mj1108 said:Well...time to donate more to Obama.
Tamanon said:"To everyone out there trying to make your community better, FUCK YOU!":lol :lol
GrotesqueBeauty said:That was a much better speech than anything else that I've heard at the RNC, but it was tarnished by all the speeches that lead up to it. As someone who has followed this election since last year I was also perturbed by how eagerly he co-opted some of Obama's messages, but I doubt the general public will notice that sort of thing.
Unfortunately I expect that speech to give McCain a bump in the polls. I personally saw a lot of bullshit in it, but I think it hit the right notes to resonate with the general public.
He did EXTREMELY well. He didn't even let O'Reilly fully execute his trademark bullying.saelz8 said:He did well.
bgassassin said:I'm just glad this is all over so we can start seeing the debates.
Of course they would.Frank the Great said:Mathews: McCain is a "winner" and will be "ahead in the polls by next week"
I fucking TOLD you asses that they would eat this up.
You can't respect someone with a different political ideology? That's too bad.ComputerNerd said:To think. I used to have respect for you.
MThanded said:Jon Stewart on point tonight.
140.85 said:Heh. ABC/NBC/CBS went to commercial. Did they do that so quickly after Obama's speech?
He's gotta hurt since he at least used to respect McCain.Tamanon said:I'm starting to think the RNC actually has been pissing Jon off.:lol
He's an upstanding, intelligent US citizen - of course he's pissed off at this RNC and the GOP in general.Tamanon said:I'm starting to think the RNC actually has been pissing Jon off.:lol
I heard on NPR that there are 36 black delegates. (that number might be slightly off, but that's what I remember)v1cious said:i'm beginning to wonder if these random black people are planted.
Iksenpets said:I have to say you guys are way too harsh on McCain. Yeah, he's not the most gifted, uplifting speaker in the world, but he's still by far the best Republican out there. He keeps all the socially regressive bullshit his party spouts to a minimum, and sticks the the party's more defensible ideas. I really hope the party as a whole starts following his example more. I'd probably find myself leaning way less Democratic if they did. I wish he had gotten the nomination in 2000, because he deserved to win then, and yeah, he's sold out a bit to get where he is now, but he's still the same guy deep down. I'm reminded of why I liked him so much, and I admit I feel a little guilty I'm not going to be voting for him.
But then I'm reminded he picked Sarah Palin as a running mate. And I'm a little less guilty, and a little more gleeful to cast that vote.
Also, he has a horrible country song about him. That helps, too.
THAT'S where I heard it from! I frantically tried to remember but the best I could muster was the ID4 quote.Atrus said:I was going to write the same thing. The only difference is that Sean Connery got a crossbow bolt in the chest for his efforts.
GhaleonEB said:Of course they would.
That speech was wandering and terribly delivered. We'll see. I don't think they're getting much of a bounce from this.
GhaleonEB said:Of course they would.
That speech was wandering and terribly delivered. We'll see. I don't think they're getting much of a bounce from this.
GrotesqueBeauty said:You know, I'm as liberal as anyone on GAF, but I think you guys are underestimating how the speech will play to a broader audience. It's going to have a completely different tone to someone who hasn't been eyeball deep in election coverage up until now.
Seriously, how do these people not understand how stupid they sound?Y2Kev said:Anyone can be president :lol
Y2Kev said:Rudy is a piece of shit. A miserable, little shit and I hope he goes away.