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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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For those asking about the marijuana change in Massachusetts: Possession of less than an ounce is now decriminalized. In other words, if you've got less than an ounce of weed, then you're slapped with a $100 fine and sent on your merry way. If you're under 18, you also have to attend a drug awareness program.


I feel like the whole world is celebrating. Imagine what the Kenyans feel like. Truly historic. More exciting than the New Years countdown. Minutes to go.


Dot50Cal said:
ITS ALL A LIE! A LIE!!!!!!!!!

• Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the images are actually "projected" onto the floor of the CNN studio so that Wolf can actually talk to the person, you know, in a face to face. So it's not quite Star Wars just yet. Only after computers merge the video feeds together do you get a coherent hologram + person scenario


It is many years away before we have real working holographic demonstrations. The best I have seen so far is a hologram projected inside a glass case. So far no technology can actually beam imagery into a regular room like seen in Star Wars or Star Trek.


icarus-daedelus said:
This is why you shoulda gone to Tulane or LSU or something. Aren't you from New Orleans?

Yeah (still homesick for it, too). Ole Miss gave me a free ride, something LSU didn't do. Met my partner at Ole Miss 12 years ago. LSU was too close to home; Ole Miss was just far away enough. :lol


Amir0x said:
So far little mentioned but:

This means we can probably keep the Supreme Court balanced :D :D :D

Thank God... Ginsburg and Stevens are probably very relieved tonight, knowing they can now safely retire!! :D


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Case said:

Why can't I get animated gifs tattooed on me?
sangreal said:
Anyone else watching fox? they are seriously backtracking on every attack they have pushed for months. They keep going on about how centrist Obama is going to be, or how conservative he'll be by cutting taxes, etc.

Truth is that he is going to be more middle of the road... that is the God honest truth.



We taught our Shiba Inu to Terrorist Fist Jab when we say "BARACK OBAMA!" I need to youtube it up. :lol

ALSO: We need a hologram gif of Sarah Palin saying, "Help me Rural America. You're my only hope!"
Amir0x said:
So far little mentioned but:

This means we can probably keep the Supreme Court balanced :D :D :D

Damn straight. Of course the Rapture looneys say this means a huge shift to the liberal side, but reality is we needed this win just to keep the same fucked up court that Bush has had.


Is there going to be some sort of epic comeback by Obama in Georgia? Almost 80% of the vote in and they haven't called it for McCain yet.


The good:

Obama wins
Strong performance in IN and Omaha
No Republicans in New England
Periello WOW
SD abortions for everyone!

The bad
VA was closer than it should have been
Obama didn't manage to put up a fight in GA
Diaz-Bartletts rolling

The Ugly:
Bachmann, wtf
Saxby with comfortable majority
LA-Sen uncomfortably close


Junior Member

MLK once said I have a Dream.. I don't think in his wildest dreams did he believe in less than half a century an African American would stand as the President Elect of the United States of America.
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