Man, savage display of "getting it". Wise up, USA. The world is watching. We are your friends. Get your shit together. RESIST.
The safeword is "banana".
This is the part that kills me inside. The US has worked for decades to create rather favorable agreements for itself with other countries. This is a major basis for the US's position in the world. And more importantly: our fucking allies. For fuck's sake, NATO came to the US's aid 17 years ago. And no Republicans in Congress can even care enough to think about that? The US/Europe relationship upholds Western values in the world and is one of the reasons things are so comfy for the US today.
Republicans in Congress are willing to give up the US's comfy position as a world leader for the lulz.
There is no conceivable long term benefit of this to anyone. ANYONE.
The Trump administration makes me think of the abusive significant other who tries to control a person's life by making sure they can't see their friends. And only letting the person see the people that they approve of. The US is in a fucking abusive relationship that's try to turn it away from its allies for the past 50+ years.
I know that Republicans in Congress don't care. But holy shit. Mexico has its own problems and arguably has a subordinate relationship to the US already. There's no reason to go into a negotiation acting like an asshole when you've got the economic upper hand. And Congress is just going to let that be jeopardized? Okay, then.
I'm not saying I expect Trump to realize any of this. He's got mental issues. But Congress? Welp. You just keep pretending the rest of the world doesn't exist, GOP.