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President Donald Trump's First Negotiation Was A Humiliation

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I'm not generally one to defend the President, but O'Donnell is seriously going to sit there and pretend that Duterte didn't blow off and insult Obama multiple times?

I understand that the Mexican president has not shown those same reactions, but come on. Blowoffs like this have happened before.
I'm not generally one to defend the President, but O'Donnell is seriously going to sit there and pretend that Duterte didn't blow off and insult Obama multiple times?

I understand that the Mexican president has not shown those same reactions, but come on. Blowoffs like this have happened before.

You... you think the Mexican President, a close ally of the USA's, is comparable to Duterte in terms of our ability to negotiate and our overall relationship?


Trump was decimated by a country he has every advantage over. I really hope other leaders see this and just ignore him. We'll be back in four years with someone reasonabl, hopefully, that they can actually negotiate with. Of course, by then, we will have lost any goodwill we'd fostered since world war II.
I'm not generally one to defend the President, but O'Donnell is seriously going to sit there and pretend that Duterte didn't blow off and insult Obama multiple times?

I understand that the Mexican president has not shown those same reactions, but come on. Blowoffs like this have happened before.

Was Obama running on the "I'm a master negotiator!!" stance? Was he trying to coerce the Philippines into giving the US 15+ billion? It's not about one president blowing off another, it's the context of this as part of a failure of negotiation. Obama blown off by Duterte as part of a negotiation.
I hope the rest of the world basically starts ignoring the US and tells Trump to fuck off every time he approaches them. I also hope the media completely terrorizes him daily, approval ratings hit single digits, protests happen every day, and one way or another his taxes get released.

I'm a U.S. citizen but I want the current regime absolutely destroyed and humiliated by everyone, even if it causes short-term issues for the country. It's better than letting him keep doing what he's doing.


Yep. The dude made it all-or-nothing in the first place with his campaign and stance, so every time he loses it's going to be much bigger than it needed to be.


I'm not generally one to defend the President, but O'Donnell is seriously going to sit there and pretend that Duterte didn't blow off and insult Obama multiple times?

I understand that the Mexican president has not shown those same reactions, but come on. Blowoffs like this have happened before.
There is no comparison. Deterte is human garbage. He's like Trump but further into his presidency.


I hope the rest of the world basically starts ignoring the US and tells Trump to fuck off every time he approaches them. I also hope the media completely terrorizes him daily, approval ratings hit single digits, protests happen every day, and one way or another his taxes get released.

I'm a U.S. citizen but I want the current regime absolutely destroyed and humiliated by everyone, even if it causes short-term issues for the country. It's better than letting him keep doing what he's doing.

Agreed. Frankly, this country deserves and needs to be taken down a peg or ten.


I wonder are there any Trump supporters on Gaf?
There were a lot of them back when he won.

You guys suck. Your inept president is going to bully my country nonstop :( It's your own problem if you're terrified of things like healthcare and science, but your choice is actively making life worse for people in other countries.
I wonder are there any Trump supporters on Gaf?

Yes, there are. They typically can't control themselves and get banned. Every once in a blue moon one or two will show up in some thread, usually ignoring the thread topic (about some indefensible shit their president has done), only to say some sob story about how they never post about politics because they're persecuted for their beliefs or something, and then dip back out immediately.


Yes, there are. They typically can't control themselves and get banned. Every once in a blue moon one or two will show up in some thread, usually ignoring the thread topic, only to say something about how they're persecuted for their beliefs or something, and then dip back out immediately.

By the end of these four years, they're going to wish they were only persecuted for their beliefs instead of falling victim to them.
You know, it takes a lot of skill and talent to make the United State a laughing stock in less than a week after Obama tried to better the reputation of it for the past 8 years after the disaster that was Bush.

Yep. All that repair work that Obama did is getting thrown down the drain.

And we deserve the embarrassment after our election result. Trump deserves to get roasted for all of this shit he does while humiliating us on the international stage like many of us knew he would.

This is the part that kills me inside. The US has worked for decades to create rather favorable agreements for itself with other countries. This is a major basis for the US's position in the world. And more importantly: our fucking allies. For fuck's sake, NATO came to the US's aid 17 years ago. And no Republicans in Congress can even care enough to think about that? The US/Europe relationship upholds Western values in the world and is one of the reasons things are so comfy for the US today.

Republicans in Congress are willing to give up the US's comfy position as a world leader for the lulz. There is no conceivable long term benefit of this to anyone. ANYONE.

The Trump administration makes me think of the abusive significant other who tries to control a person's life by making sure they can't see their friends. And only letting the person see the people that they approve of. The US is in a fucking abusive relationship that's try to turn it away from its allies for the past 50+ years.

I know that Republicans in Congress don't care. But holy shit. Mexico has its own problems and arguably has a subordinate relationship to the US already. There's no reason to go into a negotiation acting like an asshole when you've got the economic upper hand. And Congress is just going to let that be jeopardized? Okay, then.

I'm not saying I expect Trump to realize any of this. He's got mental issues. But Congress? Welp. You just keep pretending the rest of the world doesn't exist, GOP.

Great post.


Yep. All that repair work that Obama did is getting thrown down the drain.

Therein lies my main issue with Republicans today. They are completely destructive. They've set themselves up in the past few years as the party of opposition to anything the Left does. Which apparently includes governing, now.

They're taking apart the government bit by bit, thumbing their noses at Obama (and why would he even care? he finished his 8 years), ignoring how much work has gone into the infrastructure of the federal government. Somewhere down the line this will likely come back to bite them in the ass, but I'd really rather not that things get to that point.

They don't care what the actual government does. They don't even know. Look at Rick Perry who admitted that he was wrong to call for the dissolving of the DOE.

That's what happens when you set up your 'position' as purely opposition. You become a destructive force, not allowing anything to be built. What have Republicans proposed recently that wasn't dismantling something? What are they going to do when they're dismantled every single government agency?

And if there is one thing that I despise, it's people with no regard for how much work went into something just completely destroying that thing. But hey, patiently building things is what those Elitist Liberals do, right?

The question is... what was his rationale for doing so? He went to the New York Times of his own volition to throw the gauntlet down after all.

Bannon is a white nationalist bent on causing chaos, from what I've read. He's reckless, hates women, and has stated before in an interview that he's all for the media strategy of confusing people by making sure that information circulating is confusing and contradictory. If I recall, he referred to this strategy as "darkness." He even brought up Darth Vader as a sort of inspiration? I'm not making this up. I wish I was.

He's the one people should be worried about.
And Pence. And Flynn. And... shit, the list of names is too long at this point.


Wow, maybe Bannon actually pissed off the news media

Its what he wants. But the media needs to speak louder, often and go all in. Bannon can fuck right off. He thinks he is king of the world because his best friend is President. He is a joke.


Yes, there are. They typically can't control themselves and get banned. Every once in a blue moon one or two will show up in some thread, usually ignoring the thread topic (about some indefensible shit their president has done), only to say some sob story about how they never post about politics because they're persecuted for their beliefs or something, and then dip back out immediately.

Someone needs to journal every single intelligent pro-Trump post they come across. Seriously, I know there are smart, thoughtful, eloquent people out there who either like Trump or at least basically sympathize with his side of things. For some reason, though, I just remember all the dumb ones who have no capacity to reason with a group of people who largely disagree with them, and either drop a quick shit post or put their heads in the sand to all opposing arguments.

If you have a current of thought that can make GAF feel like less of a bubble, and can articulate it in a manner that allows the more liberal people here (most people, including me) a chance to sharpen their arguments, please, don't hold back.


And if there is one thing that I despise, it's people with no regard for how much work went into something just completely destroying that thing. But hey, patiently building things is what those Elitist Liberals do, right?
Destruction takes little to no time, effort or thought. Once they've broken all of Obama's Lego buildings, what will they even have to motivate themselves after that? Eight years is a long-ass time after all.

The Real Abed

That was good. Very good. We need more of this from the media. If only we had this shit before the election though. Aside from the regulars like Jon Oliver and Colbert. (God, it's such a shame and horribly bad timing that Stewart retired before this election season. I bet he'd have stuck around for another few years if he knew what was coming.)

Zen Aku

Yes, there are. They typically can't control themselves and get banned. Every once in a blue moon one or two will show up in some thread, usually ignoring the thread topic (about some indefensible shit their president has done), only to say some sob story about how they never post about politics because they're persecuted for their beliefs or something, and then dip back out immediately.

Or whine about Hillary emails, about something Obama did. Basically deflecting everything to change the topic.
The thought that the United States would have to buy concrete from Mexico to build the wall is goddamn hilarious. How pathetic the U.S. is right now.

Trump turning the country into a nation of losers.
Plus buy it at 20% over cost.
And recently "falsehood," come on, just say it!
"Lie" implies intent, so they are covering themselves when people claim they "misspoke."
Someone needs to journal every single intelligent pro-Trump post they come across. Seriously, I know there are smart, thoughtful, eloquent people out there who either like Trump or at least basically sympathize with his side of things. For some reason, though, I just remember all the dumb ones who have no capacity to reason with a group of people who largely disagree with them, and either drop a quick shit post or put their heads in the sand to all opposing arguments.

If you have a current of thought that can make GAF feel like less of a bubble, and can articulate it in a manner that allows the more liberal people here (most people, including me) a chance to sharpen their arguments, please, don't hold back.

No one actually smart or thoughtful could support Trump.


They can.

They just have no intelligent or thoughtful arguments to back up or explain why they do.

There's been zero intelligent reasons to support Donald. It's motivated by ignorance and hate.

Or greed, a lot of his people just want to run the show so they can rob it
Don Lemon continues to be disgusting. A journalist was just on his show and said not to normalize Donald Trump and Don Lemon seemed to get angry at the guy, cut him off, and then went off about how he's the president now.
Yeah was just watching that. Didn't seem like he understood the point
The point Lemon was trying to make, one that I'm starting to agree with with, is that the phrase has now lost all meaning. Having a douche for an American president is the new normal. So, whats the point of screaming 'We shouldn't act like this is now acceptable!'. Obviously his behavior and lies aren't acceptable. Better to report and call out his bullshit each time he opens his mouth, then to complain that this isn't the way it should be.


This is the part that kills me inside. The US has worked for decades to create rather favorable agreements for itself with other countries. This is a major basis for the US's position in the world. And more importantly: our fucking allies. For fuck's sake, NATO came to the US's aid 17 years ago. And no Republicans in Congress can even care enough to think about that? The US/Europe relationship upholds Western values in the world and is one of the reasons things are so comfy for the US today.

Republicans in Congress are willing to give up the US's comfy position as a world leader for the lulz. There is no conceivable long term benefit of this to anyone. ANYONE.

The Trump administration makes me think of the abusive significant other who tries to control a person's life by making sure they can't see their friends. And only letting the person see the people that they approve of. The US is in a fucking abusive relationship that's try to turn it away from its allies for the past 50+ years.

I know that Republicans in Congress don't care. But holy shit. Mexico has its own problems and arguably has a subordinate relationship to the US already. There's no reason to go into a negotiation acting like an asshole when you've got the economic upper hand. And Congress is just going to let that be jeopardized? Okay, then.

I'm not saying I expect Trump to realize any of this. He's got mental issues. But Congress? Welp. You just keep pretending the rest of the world doesn't exist, GOP.
Well said, I think a lot of the GOP operates under the assumption that America's status and clout in the world is a given, untouchable reality rather than a cultivated strategy that took decades to create.

Just like Donald Trump's "negotiation" strategy, he arrogantly assumed that because the United States is entitled to our greatness that there would be no negotiation. That there would only be orders, and those orders would be unquestionably followed.

This entire ordeal better serve, if nothing else, as a wake up call to the GOP that the world doesn't work like they think it does.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Well said, I think a lot of the GOP operates under the assumption that America's status and clout in the world is a given, untouchable reality rather than a cultivated strategy that took decades to create.

Just like Donald Trump's "negotiation" strategy, he arrogantly assumed that because the United States is entitled to our greatness that there would be no negotiation. That there would only be orders, and those orders would be unquestionably followed.

This entire ordeal better serve, if nothing else, as a wake up call to the GOP that the world doesn't work like they think it does.
I think the national myth of American exceptionalism constantly misleads "patriots" on the right to greatly misunderstand America's place in the world. They think they're the big dog by birthright instead of by long term strategic effort.

The last time the GOP got America's relationship to the world wrong was when they adopted the neo-con dream that American power can reshape the Middle East in America's image. Bzzzzt wrong. You're powerful but you're not gods. And now every republican of this generation understands that was completely wrong. They found out the hard way... and Trump will find out the hard way that his ideal of America the Bully, dictating terms to other countries and not needing to voluntarily support allies, won't fly either.
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