bishoptl said:Ruh roh! Looks like someone isn't aware that Republicans are joining her in calling for the release of the notes.
Oooh! There's more! I hope you're fired up about hearing what the Republican Minorty Leader of the House, John Boehner, had to say to Wolf Blitzer!
So, to wit:
Republicans saying the CIA lied to Congress - okay
Democrats saying the CIA lied to Congress - bad
Remind me why we should take your posts seriously again?
PantherLotus said:LovingSteam
The Reason We Need Shining Beacons of White Guilt
(Today, 03:49 PM)
Reply | Quote
make it happen bish!
LovingSteam said:When did I say republicans are ok in saying CIA lied but not the dems? Please tell me when I said that? You also assume I am republican when I never said if I am or not. You are making accusations without even asking me the question you are accusing me of having a response to.
PantherLotus said:If you don't know why you're a Republican, you're definitely a Republican.
LovingSteam said:Again, you are making accusations as well without asking a question. Howabout you ask me a question instead of accusing me of saying or being something I never said or claimed to be.
PantherLotus said:No, I really don't. I think you come from a place of earnest ignornance and not willfull stupidity. However, I think your arguments here today are a funny counter point for that other guy's ridiculous "all white people are racist whether they know it or not" stance. It was just funny to me.
Again--I don't think you're racist. I think you're stupid.
If you don't know why you're a Republican, you're definitely a Republican.
PantherLotus said:So now being called a Republican is an accusation? How the mighty have fallen.![]()
LovingSteam said:Again, my whole point isn't to say republicans are innocent or democrats are guilty. It is to say both parties take part in the same banter.
Edited per your request. Also, I figured you would make a comment about the source rather than reading its contents first.
I suppose I should ignore any post that contains Huffingtonpost since I disagree with the way it leans rather than reading the contents?
LovingSteam said:From my understanding they wanted the soldiers out YESTERDAY. Also realize that Obama will keep thousands of prisoners in Iraq longer than the 20 months. Al be it, far fewer than there are now (I agree with him)
Obama was for troops in Afgan however many are upset because they feel its a war we cannot win (just like Iraq) and want the troops out yesterday. I feel Obama did an amazing decision in the surge for Afghanistan and in fact many repubs gave him credit for doing so.
He didn't ban the photos but said that they will take it to the supreme court if need be which they weren't going to do originally. Again, I agree with him if will lead to more violence. What is interesting is that many who want the pictures shown, many in the media, are the same individuals that chose to not publish the Muhammad cartoons saying it would create violence. So in reality for these people freedom of the press and free speech are applicable when it applies to abuse by our soldiers but not when it comes to printing something that will offend religious folk. Again, agree with Obama.
Prisoners, I agree with him for the most part. I think its fascinating to watch a person go from senator/governor to Pres. They say many things before the inauguration and then go back on it. Why? Because they are given full access to intelligence that they didn't have access to before hand. Also Obama like Bush is fighting for immunity for the phone companies in terms of spying.
LovingSteam said:It's an accusation since you are accusing me of being something without asking me. Me calling you a democrat without actually knowing if you are is an accusation as well as an assumption.
mckmas8808 said:First of all Obama was always on the side of immunity for the phone companies in terms of spying. That pissed me and the rest of GAF off. But it wasn't a change.
And Obama was never for 100% all the time full transparacy. Who ever thought that was either young mentally about national security, wet behind the ears, or didn't understand Obama's stance on those type issues.
And according to the SOFA (status of forces agreement) all of our troops have to be gone on January 1st 2011. As far as I understand it.
No one is saying that she's a closet Hispanic supremacist. I just pointed out that what she said wasn't as limited as you claimed. I don't think she's a Hispanic supremacist, but she makes clear her hope that a Latina woman would come to a better conclusion than a white male. And she makes it without the caveats you're granting her. Let's not call it "racism," but "rooting for one's own team."charlequin said:You're right that I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt, because I don't tend to assume that people who have dedicated their lives to relatively quiet and underpaid public service in the judiciary are harboring secret dreams of racial superiority carefully concealed behind a mask of reasonableness.
The supposed O'Connor quote specifies "wise" men and women. You're fighting against the definition of "wise."charlequin said:It's possible to make that argument when you abstract it enough, and you look at a single seat in a vacuum. It's very difficult to make the case, IMO, that a group of seven straight white male justices of relatively affluent backgrounds who attended a limited set of Ivy League law schools and who lived in the coastal regions would make equally just rulings across the board compared to a panel of justices who varied significantly on all of those factors and therefore were able to bring a perspective on a much broader cross-section of American life to the table in their rulings.
So what to make of the charge from the right that Judge Sotomayor has an allegedly high rate of reversals by the Supreme Court? Fox News' Major Garrett just raised it with Robert Gibbs at the daily White House press briefing. Here's the text of exchange (video here):
Garrett: Is a nominee's history of opinions and reversals a relevant factor for the public and the Senate?
Gibbs: Well, I think it is one of the many factors that likely will be picked over and weighed as we go through this.
Garrett: How does the White House evaluate Judge Sotomayor's record on this score?
Gibbs: Well, I think if one were to create 380 opinions and have 3 reversed.
Garrett: What's the Supreme Court ratio?
Gibbs: You tell me.
Garrett: 6 opinions, 3 reversals.
Gibbs: Well, Major, don't just judge, I wouldn't judge you on the stories I call you about, I might judge you on the full package of your repertoire. Whether or not you ultimately see fit to change any of the rhetoric on ...
Garrett: I am not a nominee for the Supreme Court, let the record reflect.
Gibbs: I would agree with that.
So when outfits like the conservative Judicial Confirmation Network say that Sotomayor has a "terrible record of reversals by the Supreme Court," what they're referring to is the narrow and misleading issue of how the Supreme Court has ruled when it has gone so far as to accept the case on appeal. There does not appear to be any sort of unusually high number of her cases making it to the Supreme Court.
--David Kurtz
You're calling out the Democrat Speaker of the House of Representatives who said the CIA lied to Congress.LovingSteam said:When did I say republicans are ok in saying CIA lied but not the dems? Please tell me when I said that? You also assume I am republican when I never said if I am or not. You are making accusations without even asking me the question you are accusing me of having a response to.
LovingSteam said:Correct and that will be about 24 months after his inauguration. However I wouldn't be surprised to find out that thousands of our troops will remain in some capacity in Iraq even after that date.
besada said:So, are you a Republican? You're new here, but most of the people in thread know which way we voted in the last election. You have us at somewhat of a disadvantage.
By the way, you're welcome to call me a liberal. Even a socialist, if you like.
bishoptl said:You're calling out the Democrat Speaker of the House of Representatives who said the CIA lied to Congress.
You're willfully ignoring the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee who said the CIA lied to Congress.
I don't recall ever stating that you are a Republican. If I have, please quote/link to the post in question for all of us to see. Frankly, it's a valid assumption based upon the arguments you've been expressing, but to my recollection I never said it outright.
Nobody mentioned it here except for you. Funny how that works.
LovingSteam said:I don't think he is a bad man or evil (not that any of you here do) but simply isn't a good leader.
PhoenixDark said:why are we still hearing the "out of the mainstream/American values" line of attack in 2009? Most Americans are pro-choice and support for gay marriage is growing at a crazy rate. I haven't read everything about her positions yet but seriously, which one is uber radical?
PantherLotus said:You're a Guiliani Republican, which is similar to a Hawkish Democrat, which incidently, I am!
besada said:Well, I think he's definitely a bad man, or at least a very weak one. But then again, I'm from Texas and I've voted against him twice as much as the average Democrat (which I am, although I'm decidedly more liberal than your average Democrat on some issues and less on others). I don't think he's evil. That's more Cheney's gig.
I notice you didn't mention who you voted for in the last election.
At the same time, you're being willfully blind to the immense differences between what the two are apologizing for, which again is to your argument's disservice. Rather than have you stick doggedly to this tact, which I think is fairly insipid and hypocritical, I think you'd have a stronger position following what you brush past but never really hold onto, because you need to peg This One Guy as evil--namely, that Lott is an airhead who says things without thinking, and because of his involvement as a social conservative in the Republican party he repeatedly finds himself in the situation of accidentally voicing and appearing in support for Bad Actors. This speaks a lot stronger to a structural racism within the party that they've been rhetorically trying to distance from yet cannot.bishoptl said:The fact that Lott was pushed into backpedaling - instead of realizing that what he said and the group he associated himself was political anathema - reinforces that his forced apology does not and should not carry the same weight.
I'm not too concerned on what you find hypocritical. I do appreciate your concern, however.APF said:At the same time, you're being willfully blind to the immense differences between what the two are apologizing for, which again is to your argument's disservice. Rather than have you stick doggedly to this tact, which I think is fairly insipid and hypocritical, I think you'd have a stronger position following what you brush past but never really hold onto, because you need to peg This One Guy as evil--namely, that Lott is an airhead who says things without thinking, and because of his involvement as a social conservative in the Republican party he finds himself in the situation of accidentally voicing and appearing in support for Bad Actors. This speaks a lot stronger to a structural racism within the party that they've been rhetorically trying to distance from yet cannot.
Squirrel Killer said:No one is saying that she's a closet Hispanic supremacist. I just pointed out that what she said wasn't as limited as you claimed. I don't think she's a Hispanic supremacist, but she makes clear her hope that a Latina woman would come to a better conclusion than a white male. And she makes it without the caveats you're granting her. Let's not call it "racism," but "rooting for one's own team."
The supposed O'Connor quote specifies "wise" men and women. You're fighting against the definition of "wise."
Further, while I value a diverse opinion, especially in a body as important as the SCOTUS, I don't think an unbalanced body would be inherently unjust, and I think it's a little sad that you don't think people can rise above their labels for justice.
LovingSteam said:I believe he is doing what he believes is best, I just disagree with him on many issues.
PhoenixDark said:why are we still hearing the "out of the mainstream/American values" line of attack in 2009?
besada said:I feel the same way on certain issues, although I imagine we're coming from different directions on most of them.
PantherLotus said:Do you have different people type under the same name? I coulda swore just the other day you were arguing against both! Man I need to stop drinking.
But to answer the question, she has no uber radical positions. Just non-conservative leanings.
That's giving CoolTrick awesome levels of credit. I'm in awe of loving's staying power right now.reilo said:LovingSteam is just the new flavor of CoolTrick. Please don't take him too seriously. It's a hard sell trying to make so many disingenuous arguments as he has.
scorcho said:That's giving CoolTrick awesome levels of credit. I'm in awe of loving's staying power right now.
Jason's Ultimatum said:You're playing the boogeyman role, by saying it's dangerous to imprison terrorists on U.S. soil when we already have over 50 terrorists locked up. A small town in Montana would rather have terrorists locked up in their super-prison than pedophilers. It will also create jobs for their town, and I really doubt other nations around the world really care about what Nancy Pelosi says. When have they ever have? I've heard those two right-wing TPs on the news over the past weeks. Republicans are using Pelosi as a scapegoat and to advert attention away from the torture debacle.
Jason's Ultimatum said:You're playing the boogeyman role, by saying it's dangerous to imprison terrorists on U.S. soil when we already have over 50 terrorists locked up. A small town in Montana would rather have terrorists locked up in their super-prison than pedophilers. It will also create jobs for their town, and I really doubt other nations around the world really care about what Nancy Pelosi says. When have they ever have? I've heard those two right-wing TPs on the news over the past weeks. Republicans are using Pelosi as a scapegoat and to advert attention away from the torture debacle.
Also, can you list the Democratic politicians who are against the focus on terrorism in Afghanistan?
Jason's Ultimatum said:So why do you have a problem with GITMO detainees being sent to U.S. prisons? What will happen? Will one of them mow your lawn? Deliver your mail? Babysit your neighbor's kids?
LovingSteam said:Where did I say democrat politicians are against focus on terrorism in Afghanistan? I said that many democrats are upset with Obama for increasing troops in Afghanistan. I didn't mention democrat politicians. However here is an article that lists a few and their reasoning.
Jason's Ultimatum said:Okay. Then do you have some kind of polling data or something that shows many Democrats are upset with Obama increasing troops in Afghanistan?
Also, nowhere in that article does it mention that McGovern is against Obama's troop surge in Afghanistan. He voted against the supplemental funding because there was no clear exit strategy. Another thing is that there is plenty of humanitarian aid being given to Afghanistan and even Pakistan.
LovingSteam said:Where did I say democrat politicians are against focus on terrorism in Afghanistan? I said that many democrats are upset with Obama for increasing troops in Afghanistan. I didn't mention democrat politicians. However here is an article that lists a few and their reasoning.
Jason's Ultimatum said:Yes, because we all know the media doesn't sensationalize. :lol :lol
Jason's Ultimatum said:Yes, because we all know the media doesn't sensationalize. :lol :lol
EDIT-What second question? WTF are you talking about?
Jason's Ultimatum said:When I hear the word Democrats, I think of politicians. You were just being vague, and again, your source doesn't say McGovern is necessarily against the surge. He just wants an exit strategy.
LovingSteam said:Where did I say democrat politicians are against focus on terrorism in Afghanistan? I said that many democrats are upset with Obama for increasing troops in Afghanistan. I didn't mention democrat politicians. However here is an article that lists a few and their reasoning.
However here is an article that lists a few and their reasoning.