Beck said:Does the nominee still have Diabetes? Could the Messiah heal her, or does she just not want to ask? What is protocal (sic) on miracle healings?
That's all he has to say on the subject it seems Beck said:Does the nominee still have Diabetes? Could the Messiah heal her, or does she just not want to ask? What is protocal (sic) on miracle healings?
Ask Obama fans, they have plenty of ways to demonize Clinton.quadriplegicjon said:the issue is that the Right loves to uses veiled racist/sexist remarks all the time... for instance, they have successfully labeled Pelosi as a 'bitch.' Hmm.. a women in power, how can we demonize her???!
gkrykewy said:No, he acknowledged it earlier!
Mckmas8808 -- "reasonable levels"; right on. Historic relationships between prices, incomes, and rents. Looks like we're (nationally) still 10%-20% overvalued by those measures, with two complicating factors: incomes and rents are both experiencing downward pressures.
I would still say that there's about another 20% for home prices to fall on the downside, with the potential for some overcorrection given the rates of decline. Call it 15-25%.
syllogism said:
APF said:Ask Obama fans, they have plenty of ways to demonize Clinton.
PhoenixDark said:Uh...Rush Limbaugh? Jesse Helms? Trent Dole? Uh, Jeff Sessions? That could become a big list
LovingSteam said:Here is an example of Hillary's advisers agreeing that many in the left were sexist against Sarah Palin.
quadriplegicjon said:This board was nasty, I agree.. but I am talking about Democrats in a power position.. not bloggers or random joe schmoes ... where did the whole 'Clinton is a bitch' thing originally come from though?
PhoenixDark said:Hmm, Clinton aides attempting to stir up the Puma crowd? Great example
Which is why any Republican official fool enough to call him out for his bullshit immediately bows to pressure and publicly kisses his ass in the market square within 48 hours :lolLovingSteam said:Also, power is subjective. Many would say Limbaugh is powerful yet he isn't a politician. Man would say he isn't powerful.
bishoptl said:I find it highly amusing that Mr. Steam is attempting to equate the proclamations of a comedienne with the numerous, systemic and unapologetic racist and sexist declarations of numerous, high-level Republican leaders and elected officials.
carry on
Characters in a book do not equal racist ramblings of the author.LovingSteam said:So you didn't care to read the ramblings of Jim Webb, US Senator? (Dem)
PantherLotus said::lol
Fictional book? edit: beatenLovingSteam said:So you didn't care to read the ramblings of Jim Webb, US Senator? (Dem)
LovingSteam said:Hmm, look at Jim Webb of VA.
quotes from his book:
Jimmy: "He got that ****** band in there again. It sounds like a damn juke joint."
Red: Personally, "Jimmy, I like ****** music. In fact, I even like Negroes!"
Jimmy: "Well, so do I. I think everybody should own at least one." -- P.42
I'm an Old South ******, he thought suddenly, smiling and nodding to Ambassador somebody or other. Yes, massa. Smilin over here, massa. Pickin it up over her, massa. Whooee. My mind right, massa." -- P.122
Discussing retiring to Miami, FBI agent Drought says: "and the ****** are everywhere, you're not going to get away from them." -- P.208
Two North Vietnamese nurses attended Red in the hospital, flirting with him coyly, until one day when one of them came to him, took off her top, stuck her breasts in Red's
mouth, and masturbated him." -- P.398
Also, I am sure you are aware of Robert Byrd's past.
Jonm1010 said:Characters in a book do not equal racist ramblings of the author.
LovingSteam said:Howabout you read the article first bud. Of course, if you are ok with white firefighters not receiving a promotion simply because they are white, than hey, more power to you. I should add they had to take a test for the promotion for which they passed but no african american did. The county decided not to give the promotion to anyone because no african american passed the test. BTW, an hispanic male also passed the test. The counties decision was confirmed to be solely based on no african american passing the same test.
LovingSteam said:Again bud, read the article I posted FIRST. I.E. her dismissing a case in which firefighters lost their promotion because there no african american male passed the same test. I would say you are dropping more BS than I am here. You are dismissing any bias against her simply because repubs may have a problem with her.
LovingSteam said:Nice, three times and you refuse to answer. You had a hissy fit when I wouldn't respond to your question but avoid mine. That tells me more about you then your argument or lack there of itself.
You can feel free at any time to speak to the facts placed in front of you, as opposed to flailing about in conjecture.LovingSteam said:Ahh gottcha. And I am sure if a republican senator had written books with using the N word in any connotation it wouldn't be lambasted by you right?
Michele Bachmann probably said worse things than all of them, and she's an elected officialPhoenixDark said:Uh...Rush Limbaugh? Jesse Helms? Trent Dole? Uh, Jeff Sessions? That could become a big list
In a book of fiction? No. Unless that book happens to be about little Jimmy and his journey through America eradicating minorities through any means necessary. I.E. depends on the context.LovingSteam said:Ahh gottcha. And I am sure if a republican senator had written books with using the N word in any connotation it wouldn't be lambasted by you right?
bishoptl said:You can feel free at any time to speak to the facts placed in front of you, as opposed to flailing about in conjecture.
That would be nice.
LovingSteam said:It's amazing, whats good for the goose with some of you is definitely not good for the gander. Repubs are posterized as being racist, almost the devil himself here. Yet if a dem does something that you would lambast a republican for, its "but but but" galore. You accuse me and repubs being so partisan yet I haven't seen any non-partisan discussion or saying how the dems are wrong yet by some of you. I can admit that calling Obama a muslim terrorist is simply WRONG. I have not seen any of you say the same about those who call Bush a terrorist or hitleresque. I am sure that you will throw some witty response at me being ignorant or a joke or a conspiracy theorist or what have you. However, it would be nice to see some of you take off your democrat goggles for a few seconds.
Oops. The Republican National Committee prepared a detailed set of talking points for key Republicans to use regarding the Sotomayor nomination -- and then accidentally sent it to the media.
On the one hand, the talking points say to put up an initially fair-minded neutral approach: "Until we have a full view of the facts and comprehensive understanding of Judge Sotomayor's record, Republicans will avoid partisanship and knee-jerk judgments - which is in stark contrast to how the Democrats responded to the Judge Roberts and Alito nominations."
On the other hand, the talking points go on to lay out some clear lines of attack:
Liberal ideology, not legal qualification, is likely to guide the president's choice of judicial nominees.
Justice Souter's retirement could move the Court to the left and provide a critical fifth vote for:
Further eroding the rights of the unborn and property owners;
Imposing a federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage;
Stripping "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance and completely secularizing the public square;
Abolishing the death penalty;
Judicial micromanagement of the government's war powers.
I'm still waiting for some additional evidence from you of numerous and systemic racial baiting on the part of the Democrats. Hell, I'll give you a headstart - we'll tally up party comparisons from any decade you like up to present day.LovingSteam said:stuff
You and I agree wholeheartedly on that point. In my proposed party comparison, however, the Republican party "wins" in a landslide.JayDubya said:If the list is numerous and the problem systemic, then populating that list won't be difficult.
:lol :lolPantherLotus said:OMG!! The Republicans accidently forwarded their talking points against Sotomayor to the media. :lol :lol
The GOP Talking Points On Sotomayor
By Eric Kleefeld - May 26, 2009, 11:57AM
Another :lol for good measure. Republicans: the internet; don't you wish you invented it?
So, here you have a racist. You might want to soften that and you might wanna say a reverse racist. And the libs, of course, say that minorities cannot be racists because they don't have the power to implement their racism. Well, those days are gone because reverse racists certainly do have the power to implement their power. Obama is the greatest living example of a reverse racist and now he's appointed one -- getting this, AP? -- Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court ...
So she's not the brain that they're portraying her to be, she's not a constitutional jurist. She is an affirmative action case extraordinaire and she has put down white men in favor of Latina women. She has claimed that the court is all about making policy. So yes, there's a golden opportunity. Take this to the mat. Take it to the wall. The people need to know what Obama really believes in and this is how it could happen. Now will the Republicans do it? That's another question.
LovingSteam said:Ahh gottcha. And I am sure if a republican senator had written books with using the N word in any connotation it wouldn't be lambasted by you right?
I've seen the people arguing with you referring to GOP officials and party leaders, and you are responding in kind with Dem...bloggers, advisors and characters from a fiction novel. So perhaps you can see the disconnect here.LovingSteam said:I am ont flailing about in conjecture at all. I posted a comic from a dem that was racist to the core against Condoleezza yet that was "only a blogger". I posted claims by Hillary Clinton's advisors that some dems and media were being sexist, yet "that was only politically motivated". So no matter what I post many of you will make an excuse to continue painting the dems as the shining light of the American political system and at the same time portray the opposing party as being racist and sexist to the core.
Glad to see the GOP worried about the important stuff.Stripping "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance and completely secularizing the public square;
LovingSteam said:And I am sure if a republican senator had written books with using the N word in any connotation it wouldn't be lambasted by you right?
I don't think you know what the word "conjecture" means.LovingSteam said:I am ont flailing about in conjecture at all.
Well, best look post-WWII as dynamics were pretty different before then, but yeah.bishoptl said:I'm still waiting for some additional evidence from you of numerous and systemic racial baiting on the part of the Democrats. Hell, I'll give you a headstart - we'll tally up party comparisons from any decade you like up to present day.
The only caveat? Let's collate evidence from the non-fiction section of the library.
You and I agree wholeheartedly on that point. In my proposed party comparison, however, the Republican party "wins" in a landslide.
thefro said:Rush says Obama and Sotomayor are racist against white folks (which of course means Obama hates himself)
In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge may and will make a difference in our judging.
In her speech, Judge Sotomayor questioned the famous notion often invoked by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her retired Supreme Court colleague, Sandra Day OConnor that a wise old man and a wise old woman would reach the same conclusion when deciding cases.
I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasnt lived that life, said Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obamas list of potential Supreme Court nominees.
bishoptl said:I'm still waiting for some additional evidence from you of numerous and systemic racial baiting on the part of the Democrats. Hell, I'll give you a headstart - we'll tally up party comparisons from any decade you like up to present day.
The only caveat? Let's collate evidence from the non-fiction section of the library.
You and I agree wholeheartedly on that point. In my proposed party comparison, however, the Republican party "wins" in a landslide.
LovingSteam said:Let me guess, your response will be "but that was 40+ years ago, it doesn't apply today.
Either you choose not to read, or fail to comprehend what you're reading. Based on the last 10 minutes evidence, I suspect the latter.bishoptl said:I'm still waiting for some additional evidence from you of numerous and systemic racial baiting on the part of the Democrats. Hell, I'll give you a headstart - we'll tally up party comparisons from any decade you like up to present day.
Why should I tolerate blacks in my place of business?LovingSteam said:Hopefully you don't feel this way![]()
bishoptl said:Either you choose not to read, or fail to comprehend what you're reading. Based on the last 10 minutes evidence, I suspect the latter.
Why should I tolerate blacks in my place of business?
LovingSteam said:I am ont flailing about in conjecture at all. I posted a comic from a dem that was racist to the core against Condoleezza yet that was "only a blogger". I posted claims by Hillary Clinton's advisors that some dems and media were being sexist, yet "that was only politically motivated". So no matter what I post many of you will make an excuse to continue painting the dems as the shining light of the American political system and at the same time portray the opposing party as being racist and sexist to the core.
bishoptl said:Why should I tolerate blacks in my place of business?
Who also later admitted he was wrong and even endorsed Jesse Jackson for President. But that's beside the point, going back to the south at the cusp of the Civil Rights movement to equivalently rascist Democrat is LOLOLOLOLLovingSteam said:As Governor of South Carolina, Ernest F. Hollings personally led the fight against lunch counter integration in his state. The New York Times reported that Hollings "warned today that South Carolina would not permit 'explosive' manifestations in connection with Negro demands for lunch-counter services." The Times reported that Hollings called a news conference on the subject where he "challenged President Eisenhower's contention that minorities had the right to engage in certain types of demonstrations" against segregation. Hollings told reporters at the press conference that Eisenhower was "confused" and had done "great damage to peace and good order" by supporting the rights of minorities to protest segregation at the lunch counters. (SOURCE: "Warning by Hollings." New York Times, March 17, 1960.)
Let me guess, your response will be "but that was 40+ years ago, it doesn't apply today."
Hopefully you don't feel this way![]()