darkiguana said:
I have followed Horowitz's movement for awhile and the goal is not to get rid of liberal professors or have an "affirmative action for conservative professors" on colleges either. The idea is that professors need to spend class time teaching the subject, not brainwashing the students into believing what they think(liberal or conservative). A student should not be forced to write an essay defending an opinion that he/she thinks is crap. Professors should not be trying to get students to join a politcal movement whatever it may be. At least not during class time. And students should not be failed because they disagree with the professor. That's the goal of the Academic Bill of Rights.
You're wrong.
First of all, it's just not plausible that someone
who would create a site like this would build a movement about nonpartisan academic freedom.
Secondly, Horowitz has said openly that he's organizing conservative students, that it's liberal/leftist/Marxist (yes, Marxist!) professors who create the problem. He's said that biology teachers should make their students aware of creationism.
Thirdly, Horowitz likes to hammer the word "diversity." In a Salon article, he talked about having students track down the party affiliation of professors, and griped that the universities seemed to be more liberal than the states they were in.
He never introduced any evidence that these professors were unqualified, that other candidates had been turned down because of their politics, or that these professors graded students by non-academic standards. He was talking about the ratio of Democrats to Republicans in the faculty as a problem unto itself.
Fourthly, "A student should not be forced to write an essay defending an opinion that he/she thinks is crap." Yes they should. Teacher teaches. Student studies. Student writes paper to show they understand what they're meant to be studying.
The whole point of college is to learn, not to cherry-pick whatever social/scientific/literary theories fit your preconceptions and refuse to study everything else. If a student is qualified to write their own curriculum, then there's really no point in them going to college at all.
radioheadrule83: I've had professors who have talked about the Yankees, their kids, their home countries, how they lost part of their finger in shop class, etc. All while they were meant to be teaching me. Amazingly, I have not introduced any legislation to remedy this.