S Skellig Gra Member Sep 27, 2016 #908 Trouble said: Trumped up trickle down. 3/10 zinger Click to expand... Especially with the stutter on delivery
Trouble said: Trumped up trickle down. 3/10 zinger Click to expand... Especially with the stutter on delivery
T Tom Nook Sawyer Member Sep 27, 2016 #911 cartoon_soldier said: Youtube stream? Click to expand... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuHuzhzb1nc Edit: OP, fix your failure of an OP
cartoon_soldier said: Youtube stream? Click to expand... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuHuzhzb1nc Edit: OP, fix your failure of an OP
Grizzlyjin Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that Sep 27, 2016 #913 Welp, there goes the self starter myth.
W What did he mean by this? Member Sep 27, 2016 #921 Crooked Hilary evolved into Petty Hilary -- NimbleAmerica billboard
S sunshine and gasoline Banned Sep 27, 2016 #927 God damn. Hillary going in with the vicious attacks early on.
C Courage Member Sep 27, 2016 #932 HylianHistorian said: She is so much more relaxed and confident than Trump. Click to expand... it's like she's experienced at doing this or something
HylianHistorian said: She is so much more relaxed and confident than Trump. Click to expand... it's like she's experienced at doing this or something
Maiden Voyage Gold™ Member Sep 27, 2016 #939 One of these people seems presidential. The other is rambling utter nonsense.
O Ominym Banned Sep 27, 2016 #940 Trump: "My dad was a small business man too! You think $1,000,000 in revenue a year is a lot? It's not!"
Trump: "My dad was a small business man too! You think $1,000,000 in revenue a year is a lot? It's not!"
TwoDurans "Never said I wasn't a hypocrite." Sep 27, 2016 #941 Why is he staring directly into the camera instead of looking at her? It's creepy.
X xxracerxx Don't worry, I'll vouch for them. Sep 27, 2016 #943 His dad only gave Trump "a small amount of money" FUCK RIGHT OFF.
B BocoDragon or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious Sep 27, 2016 #944 Trump took the bait.
G ghostjoke Banned Sep 27, 2016 #945 Christ, there it is, Donald Trump is standing there, "debating" in a presidential election. Going by his opening answer, I'm glad I'm not playing any drinking games.
Christ, there it is, Donald Trump is standing there, "debating" in a presidential election. Going by his opening answer, I'm glad I'm not playing any drinking games.
H hypernima Banned Sep 27, 2016 #946 Just got in there. And see her talking about his small loan. Heh heh.
N Ninja Scooter Member Sep 27, 2016 #949 lmao this fucker is SOOO easy to bait. He can't help himself.