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Prine of Persia 2 Screenies


Sorry if old. If you can read dutch. Where is the color in this game? I see some Ninja Gaiden influence. If the combat is different than the 1st game it looks like a must buy.

















Hey look, more pictures of DARK MATURE FIGHTING! Watch it sell twice as much as the first game. That's what you get Ubisoft for trying to market a game with puzzles.


Operations said:
The Ninja Gaiden influence is strong with this one.

Where is the Ninja Gaiden influence that you both speak of? looks more like POP with blood to me (a good thing) If your talking about the running on walls thing thats bogus cause POP was doing that before NG (xbox) hell thats not even a POP thing cause there were other games doing it even before POP:SOT so uhmm yeah back to my ? where is the NG influence?


SilentHill said:
Where is the Ninja Gaiden influence that you both speak of? looks more like POP with blood to me (a good thing) If your talking about the running on walls thing thats bogus cause POP was doing that before NG (xbox) hell thats not even a POP thing cause there were other games doing it even before POP:SOT so uhmm yeah back to my ? where is the NG influence?

I was mainly referring to the decapitations.


Unconfirmed Member
Platforming + Mature = platformauturing???

I am sure it is going to be a lot of fun. I don't really care about the xtreme look because as long as they improve on the base they had with POP then I know the game will be able to back it up where it matters.

I actually like the changed aesthetics, though I could do without decapitations all the time (its cooler when it happens less often IMO) but like I said, I am confident the substance will be there as well so I don't care :D


Sysgen said:
Where is the color in this game?

I asked the art director much the same thing and he told me "Colour is for children and gays."*

* I'm paraphrasing, of course.
Decapitations (and cleaving people vertically) are one thing, but what I don't like is the attitude change. I just showed PoP2 to a friend and killed some people, did some platforming. Then I popped (pun not intended) in PoP1 and the change is stunning.

PoP1 is a modern fairytale. It has all that Arabian Nights storytelling to it, with the soft backgrounds and that amazing voice actor. Then you get PoP2 with heavy metal, bloody fonts and a main character that goes "YOU BITCH!". It's like comparing Street Fighter to Mortal Kombat.

The platforming might still be good and the fighting might be a bit improved (although it's still fairly random) but I don't really feel like taking this new Prince on a quest for 10 hours.
I like the change. The original PoP was a pretty gory and dark game itself...especially for the time. The death animations looked particularly shocking for a game from 1989 on the Apple ][. Although, I'm sure that part of the change in this game was marketing-driven. Still, not all that great a change from the original's feel, just overtly darker than the remake of PoP.
No, in the ship stage when you meet a female boss, she eventually cuts him across the chin (in a short cutscene, no less) and he goes "You BITCH!" before the battle continues.
The graphics have improved and the art style has started to grow on me. If the fighting engine is done right and they add some good puzzles, then I might consider it.

However, if the prince talks as angsty as he looks and they throw in more butt-metal than arab music, I'll consider a rent unless the reviews say otherwise.

But it doesn't excuse the horrible box art.


Ranger X

oh yeah and the movie "freeform fighting" it's on IGN. You definetly should check that.
And sorry for the bad post before! ;)
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