These stories of mothers demonstrate that gaming generally treats moms as cardboard cut-outs whose only function is to create narrative space for protagonists.
Of course, orphans are a staple of fiction, allowing characters the space to define themselves separately from parental expectation. It's something of a cliche, most especially in children's fiction in which the protagonist becomes powerful. Think Harry Potter, Tarzan and Superman. In games, control, power and individuality are especially important. But their overwhelming presence in games smacks, not merely of bias, but of a lack of imagination and an inability to confront tired ideas.
In games, mothers are almost never playable characters. One of the few exceptions to this is the as-yet unreleased game Thralled, about a slave trying to escape to freedom, while keeping her baby alive.
Gaming is not alone in portraying mothers negatively. From fairy tales to Game of Thrones and TV's Mom, we've seen wicked or crappy mothers. We've also seen a lot of treacly idealized mothers over the years. Other mediums manage to create great stories out of bad moms and good moms. But gaming has so far failed to offer a range of perspectives on motherhood, that sit far outside issues of absence or neglectfulness.
Meanwhile, game developers often celebrate fathers as strong, powerful and morally upstanding, while also offering a broader range of adult male characters that take in the entire spectrum of hero, anti-hero, incompetent and villain.
Game companies are overwhelmingly staffed by men. Despite the recent splurge of hero parents at E3, there's little sign of mothers getting a fair portrayal.
But as gaming becomes increasingly diverse, perhaps we'll see improvement in the years ahead.