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Prince of Persia 2 > Prince of Persia 1


Other than the addition of Godsmack (seriously, wtf), Prince of Persia: Warrior Within curbstomps the original for even looking at it.

1. The style.

First off, you're on a ship, remembering fighting in the era of the original. Bad memories...All bad. Then, of course, all hell breaks loose. You're surrounded by your dying comrades, and you start to realize that this isn't quite the same. It's a fight, now, none of this evading to help you.

2. The fighting.

Thankfully, this time the fighting is very easy to get into...and very well implemented. The stiffness of the original isn't as evident, and the dual-wield play leads to some new wrinkles in the gameplay.

3. The gameplay.

So, where's the platforming? Where's the traps? In the second part of the demo, you're in a classic Prince of Persia dungeon...but with a little more fighting. Still, the fighting WORKS, so it's not a complete chore like the first time around.
Does it still do all the *woooooosh* *swish* *swooooooosh* *flash* camera movement crap? Or the frontal of your character putting his sword away?

I thought the style was "okay" until I saw the various BDSM mistresses that are PoP2's women...


Date of Lies said:

How do you get the demo?

Only because they are completely homogenous to themselves.


radioheadrule83 said:
Does it still do all the *woooooosh* *swish* *swooooooosh* *flash* camera movement crap? Or the frontal of your character putting his sword away?

I thought the style was "okay" until I saw the various BDSM mistresses that are PoP2's women...

Uh, not really. There's a little of that in cutscenes, but nothing ingame. Besides, I've only seen one woman in the game so far. :p
Matlock said:
Only because they are completely homogenous to themselves.


Uh, not really. There's a little of that in cutscenes, but nothing ingame. Besides, I've only seen one woman in the game so far. :p

That's really good to hear.

November should be a sweet month for me, and a bad one for my wallet. Possible Xbox purchase (which would entail Halo + Halo 2), Paper Mario 2, Zelda: Minish Cap, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, Metroid Prime 2 (if GAME website is to be believed)


not an idiot
well, i disagree. i enjoyed the atmosphere in the first game more than the demo, but that will probably change with the full game. i thought the demo really was screwed up... there were so many fucking glitches and shit it was laughable, especially with the big boss at the end of the demo.

i really like the Prince from the Sands of Time much more though. This "dark" Prince kind of sucks... although the "Biiitch!" line was funny though.

I am hoping beyond hope they don't turn this into a devil may cry / ninja gaiden game though. what made the first one so awesome was the exploration, atmosphere, puzzles and just style and look. it was awesome. this demo left a bad taste in my mouth. it's like Prince of Persia May Cry.


I am hoping beyond hope they don't turn this into a devil may cry / ninja gaiden game though. what made the first one so awesome was the exploration, atmosphere, puzzles and just style and look

But the biggest flaw of the first one was the fighting system. That one fight sequence on the boat in the demo was better then all of the fighting combined in the first IMO.

I wouldn't be so worried about lack of platforming. The Prince still has all of his moves and the time thingy, which would be almost useless in simply fighting. Also gotta keep in mind that if the demo is the opening of the game, it's not really unlike the opening of the first PoP. Brought you through a mini tutorial with a lot of fighting. Even threw those spinning spikes at you in the start, and left the more complicated traps for later

Gotta agree on the music though, and sound in general in the PC demo. Everything sounded like crap.
The demo seems pretty nice. Too bad I can't do crap with a keyboard and mouse. I don't see how anyone could have EVER possibly completed PoP1 without a gamepad on the PC.


I didn't like it, I'm not one who has been following the series (pre sands of time) so I don't know what you're talking about the memories coming back to him and stuff but I don't like the move from Sands of Time to this one.
Does it still do all the *woooooosh* *swish* *swooooooosh* *flash* camera movement crap? Or the frontal of your character putting his sword away?
There's a little bit of that, but this time it's in the form of when you decapitate or slice your enemy in half it will do it in slow motion, kind of lame IMO. (right down to the music slowing down as well).
So, where's the platforming? Where's the traps?
I was wondering the same thing.. there were spikes and a few switches but nothing like I remember in the first.

Maybe my impressions will improve once I get the Xbox version, the PC-ness of this put me off a little (poor menu's, tutorial was telling me to hit the keyboard when I was using a gamepad, glitchy final boss).


PoP1 had more platforming than combat...nice platforming coupled with a terrible combat engine still resulted in a fun game.

PoP2 has much improved combat and the combat is now the focus of the game--potentially alienating fans of the original. The limited amount of platfoming is still fun and since platforming on mute is more enjoyable than any ammount of combat while listening to "Stand Alone" (or anything else from Godsmack) this game is vastly inferior to the game that it's name is based off of.

and I haven't even played the demo!!


force push the doodoo rock
Godsmack is awful, whenever that trailer comes on in gamestop i want to shoot the screen.

I'm actually looking foward to this version more than the orignal, at first I was kind of unhappy with the way they were taking it but after seeing gameplay vids my mind has changed.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
wait, you still have the time dagger?

didn't you ensure at the end of the first game that all that stuff never happened at all?


Saying PoP2 is better than PoP is like saying Ty 2 is better than Ty the Tasmanian Tiger or Tak 2 is better than Tak and the power of juju. In other words, when the core game is mediocre it doesn't take much to make it better. And from the demo it isn't that much better.
Mrbob said:
Saying PoP2 is better than PoP is like saying Ty 2 is better than Ty the Tasmanian Tiger or Tak 2 is better than Tak and the power of juju. In other words, when the core game is mediocre it doesn't take much to make it better. And from the demo it isn't that much better.
Except a lot of people would disagree with you.


enjoy bell woods said:
Except a lot of people would disagree with you.

And many more would agree basing on all the backlash i've seen from PoP threads of the last year.

Look, I don't want to turn this into another PoP bash thread. I don't hate PoP. It is a decent game. I had hoped reviewers would tone it down for PoP2 but after the PSM score I guess not. The demo of PoP2 is a bit underwhelming, and I haven't played the final product yet so maybe it is much, much better?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Meh. Demos always sucked. I haven't played the PoP2 demo yet, but recently I have played the MP2E and MGS3 demos. Most demos wind up being rather short and boring (MP, MP2E) or totally uninspired and boring (MGS3.)

I liked PoP, and unhappy with what I've seen of PoP2 so far, but recognize that it's patently unfair to compare PoP1 and the PoP2 demo.


I didn't really dig POP as much as I should have, I guess, but the fixed combat just pops it right up there and kicks your ass sideways for doubting it.


...oh yeah, and the boss fight against the giant...monster is pretty damn cool. I can't help but think about how the (maybe?) fights in Wanda will be, compared to this.


Unconfirmed Member
sp0rsk said:
Godsmack is awful, whenever that trailer comes on in gamestop i want to shoot the screen.

My favorite part of that is when the words "Viewtiful Joe" appear over that segment of the trailer. WTF?
Just finished playing the demo. I liked the original Prince a lot, but noticed how tedious the combat was the second playthrough. Luckily, the combat does seem smoother and more complex.

First impression when that song came on at the title screen: I burst out laughing. It doesn't fit AT ALL. The boat part is just a glorified tutorial, but it lets you try out the combat and say "Biiitch", so it's pretty fun. I kinda like the slo-mo head chop. The "biiitch" in question was pretty simple to beat, but I liked the locked swords thing. God she is the ugliest video game woman I've ever seen. :D

Second part of the demo is more my style. This plays like a tutorial of the non-combat controls, and I guarantee this is another early area of the finished game. A little wall jumping, a little spike walking, switch pulling, wall run, water fountain drinking.....felt extremely similar to POP 1.

The boss was simple, but again, I feel confident that this is an early area. Despite the time that he threw me and I flew through the wall and into an invisible pit(cursed buggy demo!), it still managed to be infinitely better than the final boss of POP 1. The boss was fun, and I hope there are a few more in the final game.

Overall, production values, control, graphics and game play seem equal to or better than the original, but the music is definately not for everyone, and the sound effects were unremarkable, particularly the beasties' grunts as you fought them. I'm pleased for the most part, as I was fearing the angsty worst.


force push the doodoo rock
scola said:
My favorite part of that is when the words "Viewtiful Joe" appear over that segment of the trailer. WTF?

yes. that makes me hate it even more.


Man oh man, I've been playing this demo more and more lately, messing around with the bad guys as much as possible. Running up to a guy, hopping off his chest, bounding off a wall, then going blades-first into his neck like some sort of rubber man is awesome.
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