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Pretty much every Splinter Cell is on sale right now. Help me choose one.


It's my birthday tomorrow and I'm feeling like buying some cheap games. I already have okami HD in my cart and want one more game to get as well, which splinter cell would you suggest above all others? They've got the whole OG xbox and 360 lineup on sale.


Happy birthday! (tomorrow)

I can only speak for the original 3, but i found the first to be the best starting point, though it does take a little time to get started. Or maybe just go with Chaos Theory


Tears of Nintendo


Thats something I‘d like to know as well!

Chaos Theory was the GOAT on the original Xbox but I dont know how it holds up.

Double Agent is supposed to be good as well, but only the original Xbox version, the 360 version was done by a different team and is pretty much a different game. I‘s listed as X enhanced but I cant find any details about the Update.


Chaos Theory > Pandora Tomorrow > Double Agent > Splinter Cell > Blacklist > Conviction

here you go

Edit: I'd put Splinter Cell 1 above Double Agent but DA's story was seriously good and the environments were awesome (The OG Xbox version is the better one though, yes they're different games).
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Thanks all. Guess it's chaos theory and a maybe in double agent. I was looking at the 360 version of double agent so I'm glad you stopped me.


Any of these is worth it:
(NOTE: Pandora Tomorrow isn't available anywhere so you may have to sail the high seas).
  • OG.
  • Chaos Theory.
  • Double Agent.
Blacklist and Covinction can go fuck themselves
Personally, I'd avoid them. But if you really wanna play one of them, Blacklist is the least shit of the two.




Happy birthday OP !

For Xbox Series owners : the whole saga is available in BC compat and can be bought digitally too, if you are like me and played them at release for each systems there were on, there's a huge reason to replay them all now as they all got significantly improved with higher resolution and smooth frame rate that really transform the experience, no more freeze frames when triggering alerts or caution for the enemies, no drops in framerate and really fast load times, better yet the image quality is now tripled on certain titles (conviction was awfull at 576p now it is 1700p)
the first two Splinter Cells are in 4/3 aspect ratio with huge black borders but runs flawlessly, you got the DLC included for the original with 3 added missions !

The biggest changes are for Double Agent (Xbox 360 version) the game was atrocious performance wise, screen tearing everywhere, sub par frame rate, now it has stable 30 FPS and it is a game changer, playing the cruise boat level with the giant swimming pool and fountains on the main deck is now possible without looking at slide show!

As For the games, they are all worth playing in my opinion, the best are Chaos Theory / Blacklist, the worst are Convictions and the PSP ports, 3DS etc

I remember the first Splinter Cell commercial on TV, I was blown away at the details of Sam hair when in night vision when the camera is over the shoulder haha.


In a big Splinter Cell fan. I loved Chaos Theory back in the day on my PS2 (I didn't have an Xbox and didn't know any better). Chaos Theory is the way to go if I had to choose one. Blacklist is also amazing, but I don't think my opinion is a popular one in regards to that game.

Chaos Theory or Blacklist, mate. Depends on what sort of stealth you're after.
It's my birthday tomorrow and I'm feeling like buying some cheap games. I already have okami HD in my cart and want one more game to get as well, which splinter cell would you suggest above all others? They've got the whole OG xbox and 360 lineup on sale.
Definitely Blacklist

Has the best of all games blended in one, it's fantastic really

And Conviction


Chaos Theory and Blacklist hold up the best IMO.

Not sure what you’re playing on but the games have Xbox enhancements on the newer consoles.


Any of these is worth it:
(NOTE: Pandora Tomorrow isn't available anywhere so you may have to sail the high seas).
  • OG.
  • Chaos Theory.
  • Double Agent.
Blacklist and Covinction can go fuck themselves
Personally, I'd avoid them. But if you really wanna play one of them, Blacklist is the least shit of the two.
Pandora Tomorrow is available digitally via the Xbox BC program.

OP, Chaos Theory is easily the best but I'd start with the first game and then play Pandora Tomorrow if you have an Xbox. Basically, just play them in order if you want to follow things narratively. Chaos Theory takes story elements from previous games (the villain is set up in Pandora Tomorrow and the new cybertech threat is introduced in the first Splinter Cell). Double Agent also banks on you having played the previous games for one of its twists, though I guess it's not mandatory. Just more effective.

Blacklist is a great game separately, but both it and Conviction are huge departures from SC, both in terms of narrative and gameplay elements (which is why so much of the hardcore SC fanbase hates them). They should have been new IPs. I've always hated Conviction (except for the co-op campaign, which was fun with a friend; I also really liked Archer and Kestrel as characters), but there is a lot of fun to be had with Blacklists more freeform aggressive stealth. Blacklist also offers a ton of content (tons of levels, unlockables, and modes of play). PvP in Spies vs Mercs was also fun as shit (though a big departure from OG SvM). IMO it's definitely worth playing Blacklist. It is a 9/10 game (I dropped it from a 10 just because the story is kind of shit). Just don't take it as representative of the rest of the series.
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I would go with chaos theory or blacklist. Start with the Blacklist, it's a more modern game with tons of content.


I love Chaos Theory but can't recall Blacklist. Might play that one myself. Sounds like it's great but not exactly like Chaos Theory?


OP, as long as you're not playing on an Xbox One SAD edition or Xbox Series S, you can pick up all these games cheaply on disc from ebay.


I love Chaos Theory but can't recall Blacklist. Might play that one myself. Sounds like it's great but not exactly like Chaos Theory?
It's great, but the stealth is different. Chaos Theory is slow and methodical. Sam's agility in Blacklist adds a totally new flow to the stealth sections and you can look like a badass in the process.

They are 2 different approaches and I can see why someone would prefer one or the other.
They are all good, double agent x360 is the weakest entry but still worth playing.
My favourites are blacklist and chaos theory, but I picked up double agent xbox since I never got to play it before, and it's been great.


Gold Member
If you wanna play online I think Blacklist is still available to play online. I picked up Pandora Tomorrow digitally even though I own the disc. What is wrong with me?


Double Agent V2 is easily the best of the classic games. Chaos Theory is super overated, besides the opening level I found it a total bore. SC1 is rough the edges but still has some great level design and PT is the perfection of that formula.

Both Conviction and Blacklist are excellent games, with each game being quite distinct from each other. A lot of people hate on Conviction but play the game on Hard and it is transformed. Blacklist addresses a lot of the complaints about the first, namely more focus on sneaking and bigger environments but comes at the cost of a different but still interesting cast and graphics that scene-for-scene aren't quite as detailed.
Please just get all 3 of the originals. The first three are some of the finest gaming content in history and you'd be doing yourself a disservice by skipping any of them.


Well shit, all the damn splinter cell games went back to full price this morning while I was waiting... Great. Guess I'm waiting till next sale to drop money on them


I really enjoyed Blacklist, couldn't get into the earlier games. It plays more like a metal gear, I feel like.
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