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Probably an old topic - dreams about games?


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Alright, here's some proof that I'm a total dork, and play way too many games :p I had a dream last night, involving games... I have these from time to time, it's cool actually... since they usually involve me playing games that aren't out yet :p

So it starts, I'm in a place that I think is suburban Toronto for some reason, with my girlfriend... I just got an Xbox and a copy of Fable (this happened last night, and is hilarious, since I saw a thread about this today)... and I play for a bit, all of a sudden, I'm this really powerful, level 50 warrior... then I take a look in the strategy guide, and realize I'm almost done with the game, and the game is like 5 hours long :p (This is before I read the long thread about this today)... then after playing (the game seemed pretty decent, too... it felt more Japanese than Western in my dream, and the graphics were a bit nicer than I've seen in the screenshots)... we went to some cafeteria owned by Ferricide or something. That's just messed up... I *REALLY* need to get off these forums :p

Am I the only one that dreams about games?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I don't usually, but someone was talking to me about SH4 directly before I went to bed the other night...and sure enough, I had a f*cked up dream about The Room.


Chili Con Carnage!
I had a dream last night actually where i was playing through an FPS level over and over, i can remember the room and the sequence of enemies really vividly like it was in a game ive played but i cant remember what game it was, very strange.

I always dream about games if ive been playing them exessively, like if im playing an RTS, ill be doing something normal, then suddenly ill be ordering a tank to attack or something.
Hmm ... I've had a number of dreams that felt like games, or that felt like they'd make really great games when I woke up after them. A few have been explicitly about me playing a game that's so realistic it feels like a weird virtual reality. Quite often in these I'll be disembodied; in the last one I had I was playing co-op with a friend, and he and I could hear each others voices, see each others avatars, and chat about what we were doing in the game. No I don't have Live!

The best game dreams I had were when the N64 came out, and I spent 24/7 alternating between Goldeneye and MarioKart (I was a student :D ). The dreams were great because the controls would get mixed up, and I'd be dreaming about powersliding round the Facility level, or strafe-running across Koopa Beach ...


I do all the time. I dreamt once I played an early build of the PSX port of Black & White before it came out for PC, I've dreamt I was attacked by bears while raiding tombs, I've scored headshots while sniping off the top of Morpheus map buildings from Unreal Tournament.. My most common (and saddest) game related dream is wandering around some open market or antique shop and suddenly coming across a huge cardboard box full of candy-colored Famicom carts. My heart always leaps, the price is always incredible ("Oooonnneee dollarrrr forrr the whole boxxx? Yeeeaaahhh"), and I dance away clam-happy at my fortunate find -- aaand then inevitably wake up moments later, realize it never happened, and put an early damper on my day.


I just had one last night. It was weird, it was one of those dreams that kept interconnecting. At first it was a bit like GTA that I was running fromt the cops (which is strange cause I don't own any GTA), only there were like hundreds of cop cars all at once. That went on for a while.

Then they caught me and put me in the ring with another character from my dream. But we weren't supposed to fight. Instead some giant character monster began trying to crush us both as we ran, and when the other guy got crushed, he went to a closet and picked up another character (one was Ray Charles for some reason) and the dream kept going. I got caught in a corner and he killed me, but it was really unfair cause I was in a dark corner without making a sound, he shouldn't have been able to see me. Fricken cheap boss...
Usually during crunch and overtime, I would dream dreams based on the games I tested that day.

The worst dream was hearing the announcer from "Who Wants to Beat-Up a Millionaire?" repeating over and over, in that horrible Regis-parody voice, "Is it A? Is it A? Is it A?"
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