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Possible PStwo bundles?



20.09.04 - Here further details are to the PStwo console, which is to be allegedly with Sony in work. Therefore Italian sides want e.g. Multiplayer some pictures from Sony to have received, which refer to a PStwo: So the console has a height of 23 cm with vertical list and weighs 900 g. The seriennummer is to read SCPH-70000. Meanwhile report American video game dealers that Sony prepares the start of the PStwo shifted in the USA erscheinungstermine by software and for the first November week. From Japan announces a dealer, which is to give it different Bundles in the course of the yearly with the PStwo - like all remaining information is however still unconfirmed:

- PStwo + Metal Gear Solid 3 (Survival Pack)
- PStwo + Dragon Quest VIII (Yuusha Pack)
- PStwo + Ratchet & Clank 3 (Butsu Hibashi Pack)
- PStwo + Gran Turismo 4 (Racing Pack)
- PStwo + Saru EyeToy Pack


I don't think we'll see that many bundles in Europe. I'll ask around tomorrow. Only just over 14 hours left until I get to touch it! :D


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Kiriku said:
What is Saru EyeToy? Never heard of it before.

The Ape Escape themed Eye Toy game. Saru Get You = Ape Escape in Japan. Hence, "Saru Eye Toy".


B E N K E said:
I don't think we'll see that many bundles in Europe. I'll ask around tomorrow. Only just over 14 hours left until I get to touch it! :D
Tell me more! Are you saying you're gonna play PStwo or MGS3 tomorrow? :)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Question: Does anyone know if the packaging and manual for the GT3 game sold at retail was the same as the packaging and the manual included in the PS2 GT3 bundle?


Mistaken iRobbery!
Marconelly said:
Question: Does anyone know if the packaging and manual for the GT3 game sold at retail was the same as the packaging and the manual included in the PS2 GT3 bundle?
The GT3 boxart was red and slightly different from the GT3 sold alone at retail stores which was blue. The manual's I really can't vouch for but I could call up my friend and ask :)


GT4 pack sounds like a great idea.
Go online with a great game right of the box.

And it'll mean GT4 will be released this year. :)


Mistaken iRobbery!

Gran Turismo 3 retail version:

Gran Turismo 3 packin bundle version:

Sorry about the smaller pic but you can see the boxart from here :)


And even i am moderately surprised
"PStwo + Gran Turismo 4 (Racing Pack)"

if it doesn't support the HDD that would be a bit of slap in the chops!
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