in Mississippi.. the racism is still all too common. Even though I have some conservative convictions, I would never want to be associated with that party, especially when it's power center is based here in the South. To me, personally, it's disgusting.
Agreed. Most of Ole Miss are the delta folk and are deeply rooted into that sad history. Maybe one day....

Though it was nice to see a good turn out for Obama in the crowd at the debate. I actually took some pride in that and also in that the debate as an event went well as a whole for Ole Miss.
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