Godslay, good points all around, but again, this is a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans by like 5:1. They shouldn't have to be worried about anything right now.
I've argued against the point for a long time, but now that I myself am truly witnessing how Democrats govern, they have a problem in doing so far too often. When the Democrats threatened to block Bush's Supreme Court nominations, Republicans threatened to go for the nuclear option, giving Democrats/moderates a real incentive to actually negotiate or else.
I don't see any of this from Senate Democrats. They're being very ineffective. Reid and many others lack the leadership to have the balls to seriously threaten the opposition. You can always blame Obama, but it's really not up to him, even though it makes him look like a jackass. Bush being in lockstep with House and Senate leadership is what made him look like he had a handle on his agenda, but really, the House and Senate are free to make decisions however they want regardless how the President feels. It's a damn shame Reid can't be more like, say, Pelosi, and demonstrate some leadership.
This is Obama's first real chance to prove that yes, he can govern and lead by passing serious legislation beyond the stimulus, which he can't run on alone.
Every now and then we hear a Congressman/Senator (or two) randomly bring up the possibility of using reconciliation or changing the rules, but nothing ever happens.
The fact is, even if Coakley wins, Democrats need to seriously grow a pair and learn how to fucking govern. By the end of the fall, they will no doubt, at the very least, have lost their 60 seat majority, which gives the GOP 41+ Senators to filibuster anything Obama tries to get passed. And they'll no doubt do so. Democrats need to have a gameplan, otherwise Obama will look like a lame duck for at least half of his first term, which doesn't help him get re-elected.