For anyone still talking about Sotomayor, I present to you
a Reason blogger's take on why she isn't some sort of evil baby-eating political correctness monster.
True, and in a vacuum, that's a problem. But in general, tax money that's used to implement services that improve the quality of life of the lower classes has a net positive effect on their standard of living
even if the tax is regressive.
Me, I'd like to see a whole host of new tax policy:
[*]Reduce deduction amounts across the board, as well as the always-popular-to-talk-about-but-never-to-actually-implement loophole closings, etc.
[*]Instead of starting by jacking up marginal rates for the top bracket now, create a whole lot more brackets with relatively minor increases in marginal rate: one at $720k, one at $1.4m, etc.
[*]Then as prosperity returns, gradually increase tax rates slightly for everybody, including the poor.
[*]Supplement with targeted tax hikes on products with externalities or negative effects, i.e. alcohol, gasoline, sugar, etc.
But none of that is particularly viable compared to "keep borrowing against tomorrow while looking the other way." :-/