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Prince of Persia 2 gets undertitel


hyperbolically metafictive
sounds like a bad saturday morning cartoon, with accompanying action figures. :(

well, it's not as if "sands of time" was a great subtitle either. i'm going to give the developers the benefit of the doubt, and assume that they couldn't have made a game as brilliant as sands of time without knowing why it was brilliant.
drohne said:
well, it's not as if "sands of time" was a great subtitle either. i'm going to give the developers the benefit of the doubt, and assume that they couldn't have made a game as brilliant as sands of time without knowing why it was brilliant.

Except it's new developers and producers!

I'm giving them the benefit of undoubt!
Why didn't they call it: Prince of Persia 2: Teen Angst.

That fits very well with the so called badass director of the Art Department.
The Bookerman said:
Why didn't they call it: Prince of Persia 2: Teen Angst.

That fits very well with the so called badass director of the Art Department.

Tribal Tattoos let the world know JUST HOW TOUGH YOU ARE!


works for Gamestop (lol)
What a stupid title. As stupid as Halo's "Combat Evolved", although I'm not sure if that was a true subtitle cause no one ever mentioned Halo as "Halo:Combat Evolved"

Either way, this subtitle sucks, therefore I will not be playing this game

Oh yeah, and Paper Mario 2's subtitle sucks too


Wario64 said:
Either way, this subtitle sucks, therefore I will not be playing this game

A little preemptive are we???

I'll be waiting for the boxart to decide if I play it or not.
The Bookerman said:
Why didn't they call it: Prince of Persia 2: Teen Angst.

That fits very well with the so called badass director of the Art Department.

Prince of Persia 2: Slitting Wrists
Prince of Persia 2: I'm About To Break
DSN2K said:

and people call me stupid for hating the direction they are taking this game.....



Just call it Prince of Persia: Shitty Angsty Art and Story Design, and too much Combat

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I can't wait to see this game getting 9+ reviews everywhere. There's going to be some serious crow eating when that happens :p


enjoy bell woods said:
So, has anyone seen the platforming?
Yea, I have. Lo and behold, it's what you'd expect in a sequel. They're just streamlining combat to flow better with the platforming, which was one of the major complaints about the original.


Marconelly said:
I can't wait to see this game getting 9+ reviews everywhere. There's going to be some serious crow eating when that happens :p

Don't worry, you're not alone (although I have no personal interest in the game)
Deepthroat said:
Why so much hate? :(

I think it looks awesome!

How many times must we go over this?

The art design blows ass, it's all dark and brooding and angsty. What happened to the bright beautiful magical look the first game had?

Jordan Mechner's not writing the story, it's not going to have a heart or a soul like the first one did.

All they've shown is combat so far. Where's the fantastic platforming that was in the first game?

That is why this game is going to suck balls. They're bowing to every fucking cliche in the book (dark character and story, blood all over the place, lots of killing). In the first game they eshewed them all. It had a lot of inspiration from Ico, and told an excellent story and the way the story was presented was better than pretty much any game ever has done before.

Believe me, I want this game to be good more than anybody else but I just don't think it's going to happen.
Deepthroat said:
Why so much hate? :(

I think it looks awesome!


this guy's responsible.

If I could have gotten a hold of him and beat some sense into him.

He should stop listening to Disturbed, linken park. I should tell him that putting his own tribal tatoo on the major character does not make him a badass.

They can do great art, but god do they have a shitty direction.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
They're bowing to every fucking cliche in the book (dark character and story, blood all over the place, lots of killing). In the first game they eshewed them all. It had a lot of inspiration from Ico, and told an excellent story and the way the story was presented was better than pretty much any game ever has done before.
Oh please. Prince was already all young and angry in the first game, removed pieces of clothing as the game went on, fights were overabundant, thre was slicing and dicing and decaptitations all over the place. Story was great (although obviously rushed towards the end), but the new game has what seems to be great story as well. PoP was a great game, but there's certainly space for improvement, and the 2nd one will have some of those improvements.


What the fuck? The game looks awesome. It could be called Big Gay Al's fabulous animal orgy and I'd still buy the thing the second it came out.


Wow, much hate. I do like the design, I think it looks cool (sorry) :p

Anyway, I just ordered PoP for Xbox. I should have it on thursday.


Oh please. Prince was already all young and angry in the first game,
I wouldn't agree with that, the Prince's interactions with the Princess were amazingly fun in Sands of Time and showed him as a young rich kid, somewhat of an ass with flashes of paranoia, but determined. The final scene between him and the Princess showed that in the end he was a good guy with an extremely strong noble streak. He was a *unique* character and getting that across was made possible by the unique Arabian nights fantasy world he lived in.

Warrior Within on the other hand.... it could be good sure, but everything distinctive about the Sands of Time world has been lost and I just hope that the character development and story telling hasn't been lost along with it.


Azih said:
I wouldn't agree with that, the Prince's interactions with the Princess were amazingly fun in Sands of Time and showed him as a young rich kid, somewhat of an ass with flashes of paranoia, but determined. The final scene between him and the Princess showed that in the end he was a good guy with an extremely strong noble streak. He was a *unique* character and getting that across was made possible by the unique Arabian nights fantasy world he lived in.

Warrior Within on the other hand.... it could be good sure, but everything distinctive about the Sands of Time world has been lost and I just hope that the character development and story telling hasn't been lost along with it.

Or the Prince's sarcasm and humor.


Hah yeah, The Prince's rant about how the Princess wasn''t giving him any respect was gold man, gold.
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