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Pressure on US and UK to end Sudan "Genocide", Arabs say they are targeted.

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The Bush administration has drafted a U.N. resolution threatening sanctions unless the Sudanese government disarms the Janjaweed and removes all restrictions on access to Darfur.

Russia, China, Pakistan and Algeria opposed the use of the word "sanctions" in the resolution on Friday, preferring only a threat of "further action," diplomats said

yeah, further action, as in another resolution


Kuramu said:
yeah, further action, as in another resolution

and that is the one that will bring the hammer down!

the UN security council is not going to pass a damn thing, since you know that France will get in the way.


Well Pakistan knows first hand how sanctions hurt the people, and not the government.

It's time to get in there...the U.S. Congress has it right, but I don't think Bush would listen to them.

Bush: "Yeah...let's just set up another Food for Oil dealymajiggy..."


Fight for Freeform said:
Well Pakistan knows first hand how sanctions hurt the people, and not the government.

It's time to get in there...the U.S. Congress has it right, but I don't think Bush would listen to them.

Bush: "Yeah...let's just set up another Food for Oil dealymajiggy..."

France:" YES!"

I say send in the EU army, why should the UK/US have to once again lead the way while everyone else sits on their ass?


I say send in the EU army, why should the UK/US have to once again lead the way while everyone else sits on their ass?

The best solution is to have a coalition from Pakistan, Malaysia and the Arab states. Most of the people dying in Sudan are Muslims to begin with, it would be easier to interface with the people.

There's ample evidence showing that Iraqi patrols are far less hassled that American patrols in Iraq. It's because they can interface with the people properly and are less offensive in their behavior.


Fight for Freeform said:
The best solution is to have a coalition from Pakistan, Malaysia and the Arab states. Most of the people dying in Sudan are Muslims to begin with, it would be easier to interface with the people.

That won't happen, Its Arab muslims killing off Black muslims/christians, Arab states won't send troops and Sudan will never agree to it.


Ripclawe said:
That won't happen, Its Arab muslims killing off Black muslims/christians, Arab states won't send troops and Sudan will never agree to it.

It's doubtful you'd have a EU-only army. Getting the troops to begin with would be hard and even if you had them, it's likely their presence would antagonize the situation as a white Christian army in another muslim country. The solution is to get Muslim and African troops (at least in large number, not necessarily exclusively), it's the only viable and realistic solution.

So how about coming back to planet Earth, Ripclawe?


Arab goverments are so worthless. They always expect other nations to do stuff for them. They can't even get along with each other. Why can't some arab nation help put an end to this? O yes, its some sort of fictional Arab brother hood that they seem to dream of.


I was kidding about the "EU Army"

The solution is to get Muslim and African troops (at least in large number, not necessarily exclusively), it's the only viable and realistic solution.

African troops? then you have black vs arab, and considering most african armies are ill-equipped to fight even rebels in their own country. That is not viable and realistic, neither is sending in muslim troops.
I don't know Riz, apparently the western world has America as it's big brother. Nobody likes him much though. Even if they do they mostly use him for money. :p
But I thought Turkey was an American ally? Hence if they told Turkey to go there on a 'Humanitarian'(sp?) basis they would do so. Although they would need some umm 'benefits'.
Also probably they would be 'best' people to go according to the American Right (ie Ripclawe). Muslim and non-arab. Also if I'm not mistaken the Croation/Bosnia-Hersigovnia(sp?) governments could get involved.

This is just based on general knowledge, so I'm not saying they would do this.


Ripclawe said:
I was kidding about the "EU Army"

African troops? then you have black vs arab, and considering most african armies are ill-equipped to fight even rebels in their own country. That is not viable and realistic, neither is sending in muslim troops.

The problem is that you have a situation that will likely get worse because of a lack of will and credibility among Westerm powers. The US has no troops to spare and the EU is not a cohesive military entity. In a best case scenario, a large contingent of Muslim troops from South East Asia would be ideal, if you could get them to join in a coalition of some sort (Pakistan was in the UN mission to Somalia). Sudan wouldn't agree to any foreign power dictating its domestic policies.

Not all problems have easy solutions. This is clearly an example. I expect this one to go largely unsolved, sparking some outrage at the UN and in Western capitals, whether fake or not. Then it will be forgotten. Perhaps you will have an apology a decade from now. That's about it. That's realistic, whether you want to admit it or not.


Fresh Prince said:


Muslim countries are all lost within their hypocritcle state of mind. No muslim counrty will send troops.

the famed Arab street that will rise up to fight! pfft, Arab leaders will turn on each other at the first sign of weakness to get ahead. look over the last 40 years for examples of that. They won't send troops to fight a fellow muslim because the public will turn on them, especially now with international pressure.
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