C ColdPizza Banned Sep 27, 2016 #953 I have to wonder if part of her strategy is taking swipes at him to try to push him over the edge. He's trying not to fall for it.
I have to wonder if part of her strategy is taking swipes at him to try to push him over the edge. He's trying not to fall for it.
N Nickle Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013 Sep 27, 2016 #955 his face is furrowing lmao
A akileese Member Sep 27, 2016 #965 Holt is actually using follow up questions on things that Trump is saying. Thank god.
E Empyrean Heaven Member Sep 27, 2016 #967 "a very small loan." ONE MILLION DOLLARS IS SMALL IS THIS FUCKER DELUSIONAL?
The Elite BOSS Sep 27, 2016 #975 Jarmel said: Hillary is way too nervous. Click to expand... She looks fine.
S spindashing Banned Sep 27, 2016 #978 FunkyMunkey said: trump on that xanax trip fam Click to expand... he can hear the perkys calling
R rtcn63 Member Sep 27, 2016 #984 jediyoshi said: Click to expand... I can't tell if someone photoshopped his lips onto his eyes or not
jediyoshi said: Click to expand... I can't tell if someone photoshopped his lips onto his eyes or not
B balladofwindfishes Member Sep 27, 2016 #985 Haha, defensive on his money, wasting precious time bragging about his "HUGE WEALTH"
D DavidDesu Member Sep 27, 2016 #990 Hilary being quite tame. Wonder if she's waiting for the attack later on. She's letti g him off easily. Trump is just awful, as always, but I fear he's speaking to idiot Americans and they are easily fooled.
Hilary being quite tame. Wonder if she's waiting for the attack later on. She's letti g him off easily. Trump is just awful, as always, but I fear he's speaking to idiot Americans and they are easily fooled.
K KeyBladerXIII Member Sep 27, 2016 #992 The ogre inside Trump is trying to burst out. Stop pretending you're calm Trump.
P Poker Face Member Sep 27, 2016 #997 China is the best ever, what they're doing it's very sad. o m g also trump sounds stuffy