has calmed down a bit.
As a Puerto Rican, I'm pretty proud of the nomination. I looked her up on wikipedia and I'm cool with most of her views too. Hopefully her nomination goes through.
LovingSteam said:And I am still waiting for your long list showing the republican party is a party of racism and sexism.
mamacint said:Who also later admitted he was wrong and even endorsed Jesse Jackson for President.
scorcho said:As per wikipedia - Anyhow - Sotomayor is a Yankees fan, meaning she's disqualified for me immediately. With that and her previous ruling on the MLB, I think we can look forward to more baseball analogies thrown around in the hearing.
Tamanon said:That explains why Obama thought it'd be an easy home run.
VanMardigan said:As a Puerto Rican, I'm pretty proud of the nomination. I looked her up on wikipedia and I'm cool with most of her views too. Hopefully her nomination goes through.
LovingSteam said:And I am still waiting for your long list showing the republican party is a party of racism and sexism.
Bob Herbert, a New York Times columnist, reported a 1981 interview with Lee Atwater, published in Southern Politics in the 1990s by Prof. Alexander P. Lamis, in which Lee Atwater discussed politics in the South:
You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger"that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.
And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow mebecause obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger".[8]
what in the fuck are you talking about? i think i've decided to get into a political argument with my cat beside me, results so far are promising.LovingSteam said:Ahh so that wasn't political but Hillary's advisors defending Palin were? gottcha.
Jonm1010 said:
LovingSteam said:Hmm, look at Jim Webb of VA.
quotes from his book:
Jimmy: "He got that ****** band in there again. It sounds like a damn juke joint."
Red: Personally, "Jimmy, I like ****** music. In fact, I even like Negroes!"
Jimmy: "Well, so do I. I think everybody should own at least one." -- P.42
I'm an Old South ******, he thought suddenly, smiling and nodding to Ambassador somebody or other. Yes, massa. Smilin over here, massa. Pickin it up over her, massa. Whooee. My mind right, massa." -- P.122
Discussing retiring to Miami, FBI agent Drought says: "and the ****** are everywhere, you're not going to get away from them." -- P.208
Two North Vietnamese nurses attended Red in the hospital, flirting with him coyly, until one day when one of them came to him, took off her top, stuck her breasts in Red's
mouth, and masturbated him." -- P.398
Also, I am sure you are aware of Robert Byrd's past.
LovingSteam said:Ahh gottcha, so again, you can pick and choose but I cannot. You post one individual's statement and that goes a long way, I post one individual who happened to be a government official and that doesn't matter because it was only one person.
Look, you can put lipstick on that pig all you want, but I think she's likable enough.quadriplegicjon said:This board was nasty, I agree.. but I am talking about Democrats in a power position.. not bloggers or random joe schmoes ... where did the whole 'Clinton is a bitch' thing originally come from though? That sentiment was around well before she decided to run for President.
Lee Atwater was THE face of republican strategy from the late 70s into the early 90s. A governor in 1960 who recanted his statement (which at the time is condemnable) is hardly comparable to a 40 year movement that began with the civil rights reform where republicans decided to embrace racism and make it a platform that they still havent shed even today.LovingSteam said:Ahh gottcha, so again, you can pick and choose but I cannot. You post one individual's statement and that goes a long way, I post one individual who happened to be a government official and that doesn't matter because it was only one person.
thefro said:Rush says Obama and Sotomayor are racist against white folks (which of course means Obama hates himself)
But there was this liberal blogger who also said something racist. They cancel each other out.Jonm1010 said:Lee Atwater was THE face of republican strategy from the late 70s into the early 90s. A governor in 1960 who recanted his statement (which at the time is condemnable) is hardly comparable to a 40 year movement that began with the civil rights reform where republicans decided to embrace racism and make it a platform that they still havent shed even today.
Come on man, if your not even familiar with the Southern Strategy you have no ground to even stand on when comparing racism throughout the two parties.
Jason's Ultimatum said:Wait. You can't be serious. :lol
APF said:Look, you can put lipstick on that pig all you want, but I think she's likable enough.
VanMardigan said:As a Puerto Rican, I'm pretty proud of the nomination. I looked her up on wikipedia and I'm cool with most of her views too. Hopefully her nomination goes through.
LovingSteam said:I have no problem admitting that the republican party has had a history of racism and sexism, I however will not limit it to them but say both parties have had that history. Yet it seems that many of you will only throw that accusation against the repubs. Fact is there are individuals in both parties who have and continue to show racist and sexist views. Neither party is immune. Some of you are trying to show that one is worse than the other, I am simply trying to show that they both have the same evils.
dave is ok said:Really, you shouldn't try and prove that Democrats have been more racist/sexist/homophobic than Republicans, because most of us live in the real world - where that clearly hasnt been the case.
Of course both parties will have spokespersons that are one or all three of the above every now and then, but Republicans have become the 'hate' party many many times over the last several decades.
mamacint said:If Lovingsteam comes back with "bububu Lincoln freed the slaves and he was a Republican!" someones getting a cockpunch.
PantherLotus said:Proposition 8 Upheld By California Supreme Court,0,6677891.story
Not to bring this argument back up, but do you actually believe the lipstick on a pig reference was sexist, though? It's not an uncommon phase and, according to this news blurb, has been brandied by a host of politicians in a variety of contexts. That 'likeable enough' comment was pretty snarky, but not sexist.APF said:Look, you can put lipstick on that pig all you want, but I think she's likable enough.
It wasn't the first time Obama used the line. In a phone interview with The Washington Post last September, he used it in reference to the situation in Iraq.
"I think that both Gen. [David] Petraeus and Ambassador [Ryan] Crocker are capable people who have been given an impossible assignment," Obama told the Post. "George Bush has given a mission to Gen. Petraeus, and he has done his best to try to figure out how to put lipstick on a pig."
Other politicians have also used the phrase in recent years, including Vice President Dick Cheney, Sen. Maria Cantwell of Washington state, Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Rep. John Mica of Florida and Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado, among others.
Torie Clarke, a former McCain adviser, even wrote a book called, "Lipstick on a Pig: Winning In the No-Spin Era by Someone Who Knows the Game."
Stoney Mason said:C'mon. That book is clearly racist. Like the other great racist fictional screed of our time Huck Finn.
scorcho said:Not to bring this argument back up, but do you actually believe the lipstick on a pig reference was sexist, though? It's not an uncommon phase and, according to this news blurb, has been brandied by a host of politicians in a variety of contexts. That 'likeable enough' comment was pretty snarky, but not sexist.
Jason's Ultimatum said:That'd be like a politician writing a fictional book about a sadistic killer. Would that make the politician a sadistic killer? :lol
I can't tell if Lovingsteam is a joke character or not. :lol :lol
I remember that some posters called Clinton a bitch (for one) during the debates, but they were summarily ridiculed for that, which led to a stupider argument of how 'bitch' or 'cunt' can't possibly be a sexist term.Stoney Mason said:We had a silly argument back around when it happened. I never understood his position then other than the fact that GAF itself was indeed very sexist and somewhat hypocritical over the course of the primaries. Which is a proper point to make but had nothing to do with that comment.
scorcho said:Not to bring this argument back up, but do you actually believe the lipstick on a pig reference was sexist, though? It's not an uncommon phase and, according to this news blurb, has been brandied by a host of politicians in a variety of contexts. That 'likeable enough' comment was pretty snarky, but not sexist.
scorcho said:I remember that some posters called Clinton a bitch (for one) during the debates, but they were summarily ridiculed for that, which led to a stupider argument of how 'bitch' or 'cunt' can't possibly be a sexist term.
But the whole 'lipstick on a pig' brouhaha was and is stupid.
Instigator said:Now vote to become 51st state!
scorcho said:I remember that some posters called Clinton a bitch (for one) during the debates, but they were summarily ridiculed for that, which led to a stupider argument of how 'bitch' or 'cunt' can't possibly be a sexist term.
But the whole 'lipstick on a pig' brouhaha was and is stupid.
Actually I was pretty clear in saying it was dumb and hit very "close to home" but likely not an intentional slam. In fact, I was extremely specific about my "position" on that event, so it's likely you're making the common tact of ascribing someone else's arguments to me for dubious personal reasons.Stoney Mason said:We had a silly argument back around when it happened. I never understood his position then
APF said:Actually I was pretty clear in saying it was dumb and hit very "close to home" but likely not an intentional slam. In fact, I was extremely specific about my "position" on that event, so it's likely you're making the common tact of ascribing someone else's arguments to me for dubious personal reasons.
So you just have problems reading English. Point taken.Stoney Mason said:No. I didn't understand your point then and I still don't. I'm pretty clear on my position.
mckmas8808 said:Does this mean that the gays lose with this decision?
APF said:So you just have problems reading English. Point taken.
Oh, so that's why it reads like you don't even understand what you're saying.Stoney Mason said:Just illogical english.
I know you are but what I am!APF said:Oh, so that's why it reads like you don't even understand what you're saying.
Illiterate, apparently. Why don't you take your own advice and post a link or something, rather than drag this thread down further.Stoney Mason said:I know you are but what I am!
Make me! I call infinity rebuttal!APF said:Illiterate, apparently. Why don't you take your own advice and post a link or something, rather than drag this thread down further.
PantherLotus said:OMG!! The Republicans accidently forwarded their talking points against Sotomayor to the media. :lol :lol
The GOP Talking Points On Sotomayor
By Eric Kleefeld - May 26, 2009, 11:57AM
Another :lol for good measure. Republicans: the internet; don't you wish you invented it?
thefro said:Rush says Obama and Sotomayor are racist against white folks (which of course means Obama hates himself)
Jason's Ultimatum said:That'd be like a politician writing a fictional book about a sadistic killer. Would that make the politician a sadistic killer? :lol
Let's be realistic, Sotomayor did make at least one ruling which was manifestly racist if not in motivation, then in practice.Zero Hero said:Not teh reverse racism!!!!!