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Pregnant woman ran down a fleeing man 'who stole purse from her car' in Walmart


we had a similar case here in buenos aires a couple of days ago. thieves stole mans bag punching through window car and he followed them in car ran then down and then another car ran them down and finished the job by killing them.


So I guess I am the only one that agrees with her methods. Fuck thiefs.

If that pregnant lady was shoplifting something in that Walmart, the owner should head over to the sporting goods department grab an aluminum bat and swing at her head as hard as possible correct?
If that pregnant lady was shoplifting something in that Walmart, the owner should head over to the sporting goods department grab an aluminum bat and swing at her head as hard as possible correct?

no, Walmart should get up from its foundation, walk over and sit on her
Zero sympathy with that guy.
Don't steal and brrak the law.
When you commit a crime you take the risk
He payed the price.

Probably to much, but still no sympathy for him.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Good on her, and I actually LOLed watching that GIF.

Hopefully her charges are thrown out.

Thieves are scum.

It's not really normal to to laugh at someone being hit by a car, that's kinda worrying.


This lady will make a wonderful mother.

So basically the robber gets off free with all your stuff? Lol Cops never actually catch these people. Then you leave them out there to victimize more people.

A purse snatcher potentially not getting caught vs a purse snatcher potentially getting murdered. Which sounds better to you?

Do people at least agree he should have gotten his ass kicked?

Depends on your definition of ass kicking. Assuming it's the same as mine, yes.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Ok because people here give me the impression that doing anything to someone stealing is bad. Sure you can leave it in the hands of the law but as we've seen with people getting wrongfully shot by cops that the law is flawed and bias to certain people.

At least the woman braked after hitting the guy and didn't continue plowing him and/or hitting other cars ahead. She could have put her unborn baby in a lot of danger and would definitely have killed the guy if she continued running him over.


What the fuck @ anyone defending that shit. Fucking hell, you are all mental. Thievery is not license to fucking murder OR RUNNING DOWN SOMEONE IN YOUR MOTHERFUCKING CAR.

I can't even even fathom that mentality. That's insane


No sympathy for the thief. If you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.

The woman is also incredibly stupid for putting other people at risk by speeding a 2 ton vehicle through a parking lot. I'm surprised to see a few posters in here are willing to ignore that fact simply because no one else got hurt.
No sympathy for the thief. If you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.

The woman is also incredibly stupid for putting other people at risk by speeding a 2 ton vehicle through a parking lot. I'm surprised to see a few posters in here are willing to ignore that fact simply because no one else got hurt.

Not surprising considering that "woman could have injured bystanders" and "woman recklessly injured bystanders" are two different stories.


No sympathy for the thief. If you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.

The woman is also incredibly stupid for putting other people at risk by speeding a 2 ton vehicle through a parking lot. I'm surprised to see a few posters in here are willing to ignore that fact simply because no one else got hurt.
I feel that the kid she is pregnant with was also in danger.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
She tried to murder him.

Edit: also, she could've hurt someone else in the process. I get that she was pissed, but it was just a purse. She should've called the police and gone about her day.

Yep. Completely understand the rage fueling her at the time, but its difficult to justify the threat to the public in her response.
Damn. Definitely out of proportion to the crime, but can't help but agree with Conklin's quote. Can't condone the extent that she went to, and can't bring myself to feel any sympathy for the guy.
Ok yeah she really fucked up.

God damn she must have been blinded with rage to pull something so fucking reckless.
I mean pregnancy hormones + adrenaline...

Damn. Definitely out of proportion to the crime, but can't help but agree with Conklin's quote. Can't condone the extent that she went to, and can't bring myself to feel any sympathy for the guy.
This is where I'm at. I can't sympathize with the guy. Don't be a predator... He targeted a pregnant woman because he thought it would be easy to outrun her. She called him on it. Her vehicle was her only means to defend her property. Was she reckless? Absolutely. Did he deserve it? I suppose that depends on your viewpoint.

My viewpoint is that if you choose to commit a crime targeting an individual, you are choosing to assume responsibility for their reaction.

I'm not condoning what she did, just stating that I don't feel bad for the guy.


Can we also chop peoples ears & hands off too when we get robbed?

Seems like for some, the ends justify the means.

You stopped a theif but you nearly resorted to murder to do it! Success!


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
dont really care if he stole her purse you do not run someone over with a vehicle and potentially kill them etc, stupid


It took me a moment to figure out that she literally ran him down. Yeah, that's messed up. I don't have much sympathy for the thief, but this is not worth killing over.


Holy shit at those facebook comments. How can people be so deranged? It's like a Middle Ages sense of justice.

I'm on her side here. Do dumb shit and get your ass served.

Do dumb shit and receive a trial. You don't get run over by an SUV as punishment on the whims of civilians.

Seriously, where is the line for you? So it's cool to run someone over with an SUV. Could she have thrown him into a trash compactor? Drowned him in a nearby pool? Shot him in the face with a shotgun?


This lady will make a wonderful mother.


Committing a felony, regardless of the reason isn't very good judgement. Her life, and by extension, her child's life are now affected by that decision. She didn't consider the consequences of her actions. Even in the highly unlikely scenario the robber some how learns from this she will have still broken the law and will most likely be punished. Her situation is worse regardless of whether she was right or wrong.

I don't even need to get to the risks to bystanders or herself from such an action.

This is something a bad parent does. Let anger control their decisions and blind them of the consequences.


Holy shit at those facebook comments. How can people be so deranged? It's like a Middle Ages sense of justice.

Do dumb shit and receive a trial. You don't get run over by an SUV as punishment on the whims of civilians.

Sorry but I'm not against people using lethal force if someone intrudes on someone elses property.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Holy shit at those facebook comments. How can people be so deranged? It's like a Middle Ages sense of justice.

Do dumb shit and receive a trial.
You don't get run over by an SUV as punishment on the whims of civilians.

The folks posting in favor of her actions are of the mind set there was never going to be a trial for this thief otherwise because he would have never been caught.

And those folks are probably right. Odds of this guy getting caught for this crime were pretty slim.

Also there is no way they find a jury to convict her


Lmao the thief actually did the movie trope where they run directly away from the danger instead of just running to the side.


Not Wario
The folks posting in favor of her actions are of the mind set there was never going to be a trial for this thief otherwise because he would have never been caught.

And those folks are probably right. Odds of this guy getting caught for this crime were pretty slim.

Also there is no way they find a jury to convict her

Even if we assume the man is never going to be caught, it's still incorrect to attempt assault with a deadly weapon/risk manslaughter to the thief, bystanders and even yourself.

Whether or not you have faith in others to uphold the law is irrelevant; you should strive to uphold your end of the bargain.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Lmao the thief actually did the movie trope where they run directly away from the danger instead of just running to the side.

The thief had his back turned, I don't think he was expecting a car to come after him. The lady first attempted to pursue him on foot then went back to her car.
This is horrible and I might have done exactly the same at a younger age. It's scary how susceptible we are to engage in brutal violence.
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