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Polytron Hacked?

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Yeah, when Zoe got doxxed, the topic was off-limits. What's changed?

Anyway, I'm glad to see some rational heads in this topic not jumping to conclusions. This just makes /v/ look bad when they were trying to do something good (out of spite).

It wasn't /v/ that hacked him. Lets be real though. When you say Japanese games are shit and then you try to viral your video game on /v/ which is in love with anime culture you're just asking to be hated.


The hack was done by one person. Or a few people. Whatever.

The mountains of hate in all the comments on so many places, just endless streams of it? Not one person. Thousands and thousands. THAT is why I find these events so sad. A few bad apples I can take. A culture?


Calling someone a dick =/= his life should be shattered in front of his eyes.

Yeah, Fish is an asshole (IMO) and I'd never buy his stuff out of principal, but this is.. too much. Even with him saying gamers are all shitty people, the burning building remark, and all that other stuff he just comes across as a dude with a severe lack of empathy, not someone who's entire life needs burned to the ground because he's rude on the internet.
Terrible news, but Fish must have been incredibly lax on security. Someone said his SVN was public facing? Yikes. Getting hacked was inevitable for him unfortunately.

Should be a wake up call to anyone that doesn't have two-factor auth on things like email to start using it immediately.

But Zoe does have two-factor and they "got in her dropbox."


It's funny how certain members of this forum were taking the piss out of him for months. I wonder are these the same people who are now saying that people's treatment of him is disgusting.

So what if they are? People are capable of disliking someone while not wishing ill upon them. 'Certain members' of this forum think he's a jackass or a hack, but they do not condone privacy breaches or physical violence upon him. Why is that so weird?

I've never posted in a Phil Fish thread before this one, I just wanted to point this out.
It wasn't /v/ that hacked him. Lets be real though. When you say Japanese games are shit and then you try to viral your video game on /v/ which is in love with anime culture you're just asking to be hated.

I don't believe /v/ did it, my mistake if I was unclear. Phil has been a big target for a while now, this was probably just the flashiest moment for whoever did it.
Honestly, no one but gamers even know this is happening, or will ever know. Obsessing about how you look to other fictitious people is just a waste of time; particularly if you had nothing to do with any of this.

To who? I'm fairly sure we're capable of self-reflection as a wider community. I mentioned no 'fictitious people'.

Even if no one outside the community cares, and I never suggested they do, recent events still make the gaming community online look pathetic. Sorry but it just does.
I love you GAF. You guys have so much restraint. I was anticipating a lot more bans from this thread.

Or the mods are ninjas. Whichever.

This is all so mindboggling. I can't believe this has gotten so out of hand. Where is the body count for careers gonna end up after the dust settles? We're at what, 7+ at least right now?

Who are the 7+?


Well, the thought that something wrong can be excused by something else that was wrong, is pretty much what's wrong with social media and internet communities.

And people who rallies an internet mob for personal issues and relationship dramas suffers from a severe case of stupidity, and should be quarantined, because it's contagious.
As far as I can gather, if it were any random person sleeping with any random person, this would not have gotten past personal Facebook drama. People latched onto this story because it was a developer and a Kotaku contributor, and despite the innocuous relationship, gaming sites have certainly have not had a clean slate of issues regarding integrity and questionable relationships with the people they review and report about in the past decade. The whole escalation of this being represented as a kind of social justice issue only attracted more people. This whole situation got dragged for too long and with too much drama by the respective parties involved.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Have you ever been cheated on?
I've been cheated on a few times. Every time, it was a learning experience and I grew from it. Sometimes it was because of me, sometimes it was just because I was with a lousy girl.

At no point did I ever go on a crusade to shame them on the internet, no matter how upset I was. I never so much as wrote them a nasty letter. The ones I hate are simply not in my life anymore. Hell, the first fairly long-term girlfriend I had cheated on me before dumping me a month later, and we're actually on good terms now.

All of that shit with Zoe Quinn is none of our business, and the guy who felt the need to write a goddamned novel just because his dick game was weak is a fucking child.


I need some clarification here - /v/'s the same group of people who sent those cool meme cards to the likes of Kojima, Kamiya, and Iwata, right? For their birthdays and a Get Well in Iwata's case?

I think so. I remember because there was a thread here and half the people in it got really really mad for some reason and started plotting revenge/spite Get Well cards in retaliation


Poor Phil. Hope this will amount to nothing but a major inconvenience. Obviously won't download that package of stolen info, even though I'm super curious about how much Sony paid for Fez on Plus.


( ≖‿≖)

Did anyone buy it


Anita Sarkeesian. Samantha Allen. Zoe Quinn. Phil Fish. I don't know how many others are constantly harassed and discriminated against by superspoiled gamers at large. There's a huge problem in video game culture that needs to be addressed.
I've been cheated on a few times. Every time, it was a learning experience and I grew from it. Sometimes it was because of me, sometimes it was just because I was with a lousy girl.

At no point did I ever go on a crusade to shame them on the internet, no matter how upset I was. I never so much as wrote them a nasty letter. The ones I hate are simply not in my life anymore. Hell, the first fairly long-term girlfriend I had cheated on me before dumping me a month later, and we're actually on good terms now.

All of that shit with Zoe Quinn is none of our business, and the guy who felt the need to write a goddamned novel just because his dick game was weak is a fucking child.

This is a Dr Phil thread now y'all.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Sure about that? Sony got sued and had to pay up when PSN was hacked.

That's a completly different situation though. Polytron wasn't proving a service for paying customers, the PSN hack affected people's life (to say it in a really melodramatic way). Also, I doubt Sony would sue Phil Fish, it would make them look like monsters and Indie Devs would start running away from them as fast as they can.
So even if they COULD sue him, there is no way they will.

Those journalists may very well be done, so 5 there, Phil Fish, potentially Zoe if this goes much further, and potentially Polytron as a whole. Sessler's out already, but if he wasn't he sure would be now. Shame, I like Sessler, think he gets a lot of undue crap.

There was only one Journalist involved as far as I know.


I need some clarification here - /v/'s the same group of people who sent those cool meme cards to the likes of Kojima, Kamiya, and Iwata, right? For their birthdays and a Get Well in Iwata's case?

they don't have a manifesto or charter or some kind of joining requirements or something. They're just people who post on an internet messageboard. they're not a gang or something. At this point it's like claiming to be from facebook or reddit. Great. Tells you nothing.
I've been cheated on a few times. Every time, it was a learning experience and I grew from it. Sometimes it was because of me, sometimes it was just because I was with a lousy girl.

At no point did I ever go on a crusade to shame them on the internet, no matter how upset I was. I never so much as wrote them a nasty letter. The ones I hate are simply not in my life anymore. Hell, the first fairly long-term girlfriend I had cheated on me before dumping me a month later, and we're actually on good terms now.

All of that shit with Zoe Quinn is none of our business, and the guy who felt the need to write a goddamned novel just because his dick game was weak is a fucking child.

Off topic but being cheated on isn't your fault.


For anyone who was denying that this topic was important before the Phil Fish hackings, just think about how many people's careers will be destroyed by the time the dust settles.

I have been intently following everything that's been going on over the past few days for this reason alone. Even when the "news" just broke, the first thing that popped into my head was: "Holy shit, imagine the aftermath." Like this issue is so polarizing that careers will rise and fall everywhere because of it. IMO it was only a matter of time before something big happened like the Phil Fish hacking.


That's a completly different situation though. Polytron wasn't proving a service for paying customers, the PSN hack affected people's life (to say it in a really melodramatic way). Also, I doubt Sony would sue Phil Fish, it would make them look like monsters and Indie Devs would start running away from them as fast as they can.
So even if they COULD sue him, there is no way they will.

There was only one Journalist involved as far as I know.

I thought part of this whole thing was she slept with 5 journalists to get "coverage" for the free flash game? I'm, truthfully, not tracking this because I'd rather not get invested. Apologies if I'm mistaken.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Honest question: When people say "/v/ did or didn't do it" do you mean the person who hacked Fish is a member of /v/ or do you mean it was a collaborative effort?

I thought part of this whole thing was she slept with 5 journalists to get "coverage" for the free flash game? I'm, truthfully, not tracking this because I'd rather not get invested. Apologies if I'm mistaken.

Nope, just one of those five guys was a journalist and he didn't even report on her game in any meaningful way.
I'd like it if Cliff's new studio did. Key Boss? Boss Key? Somethin' like that. Cliff's got a hell of a talent for design, IMO.

Nothing against Cliff but im not sure if he is the right guy for a game like FEZ. But whoever buys Polytron and Fez should also get Fish on board.

A Fez game without Fish is not Fez.


All of that shit with Zoe Quinn is none of our business, and the guy who felt the need to write a goddamned novel just because his dick game was weak is a fucking child.

Wow. Just wow. I think the funniest part of that is that if you actually read the post made by the ex-boyfriend, an important aspect of it was that Zoe was apparently making him feel like the victim the whole time. Irony.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Make a few rude comments on internet and so many people show up in every instance your name is even hinted at to call you out on it. Often using fouler language and or behaviour. Somehow this is justified. I wish that people would just learn to behave. Nothing Phil did warrants that people enter threads just to call him a dick or gets this kind of treatment.
That's a completly different situation though. Polytron wasn't proving a service for paying customers, the PSN hack affected people's life (to say it in a really melodramatic way). Also, I doubt Sony would sue Phil Fish, it would make them look like monsters and Indie Devs would start running away from them as fast as they can.
So even if they COULD sue him, there is no way they will.

Wait, did I go through the topic too fast? No customer data has been leaked?


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Nothing against Cliff but im not sure if he is the right guy for a game like FEZ. But whoever buys Polytron and Fez should also get Fish on board.

A Fez game without Fish is not Fez.

It would be pretty hilarious if Fish sold the Fez IP only to get hired by the guys who bought it to make Fez 2.

Wait, did I go through the topic too fast? No customer data has been leaked?

In this case here? At least I don't know about it, I might be mistaken but this is the first time I've heard anything about customer data.


Anita Sarkeesian. Samantha Allen. Zoe Quinn. Phil Fish. I don't know how many others are constantly harassed and discriminated against by superspoiled gamers at large. There's a huge problem in video game culture that needs to be addressed.

And the people that try to destroy the people you listed will not be changed by discussion or discourse, at all.

I think that's the sad reality in all of this. In the digital age, if someone wants to be huge asshole, they can. Other assholes join in, and the rest is history. You're not going to sway the troll or Videogame Justice Warrior. Surprisingly the best way to kill those weeds is to censor the people not fit for discussion, but then that puts reasonable people on edge, thinking they will be next to be censored.

Its still very early in the digital and internet timeline. This problem won't be solved by simple discussion.


I need some clarification here - /v/'s the same group of people who sent those cool meme cards to the likes of Kojima, Kamiya, and Iwata, right? For their birthdays and a Get Well in Iwata's case?

The hundreds of people who did that stuff and the unknown number of people who did this may or may not overlap. There maybe one person common to the whole thing or all of them. No one can know.

/v is just a place people visit. Its got its lurkers, common posters, drive by posters and trolls too. And they're all anonymous
Honest question: When people say "/v/ did or didn't do it" do you mean the person who hacked Fish is a member of /v/ or do you mean it was a collaborative effort?

When I say I don't think /v/ did it, I don't think it was a planned group effort. Even if they were part of /v/, there are people who absolutely hate the ongoing discussion. They could have done it just to spite the rest of /v/.
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