quadriplegicjon said:
in that case, a miscarriage is also murder. same thing. body rejects fetus, human rejects fetus, human rejects human.. same thing.. different words!!
Oh Jesus.
I didn't mean for this to turn into an abortion debate but I guess it should have been expected since I used it as an example in relation to an abortion doctor no less so I guess I'm guilty of this, however, this wasn't my intent at all. Now that I look at it the previous poster decided not to continue highlighting my statement and stopped at the abortion example as well.
First off, that's freaking stupid, I think everyone in existence can agree there's a difference between national causes and human intervention no matter what a persons view of the different stages of a child. OK? Really, I don't think there's any merit to your post at all.
Second, well I guess I should tell you where I stand. I am generally against abortion, I do feel it's murder, but I'm 100% ok with it being performed if the life of the mother is in danger. How can I be for something that I feel is murder would be a good question and that's because I feel that there's lots of things that can justify a murder. Take on life to save another, it kinda balances although I wish there was no such reason to ever make such a choice it does happen.
I begrudgingly support it if the mother was raped, I say begrudgingly because once again it's a situation I wish just never happened and even worse it's completely within our power and yet it happens.
I generally do not support it in cases where it's just not convenient to have a child and frankly I'd be completely ok with more tax money being thrown at adoption programs, day care programs, helping families who feel the only reason against having that child is financial, etc, etc. I wish we would put enough resources into the social net so that instead of people feeling an unwanted child is 18 years of hardship they can't bear that it be reduced to 9 months of general hardship, and when viewed from that angle I do not think it's morally right to kill something when you only have to stick with it for less than a year and never see it again if you wish it.
Third, I do believe legal executions are the same thing as murder and I support it. That means there are some people that I think the world is better off if they just died and could never do another thing.
All my positions are made with the full weight that what I condone is the killing of another human being. I don't take away weight from the unborn or a criminal and I don't assign extra weight to a public official.
Edit: To further clarify things I don't agree with the Doctor being killed and I will happily allow the killer to be killed.