Blowing their load in one go now would be a monumentally stupid thing to do, from a marketing point of view.
At this moment in time, Sony have them beat in terms of next gen gaming news and appeal. Sony have a show out, MS don’t. Now, I know damn well that up to the 23rd Sony will do everything they can to keep their name in the spotlight.
And then after the 23rd, and up to release of the PS5? You can bet they will be trying to control media coverage as much as possible and not give up any ground.
We all know that Sony has held back announcements, and will be dropping more over the next few months. This keeps people talking about the PS5. Silent Hill? Is it even real? Who knows, but people are TALKING about it, and that’s what matters.
We also *think* that MS has more games to show for their 23rd event (compared to the Sony event) and by all accounts has what could likely be a better show than what Sony did. That’s just the word on the street and isn’t a fact though, so don’t get your knickers in a twist. Though the Sony one was very high in quality, but very low in substance.
But how stupid would it be for MS to come out all guns blazing, produce an amazing show that gets even Sony fans taking and then... nothing. Nothing until the lockhart reveal and price.
That would be a stupid idea. They would have nothing to counter the Sony news cycle with. People don’t care about the price, we are all getting one or both of the consoles regardless. People care about the GAMES.
So yes, MS absolutely MUST hold back a few bits for later. Not shitty shovel ware fodder, I mean big games. Because you know Sony play dirty and love to dominate the media coverage, and this is something I’ve said all along MS have been pretty shit at doing. They did seem like they were on a good streak but then that weird inside box show happened and it was all too quiet. Sony though, they put in so much more money for advertising, that I’m pretty much hit in the face with a PlayStation game or something every time I use YouTube, go to the cinema, browse the net. It’s so bad I wouldn’t be surprised to see a PS5 advert on the Xbox dash some day

MS really need to kick their efforts here up the arse IMO.
All of this is a strategic game, make no mistake. And it’s one Sony are very good at playing. It’s time MS actually stepped up and hit it hard too.