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Prince of Persia 2 will be awesome!


I guess Ill be the negative one on this.

All that video showed was combat over and over and over, which complently ruined the first game for me.
Truelize said:
Of course it will be horrible. It's the sequel to the best game of 2003, only this time they got rid of the storytelling, good art direction, and platforming.

Fixed it for you.


ced said:
I guess Ill be the negative one on this.

All that video showed was combat over and over and over, which complently ruined the first game for me.
Yeah I partly I agree with you. The combat in Sands of Time was awful. But this time they seem to have a very good fighting system. I mean, you can do so much things and the battles seem to be very fast too. And you don't need to 'drain' your enemy every time they lay on the floor (lik you had to do in SoT). That got very frustrating after a while IMO.


My problem wasnt really with combat per se, but the never ending respawns.

We'll see how it turns out, I was looking forward to more PoP:SoT but if they dumped the platforming no way am I playing it.

Anyways I would purchasing it at a later date, november/december is just way too crowded.
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