If the Chainsmokers know anything, its that no one ever died from hearing a chorus too often. Its why the American duo were the only bulwark against an all-Sheeran UK top 10 last month. This debut doesnt dare vary their formula: instantly memorable yet completely forgettable music, with all the personality and passion of an invoice. The female singers all sound like a Sia guide vocal for Rihanna; the men mostly simper shallow emo-EDM cliches about failing relationships. Eventually everything sounds the same - the more you hear the less there is to listen to. This is Trump-pop: shallow, always betraying its influences, with a third-grade vocabulary and ambition that runs no further than emptying the nearest wallet.
and you know with dem genes that baby's gonna be fiiiiine as, better keep him away from uncle MJ's lusty hologram
Holy shit that review!Eek at the reviews for the Chainsmokers album
The Guardian:
I've always thought Emily Warren was a bootleg Sia and I'm apparently not the only one
Thanks, but yeah you were. I did worry it wasn't explicit enough.I loved the poll! We weren't supposed to vote for a bop this week were we?
Truth.Charli's ep is the only ep/lp woth paying attention to this year
this year is shite for pop
Charli's ep is the only ep/lp woth paying attention to this year
this year is shite for pop
Thanks, but yeah you were. I did worry it wasn't explicit enough.
Also whew at some of the salt in the poll.
Eek at the reviews for the Chainsmokers album
The Guardian:
If the Chainsmokers know anything, its that no one ever died from hearing a chorus too often. Its why the American duo were the only bulwark against an all-Sheeran UK top 10 last month. This debut doesnt dare vary their formula: instantly memorable yet completely forgettable music, with all the personality and passion of an invoice. The female singers all sound like a Sia guide vocal for Rihanna; the men mostly simper shallow emo-EDM cliches about failing relationships. Eventually everything sounds the same - the more you hear the less there is to listen to. This is Trump-pop: shallow, always betraying its influences, with a third-grade vocabulary and ambition that runs no further than emptying the nearest wallet.
I've always thought Emily Warren was a bootleg Sia and I'm apparently not the only one
She can certainly sing, albeit in the grandstanding all-talent-and-no-taste style that guarantees a standing ovation on The X Factor. I Miss Her, a ballad dealing with the improbable subject of Alzheimer's, would be infinitely more affecting if she dialled down her performance a bit. Instead, she starts breaking out the melismas after about 20 seconds and goes progressively more bananas from there on in. The effect is distracting, like a heartfelt and tender eulogy being read out by a pantomime dame who keeps flashing her sequined bloomers and shooting fireworks out of her wig.
One of you sucks.why the hell is that gremlin Lorde included at all? She's NOT iconic, Green sucks, she has ZERO vocal range and honestly in the realm of uggos she should be replaced by Grimes who actually makes good music
Ready for the mess
Q: Was anyone missing? Who would they be? Why? Let me know.
A: Well, you forgot to include some singers with a dick. And I'm not talking O!NK, although you could and should have included him/(XIM? XER? XIT?)
A: Tinashe was missing as Tinasaka Miaflopo, a talented but never seen girl who will probably shoot up the school
I love it when the guardian drags, their Jessie J review is great
I cannot believe Janet the Scammer
She really is a shit popstar, isn't she?
A remix of into the kill by la roux has just come on the mix I am listening to and it still goes fucking awf
Today's indie hews wish they could create such a global crossover
Little Monser;233665368 said:the good sis La Roux released a stella alberm back them
still drunkenly bop to iT
Whoever has been stanning Astrid S - Breathe, thank you. The song is such a bop!
I cannot believe Janet the Scammer
Touchdown, Tanaka is out. You have a chance. Get your Queen.
The 2nd one was even better tbh. Bop after bop
The 2nd one was even better tbh. Bop after bop
Mariah should take notes tbhI cannot believe Janet the Scammer
Queen Siobhan Donaghy is pregnant! Congrats legend. Her husband is so hot, she won.
(I guess this means MKS really is never gonna happen... oh well, serve us a post baby 'ray of light' instead queen!)