Dr. Claus
Honestly, I am thinking of selling my pro and and be done with gaming and just stick to building cars. The current trend of western developers shoving their ideological agendas down our throats or forcing political beliefs in their games has just crossed the line.
Just taking a glimpse at some of western devs twitter just reinforces this. Its not only naughty dog but majority of sony developers that all gather in some cringy sjw circle jerk about gay pride, female rights and rainbow colored dicks, and how their political beliefs should shoved down our throats, and to no surprise they act in a hostile manner when you have a different opinion.
Gaming over a decade ago was never about this. Every damn game released now has to have some sjw bullshit shoe-horned in.
I couldn't give a fuck if someone decides to take it up the ass, and I am all for equality but there is a time and place for that shit. Western devs should take some estrogen blockers and shut the fuck up already.
Honestly, I believe this will blow over with time. Once developers learn that people are not interested in this idiotic identity politics and that people will buy good games, regardless of the "controversial" stuff contained within, they will ignore the minority that clamours for its removal. Plus there are still tons of wonderful games that are being made by developers who don't give two shits about politics or what a bunch of whiny millennials/uptight puritans want. Especially when those are not the people who were going to buy the game in the first place.