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Popular gaming opinions that are just....wrong


Gold Member
Well there's this video showing transparency effects on the PS1 lacking in the Saturn version.

Yes the textbox/menus looks transparent, although that could be a trick similar to how the megadrive handled transparency.


I guess many developers used dithered textures/sprites instead of true transparecy for shits and giggles.

Weird that people are giving you shit for this. The Saturn’s issues with transparencies are well known, well-documented, and there are dozens if not hundreds of in-game examples. That said wizard devs that knew the hardware inside and out like TT could harness that knowledge to do transparent effects, but IMO that exception proves the rule.



Fafracer forever
EA makes good SW games

GTA 5 is set in an American city

PS1 had good '3d hardware'

PS2 was 'hardware-compatible' with PS1

GameCube hw was comparable to XBox1
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"FFXV is trash. Worst FF game ever made".

Wheres back in the real world, it's probably the best FF ever made and certainly in the top five of JRPG games.
Disgusted Judge Judy GIF


You don't have to quote me if you are replying to OP
I was responding to what you said.....I was just saying that the game was designed for consoles in 2001 (we didn't have many FPS games on consoles, definitely not any super popular ones) and Halo is what opened that door and having slower movement on consoles in 2001 probably was a factor; so maybe that statement isn't entirely wrong?
Sony has never made anything ground breaking to pushing the gaming industry forward while Both Nintendo and Microsoft have.

Dual Analog since 1995, introducing modern texture rendering, hi-fi lighting, and post-processing effects, and introduced 60fps 3D polygon gaming to consoles with the PS1? Partnered with developers that released innovative and ambitious consoles games on the same system? Popularized racing sims to the mainstream? Several ground breaking games throughout the years?

Introduced large storage space with bluray on consoles allowing for larger more complex games on one disc with PS3? Other innovative PS3 features? Touchpad on the PS4 controller? PSVR?

An early portable multimedia player and internet device with the PSP?

There's quite a bit there. Sure, it's not Microsoft or Sega level, but it's about even with Nintendo.
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Dual Analog since 1995, introducing modern texture rendering, hi-fi lighting, and post-processing effects, and introduced 60fps 3D polygon gaming to consoles with the PS1? Partnered with developers that released innovative and ambitious consoles games on the same system? Popularized racing sims to the mainstream? Several ground breaking games throughout the years?
Lots of buzzwords and utter nonsense. The Dual Shock came out in 1997, more than a year after the N64.

but it's about even with Nintendo

The delusion is real.
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It's almost impossible to find an opinion that someone doesn't agree with somewhere. So it's hard to give a concrete example that isn't complete hyperbole.
Maybe that Death Stranding is amazing but I see a ton of people who gave it a chance and didn't like it at all or think it was good. So even that seems like a stretch. But a guess that would be like one I see more than others.


Twin Snakes is better than the original MGS in every way except for music. Everyone else views TS as trash and MGS original as the only way to play the game. Both of the most common complaints about Twin Snakes are invalid IMO>

1. "The new first person view ruins the game"
-You can swap to the old camera at any time you want and play it just like the original. You are not forced to use first person.

2. "The new action movie cutscenes ruin the game"
-The stuff that happens in MGS2 and MGS4 make the Twin Snakes seem like a boring, plain bread game by comparison. The series has always has nonstop insanity in it and MGS2/4 have way more utter nonsense, logic defying action cutscenes in it than Twin Snakes ever had.
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Ask me about my fanboy energy!
I was responding to what you said.....I was just saying that the game was designed for consoles in 2001 (we didn't have many FPS games on consoles, definitely not any super popular ones) and Halo is what opened that door and having slower movement on consoles in 2001 probably was a factor; so maybe that statement isn't entirely wrong?
Having slower movement has nothing to do with consoles, most console shooters have faster movement. A lot of console games even before Halo have faster movement. I have never seen a single person explain why slower movement is necessary for consoles. Halo has slower movement because it has high TTK and was originally a real-time tactics game based on Myth. It would have slower movement even if Microsoft didn't buy Halo and made it Xbox exclusive. All the enemies and levels are designed around high TTK and slower movement, this is why you have vehicles in many levels and even levels entirely designed around vehicles.
SEGA America and SEGA Japan didn't get on

Sega Saturn couldn't do 3D

Virtua Fighter 3TB - Dreamcast was a terrible port

16-Bit gaming was the best ;)

PS never had any good 2D games

FF 7 is the best RPG

Sega Saturn couldn't handle quality FMV


Ask me about my fanboy energy!
Its along the same lines of what I was saying in the Next Gen thread

Something like the Series X was going to be an amped up Xbox One and the PS5 was going to be a true next gen machine

I still agree as the first time playing Astros Playroom I was blown away
The reason you did not see massive upgrade to the Xbox UI in Series S|X is because unlike the PS4, it has been massively overhauled multiple times.

Comparing the 2013 UI to the Series S|X, it is a massive change. So the UI overhaul in Series S|X from the 2020 Xbox One UI didn't look that massive. When it comes to hardware, both the consoles went from a Jaguar based CPU and GCN based GPU to a CPU in Zen architecture and RDNA based GPU, so I fail to see how one is a more massive upgrade than the other.


voted poster of the decade by bots
That Sony and Microsoft and Nintendo all doing well is bad for gaming, and that we would be better off with any one of them being the best by a mile.
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Old games were all 60fps.

Saturn had 2 CPUs because arcade machines were made like this.

Nintendo don't care about third party software in its consoles.

Resetera is a gaming forum
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Gold Member
opinions are just that. there is no wrong one. at least when it comes to video games and you aren't debating cold hard facts. that doesn't include "my favourite game is better than yours!" or "Nobody likes *insert game name*"

get over yourselves lol. if someone doesn't like the same games as me or i don't agree with someone else then it doesn't make either of us wrong. we can disagree but we're not wrong.
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This is just I don't like what GAF likes.

I mean, I couldn't give a crap about Horizon, GOW or Plague's tail but we don't really need a thread about it.
opinions are just that. there is no wrong one. at least when it comes to video games and you aren't debating cold hard facts. that doesn't include "my favourite game is better than yours!" or "Nobody likes *insert game name*"

get over yourselves lol. if someone doesn't like the same games as me or i don't agree with someone else then it doesn't make either of us wrong. we can disagree but we're not wrong.
It’s a forum for chatting… irl I couldn’t give a tinker’s toot about peoples’ opinions, especially about games… but online? I see somebody saying that Link’s Awakening isn’t a top five of all time? There’s typing to be done.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
Turn based JRPGs are “strategic”.

Yeah right. Vast majority of those games you just pick “attack” from a menu over and over until you win. The best “strategy” is to grind some XP until you overpower the enemy. At best you might have to use some real big-brain strategy such as “heal the guy with low HP”, “use the element that this enemy is weak against”, or even “don’t attack while the enemy is doing their counterattack stance”.
Less Pokemon and more SMT dude.


Having slower movement has nothing to do with consoles, most console shooters have faster movement. A lot of console games even before Halo have faster movement. I have never seen a single person explain why slower movement is necessary for consoles. Halo has slower movement because it has high TTK and was originally a real-time tactics game based on Myth. It would have slower movement even if Microsoft didn't buy Halo and made it Xbox exclusive. All the enemies and levels are designed around high TTK and slower movement, this is why you have vehicles in many levels and even levels entirely designed around vehicles.
I was just presenting a possible reason for why people make that statement about Halo (true or not). Now to actually address the point, before Halo was released on Xbox, how many popular FPS games did we have on consoles? I am not saying FPS games did not exist whatsoever....I don't recall there being many. Consoles just weren't the place to play FPS games.

Halo was definitely an RTS game in its original form. Bungie decided to change it to an FPS game and they understood what systems they were going to release the game on. So, considering they must have designed the game to be played on consoles isn't a far fetched idea....and one part of that design could have been putting in slower movement. It may not have been the only reason it ended up that way.

Again, Bungie was designing a game to be played on consoles in 2001 and they needed to make something that would play well on consoles and what they thought people might enjoy....TTK (time to kill, right?) could have been an idea they put in for that very reason — if we are going to put in slower movement, maybe the time to kill should be higher?

You are welcome to believe this wasn't the case. I was just trying to ground that statement a little bit. It's clear you disagree so no problem.
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Well there's this video showing transparency effects on the PS1 lacking in the Saturn version.
Vandal Hearts on Saturn has a ton of transparency effects, but what you can you hope to know, since you haven't played the game ? A few effects might be missing, but remember the subject was that the Saturn was not able to do transparency at all according to you. Which is a blatant lie, of course.

Yes the textbox/menus looks transparent, although that could be a trick similar to how the megadrive handled transparency.
This is proper transparency handled by VDP2. You are making wrong guesses, but what else can you do ? Since you don't know anything about the console...

I guess many developers used dithered textures/sprites instead of true transparecy for shits and giggles.
Most of the time they did not bother trying to use the hardware correctly. Which doesn't mean the console can't do it.

Since you seem to be just as ignorant as all these people stating the console can't do transparency, here is one quick example that you could have found by yourself...

This also shows a usage of infinite VDP2 layers that cannot be achieved by PS1, by the way.
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Ask me about my fanboy energy!
I was just presenting a possible reason for why people make that statement about Halo (true or not). Now to actually address the point, before Halo was released on Xbox, how many popular FPS games did we have on consoles? I am not saying FPS games did not exist whatsoever....I don't recall there being many. Consoles just weren't the place to play FPS games.

Halo was definitely an RTS game in its original form. Bungie decided to change it to an FPS game and they understood what systems they were going to release the game on. So, considering they must have designed the game to be played on consoles isn't a far fetched idea....and one part of that design could have been putting in slower movement. It may not have been the only reason it ended up that way.

Again, Bungie was designing a game to be played on consoles in 2001 and they needed to make something that would play well on consoles and what they thought people might enjoy....TTK (time to kill, right?) could have been idea they put in for that very reason — if we are going to put in slower movement, maybe the time to kill should be higher?

You are welcome to believe this wasn't the case. I was just trying to ground that statement a little bit. It's clear you disagree so no problem.
Once the Warthog was in that scene and you could pile dudes into it, experimentation started with the viewpoint and the camera just kept getting closer and closer. And controlling it, just that double tactile nature of load a dude in, get a dude out, hands on the steering wheel—it was like, this shouldn’t be an RTS game.
If it was fast paced before becoming a Xbox game, why was all the talk around the use of vehicles?


Those images don't look like it had fast paced movement before it got bought by MS and became Xbox exclusive.

That does not loo like a game where you move very fast. In the first place its not like controllers got some massive overhaul since 2001 that games like Titanfall or Doom (2016) are not possible in the OG Xbox controller. I fell to see what the "limitation" in OG Xbox thatt forced it to be slower. Fast paced movement destroys Halo's sandbox and its not a limitation of consoles, its not meant to be played like Doom.


Vandal Hearts on Saturn has a ton of transparency effects, but what you can you hope to know, since you haven't played the game ? A few effects might be missing, but remember the subject was that the Saturn was not able to do transparency at all according to you. Which is a blatant lie, of course.
Yes I haven't seen and played every single Saturn game in existence you fucking ass, only enough to at least understand the console clearly has issues with transparency. A "few effects" huh? Like the fucking transparency you spoke about as an example of Saturn transparency? Moron. Don't bring up shit examples.

This is proper transparency handled by VDP2. You are making wrong guesses, but what else can you do ? Since you don't know anything about the console...
No. You don't know how that effect was achieved or its limitations. And there's no reason to use transparency effects like that selectively in VH, but apparently even the developers didn't know anything about the console.

Most of the time they did not bother trying to use the hardware correctly. Which doesn't mean the console can't do it.
Ah ok. They "did not bother". Even Sega, who made the hardware, couldn't "bother" with transparency in games like Night or object fading in Daytona, possibly because it's tricky as shit and the effect is still quite limited with only 8 transparency levels, and only affecting background layers, as explained in the video up top. By the way, look at those lovely dithered shadows below Sonic and Tails, clearly that developer had no idea what he was doing.

Since you seem to be just as ignorant as all these people stating the console can't do transparency, here is one quick example that you could have found by yourself...
Or, rather than being an ass, you could have show examples from the beginning instead of berating people.

This also shows a usage of infinite VDP2 layers that cannot be achieved by PS1, by the way.
Not even relevant. The discussion is about transparency and you being an irritable ass about it.
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you fucking ass
being an ass
irritable ass
I see. Great arguments you have here.

No. You don't know how that effect was achieved or its limitations.
Of course I do. You are simply ignorant of how the console works. Text windows are displayed using a layer of VDP2, and can be natively transparent.

Even Sega, who made the hardware, couldn't "bother" with transparency in games like Night or object fading in Daytona
Nights has transparency in many instances, especially the bosses. Daytona was a launch title. Background fade-in was implemented in many games using the various levels of transparency available for polygons over background, as seen in games such as Amok, Sonic R, Scorcher or Touge King Spirits to name a few.

Quick reminder of your initial post :

Not natively.
Saturn cannot do transparency "natively".

This is entirely wrong, as demonstrated. Both VDP1 and VDP2 can do transparency natively. Even if it wasn't practical with VDP1, it was still possible to enable transparency to display the background behind (fade-in effects). VDP2 could easily do transparent layers, and it was largely used in games etc... All of this is done through hardware features, of course.
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I see. Great arguments you have here.

Nights has transparency in many instances, especially the bosses. Daytona was a launch title. Background fade-in was implemented in many games using the various levels of transparency available for polygons over background, as seen in games such as Amok, Sonic R, Scorcher or Touge King Spirits to name a few.

Quick reminder of your initial post :

Saturn cannot do transparency "natively".

This is entirely wrong, as demonstrated. Both VDP1 and VDP2 can do transparency natively. Even if it wasn't practical with VDP1, it was still possible to enable transparency to display the background behind (fade-in effects). VDP2 could easily do transparent layers, and it was largely used in games etc... All of this is done through hardware features, of course.
Of course you keep conveniently ignoring its limitations and artifacts which everyone can easily see, and which are not present in the PS1. You literally cannot explain why even first party developers and people who had intimate knowledge of the hardware could only do transparency in a very limited fashion, can you?
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Of course you keep conveniently ignoring its limitations and artifacts which everyone can easily see, and which are not present in the PS1. You literally cannot explain why even first party developers and people who had intimate knowledge of the hardware could only do transparency in a very limited fashion, can you?
You are trying very hard to flee in this direction, but I already put a reminder of your initial post. I never said that Saturn was the best console for transparency, nor that it was easy to implement.

I simply reacted to you stating that it could not do it natively, which is wrong, as I showed you.
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You are trying very hard to flee in this direction, but I already put a reminder of your initial post. I never said that Saturn was the best console for transparency, nor that it was easy to implement.

I simply reacted to you stating that it could not do it natively, which is wrong, as I showed you.
Fair enough.
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Naughty Dog is a great studio.

Souls Games are hard.

GAAS is good.

It is ok to have MTX if the game is free and it is cosmetic!

TLOU2 is the greatest game of all time!

All shit opinions that are objectively wrong.
Lots of buzzwords and utter nonsense. The Dual Shock came out in 1997, more than a year after the N64.

I didn't say Dual Shock, Sony had two dual analog controllers before the Dual Shock. But looking at how you're conducting yourself in your discussion with cireza you clearly have no interest in learning anything you don't want to believe, So I'll leave you be.
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