Leona Lewis
Can someone post that gif of a big girl like crying and she touches her face

Can someone post that gif of a big girl like crying and she touches her face
Can someone post that gif of a big girl like crying and she touches her face
Someone went through the work to remove her from all Fifth Harmony songs and leave the 4 girls so I guess someone took the time to remove all the girls except Camilizard and considering Lauren does back up vocals to a lot of the stuff she does it basically takes what covers a lot of the crappy things Camilizard does.
straight ppl
Love is still THAT song. The Weekday tried it.
Yass, Beth Ditto was just in my pub. She's really pretty in person, plus she and her entourage were super nice!
I wish the Weeknd would try me tbh.
Who is this?
That's amazing!I hope you got a nice tip, too!
nnn not this girl. Do you have that gif of her screaming whistle notes on a rollercoaster, I've been trying to find it without success
MC Melody <3
Couldn't find it, but I just made new ones. Hope these will do!
probably a black female rapper and the song had the word pussy a lot in it.
Any song by CupcakKeI am having difficulty in identifying a song I heard in the club. Shazam did not pick it up as it probably was a remix and thought denizens of PopGAF could help. It was most probably a black female rapper and the song had the word pussy a lot in it. Can you guys help me? It was not Nicki Minaj.
The legendary Khia, perhaps? No idea what remix it could be, though. There's tons on YouTube.I am having difficulty in identifying a song I heard in the club. Shazam did not pick it up as it probably was a remix and thought denizens of PopGAF could help. It was most probably a black female rapper and the song had the word pussy a lot in it. Can you guys help me? It was not Nicki Minaj.
The fact that it kind of makes more sense than that time certain artist went from mega pop star to jazz diva and then to country idol.
Nooooooooooooo. Fucking Square Enix.And pray a bit for gaming side since there are evidence that Kingdom Hearts III is not releasing this year.
Nooooooooooooo. Fucking Square Enix.
I don't care about the game, I need another Utada master piece.
Who is this?
Why is there so much blinding light? What are you trying to hide?
Really? it looks more like the bloom they added to Wind Waker HDJust doing early 360/PS3 bloom realness.
Really? it looks more like the bloom they added to Wind Waker HD
I like the look of Wind Waker HD more than the original one =P
Sorry guys! its not one of them. But i did get my life from this.
http://redirect.viglink.com/?format...le=NeoGAF - Reply to Topic&txt=legendary Khia
The song you were looking for must have been Pussy by Iggy Azealia. She's not black, tho...
exCUSE YOU, don't blame me for that mess
i like the video, very colourfulParamore's new song strongly appeals to my sensibilities
I raise you Lady - Pussy. LOL I know this aint it lol
I raise you Lady - Pussy. LOL I know this aint it lol
This is it! Thanks you guys! Yay! I knew PopGAF will not let me down.
I cant believe it was my joke post
I cant believe it was my joke post