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Post Cat / Dog / Pet stories

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When reading the thread a while back about the kitten saved in the Gulf of Mexico, I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread collecting such stories. So here is the idea: Post a true story about a Cat, Dog, or other pet. They can be personal stories, or ones from the news, so long as they are true.

I'll start with the classic:

Old Shep


I don't have any stories, but i've had pets who ran off back to old owners, or former homes of mine. Had a few sad deaths with cats. Mostly hit by cars though :(.


Some years ago we were all playing basketball in my driveway, and my friend's little brother was laying in the grass playing with pogs or something. My mom's weiner dog was running around the yard as dogs do.

My friend's little brother lays on his back and is looking at clouds or something (he's like seven at the time), and the dog starts dry humping his head. He didn't move, because he just thought the dog was trying to climb on him, so we hear giggling, and when we look over, the dog's totally hunched over the back of the kid's head, going for the gold.

Pretty gross, but pretty funny. Only animal story I have.


I swear there is a Cat Mafia in my street.

My Cat, Pepsi, the the two neighbours cats all hate this one cat on the other side of the road. They take turns in watching him at night, you can hear fights in the middle of the night between them My cat would be the head boss, Rufus, the next door neightbours cat, would be the body guard, and Sam, the other cat, would be covert operative ninja, as he hates to be seen by anyone but his owner, but freefully goes into our house and eats our cat food if we're not around.


Chili Con Carnage!
One of my cats is such a bad ass, he stalks foxes twice his size for fun, in the summer at kinda 9pm when its still barely light we'll see the fox sneak through the back of the garden and then 20 seconds later, the cat just following him. The fox knows he's theres not a lot he can do about it as the cat can just dart up a tree if he tries anything.

Also, my dad is a 'big' (ie not morbidly obese but fat) guy and when the cat was a kitten it used to wake my dad up in the morning by sucking on his arm, the cat pawed like cats do when they are trying to get milk from their mothers teat, very strange, luckily he grew out of it.
Well I have three cats (had four before he ran away), and my story takes place ... well yesterday actually. Two of my cats named Seabastin and Lady Grey were play fighting around the house, jumping at each other and so on. Now although Seabastin is the largest of the cats (25 pounds) and Lady Grey's (just under half Seabastin's size) a almost a kitten, they were pretty evenly matched due to Lady Grey's hyper... osity.

Anyhoo, so they come barrling into my room where my third cat Isis is just relaxing and start starring at her. Now Isis is the smallest of the three (I can almost have her entire body sitting on one hand), she's 5 years old, and we've had her a month. She came to us from the pound, where she had scabs on her body, and no fur due to it all being matted while on the street. She's better now, the scabs have healed, and she's got a pretty little coat of fur developing. Sufficed to say, she doesn't like to play much, just relax or be pet.

Getting on with it, Seabastin and Lady Grey get it into their heads that Isis will now be joining the play fight. So they begin. Now I always thought Isis was a tough little kitty, but DAMN. Lady Grey jumps at Isis and gets ... well I guess it could be called bitch slapped and Lady Grey goes running out the door. Then Seabastin tries it and Isis goes nuts on him too, wrapping herself around his neck and biting him in the head. He then goes running and she hops up on my chair for some attention. The two owned kitties wouldn't go near her for awhile.
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