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Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney |OT| This reminds me of a lawsuit!


I feel Europe's pain of "No release announced" for my region while everyone is getting their copies!
T-this is how it feels


Soooo close to being 1st.


Yes, France is 3DS land :p


By the way, for the Picarat-OCD folks, trials net you 100 picarats for each exclamation mark you have left at the end. I imagine it's still the usual "even the lowest possible amount of maximum Picarats unlocks everything", though.


By the way, for the Picarat-OCD folks, trials net you 100 picarats for each exclamation mark you have left at the end. I imagine it's still the usual "even the lowest possible amount of maximum Picarats unlocks everything", though.

Wait, seriously? Is that true in all prior Laytons? I've been save-quitting-restarting with every puzzle just in case...in all three of the first three games!


Wait, seriously? Is that true in all prior Laytons? I've been save-quitting-restarting with every puzzle just in case...in all three of the first three games!

I think so, yes. Obviously if you flounder every single puzzle you'll have to complete basically all of them to unlock everything, but you still can, while someone who gets full picarats every time will have the extras much sooner.

Also, new feature for both series IIRC: framerate drops. They're very rare, but it doesn't look like the game is pushing the 3DS particularly hard. Weird.
I need to stop trying to endure the 3D in these Layton games, it's so damn strong and combined with the heavy reading it does a swift number on my eyes yet they utilise the effect pretty well.
But anyway I've spent an hour with the game so far, it's pretty much what I expected which is fine by me.
I think Wright has a better voice in here than he does in AA5, having the occasional voice acting moments in court is nice as well. The drop in character model quality coming off AA5 isn't too bad so far except for Wright himself who can look unusually rigid and dead eyed at times.

Light spoiler:
I want one of those Brit themed blue badgers


Also, new feature for both series IIRC: framerate drops. They're very rare, but it doesn't look like the game is pushing the 3DS particularly hard. Weird.

Yeah, this is an unfortunate fact of the game. There are a few parts where it gets really noticeable, and one point in the game where it's very clear they had to cut a certain corner due to performance issues.

By and large, though, it's fairly stable.


Just beat both the prologues, and while I'm enjoying the game, the English voice acting is really dull and lifeless. In general the translation seems fine, and they've captured the quirkiness of Capcom's localisations, but the actual acting has been totally phoned in.


Yeah, this is an unfortunate fact of the game. There are a few parts where it gets really noticeable, and one point in the game where it's very clear they had to cut a certain corner due to performance issues.

By and large, though, it's fairly stable.

was this with 3D on or not? 'cause I never use 3D anyway.
Can't wait for tomorrow. Move your ass Amazon

Just beat both the prologues, and while I'm enjoying the game, the English voice acting is really dull and lifeless. In general the translation seems fine, and they've captured the quirkiness of Capcom's localisations, but the actual acting has been totally phoned in.
I always hate when the japanese dub is not included. Take some lessons from Square, Nintendo.


was this with 3D on or not? 'cause I never use 3D anyway.
Can't wait for tomorrow. Move your ass Amazon

If I'm not mistaken, the game opts for more antialiasing when 3D is off, so I don't think there's much of a performance difference. I'd imagine 3D's a little rougher, though.


The Japanese dub wouldn't do much good here anyway because they used the actors from the live-action movie for Phoenix and Maya. It's pretty safe to say that most of the European dubs outclass them as far as voice-acting goes.


The Japanese dub wouldn't do much good here anyway because they used the actors from the live-action movie for Phoenix and Maya. It's pretty safe to say that most of the European dubs outclass them as far as voice-acting goes.

Maya wasn't bad, really, and Phoenix's voice clips were good. But yeah, Narimiya may have played Phoenix well on film, but his voice acting left a lot to be desired.


So the game's up on the EU eShop now - hope people'll enjoy digging into it in the morning!

In the meantime, I'm impatient and made a spoiler thread for when people finish. If it could be added to the OT, that'd be much appreciated!


Man, just watched the first English cutscenes with Wright and Maya, and I think the voices are pretty damn good, I swear I've heard Maya's before somewhere, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Definitely getting this game later :)


The musics in this game are pretty outstanding.
The French dub is really good, so far I'm recognizing Wright's VA and he mostly dub cartoon :lol but it's awesome!


Went out and got a copy. So excited to start this up. I have actual work to do in the coming week, though. Gonna be tricky.
Just finished both prologues. Wow, the spanish voices in the phoenix wright parts are fantastic! Love Maya and Phoenix's spanish voices. In fact the voice of Phoenix is much better than the english one in PW5. The secondary characters are also pretty good (the witnesses, judge and prossecutor).
Thats why im sad that it seems Layton's parts have more voice acting than Phoenix's ones :(
If only PW5 would have been released like this instead of not even trnaslating... My small cousin is a big fan of PW and can't play it becuase of that. I just sent him 2 videos with the voices of this game so he can be excited and go to buy it asap lol
Wait, seriously? Is that true in all prior Laytons? I've been save-quitting-restarting with every puzzle just in case...in all three of the first three games!

Actually, I heard that there was one Professor Layton game in which it wasn't possible to unlock everything if your Picarat count was too low, even if you completed all the puzzles. Although, you basically had to completely fail like 90% of the puzzles for that to happen.

Forgot which game it was, though.
One question for people who already beat the prologues.
Which nationality is Olivia Aldente in the english/french/italian/german versions? In the spanish one she is italian but becuase of how she moves it seems that maybe she is spanish in the other versions. Am I wrong? And of course the italian localisation has to make her of another nationality at least so when she speaks in another languahe the joke is still there.


One question for people who already beat the prologues.
Which nationality is Olivia Aldente in the english/french/italian/german versions? In the spanish one she is italian but becuase of how she moves it seems that maybe she is spanish in the other versions. Am I wrong? And of course the italian localisation has to make her of another nationality at least so when she speaks in another languahe the joke is still there.
She is Sicilian in the French version.
Let me check her name...

Exit : She is called Marina Plancton.
She had a nice accent too <3
She is Sicilian in the French version.
Let me check her name...

Exit : She is called Marina Plancton.
She had a nice accent too <3
Oh, so she has different nationalities depending of the version. She was pretty cool in spanish, she talks half italian/half spanish bu its pretty easy to understand for us because they use easy (typical) italian words. Maya seems to not understand her when she speak in italian though lol

Also love the
trying to cut fish parts

Textures are much better in PW5 and the models look exactly like the 2d counterparts, but they are not really that bad here and have plenty of animation.


Made some more progress, I'm onto Chapter 2 now. It's really starting to get its hooks into me now. Agreed that the animations are much better in motion. Music is incredible too.

Minor spoilers up to Chapter 2:
Loved the moment Layton stepped into court for the first time and shouted HOLD IT! His theme music kicking in at the same time was great. I like the little twists on the Ace Attorney side that they're bringing in, with this being a world with magic and no logic to begin with.
I got this today and am dying to play it but I'm still only halfway through PW3.
Then I have Apollo to replay.
Then Curious Village.
THEN I can finally play this!

After this I have PW5 still unplayed to get to too :)


Finished Chapter 2, this game is really good.
And I just realized that Wright's French VA is the same as Sora in Kingdom hearts *shocked*
I actually love his work and hearing him again nearly bring tears to my eyes, missed him so much since every KH games after II didn't get French dub.


Finished chapter 2 as well.

This game is harsh. I mean the trials are kind of difficult, and it's only chapter 2. But also story wise. I mean...

Death by fire count: FOUR

And having the execution right there in the courtroom, by fire, immediately after the trial puts a really dark spin on the good old Accuse the Witness ploy. Of course, it's implied to happen in the Ace Attorney games, but not on screen. With fire. And pleading for her life. How is this NOT at least a 16+ rating? If Dual Destinies is an M, why isn't this?

Also, Professor Layton is a boss character. He's just awesome, in a calm, collect way, like a gentleman should be, of course. I may have missed out on something good by not playing the games. It's amusing how shoehorned in some of the puzzles are, though. "Well, if you're REALLY Professor Layton SOLVE THIS PUZZLE!" They're really just having fun with it at this point, aren't they?


That also happens in Layton games.....
Reminds me of Super Mario RPG. "Are you really THE Mario?" *jump* "WHOA! You ARE!"

Still, the game is pretty fun. I think one benefit of the EU version being out first is that there probably won't be any English language walkthroughs out yet. So, if I get stuck, I may need to use the hint coins.

Are the hint coins worth anything by game end or should I stop being stingy with them?


Death by fire count: FOUR

And having the execution right there in the courtroom, by fire, immediately after the trial puts a really dark spin on the good old Accuse the Witness ploy. Of course, it's implied to happen in the Ace Attorney games, but not on screen. With fire. And pleading for her life. How is this NOT at least a 16+ rating? If Dual Destinies is an M, why isn't this?
I agree,
that was really unexpected from this kind of game.
I'm OK about those bandit dying but that innocent girl begging for her life then that witch which did the same, just wow.
So I kept thinking about how they might not really die with that steel thing protecting them just to feel better. :lol


I agree,
that was really unexpected from this kind of game.
I'm OK about those bandit dying but that innocent girl begging for her life then that witch which did the same, just wow.
So I kept thinking about how they might not really die with that steel thing protecting them just to feel better. :lol
This is just one of those games that early on wants to dispel any notion of "They wouldn't really do that..." because.
I'll just amuse myself with knowing that once again... (Xenoblade spoilers, kind of big ones, too)
it's the same voice actor's cahracter being brutally killed early in the game to show that the game means business. I do not expect this one to return as a giant mech, though. ...but I'm not ruling it out either.

Also, I take it you can't Game Over in the puzzle parts? Only the trials?


Also, Professor Layton is a boss character. He's just awesome, in a calm, collect way, like a gentleman should be, of course. I may have missed out on something good by not playing the games. It's amusing how shoehorned in some of the puzzles are, though. "Well, if you're REALLY Professor Layton SOLVE THIS PUZZLE!" They're really just having fun with it at this point, aren't they?

Ooh, someone coming into the game without experience playing both series. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the Layton parts as you progress.

Are the hint coins worth anything by game end or should I stop being stingy with them?

Nah, go for it. They're there to be used. The thing that matters for postgame is the picarats, since the more you have the more bonus features you can unlock.

Also, I take it you can't Game Over in the puzzle parts? Only the trials?



Chapter 2 finished. Yikes! What a turn of events. Reaaaallly getting good now.
I'll just amuse myself with knowing that once again... (Xenoblade spoilers, kind of big ones, too)
it's the same voice actor's cahracter being brutally killed early in the game to show that the game means business. I do not expect this one to return as a giant mech, though. ...but I'm not ruling it out either.
Haha yup, I recognised
Fiora's voice actress Carina Reeves straight away. Makes sense, SideUK studios handle both Layton and Xenoblade. Wonder how many Xenoblade or The Last Story actors will show up?

God I love Pursuit - Casting Magic so much.


Finished Chapter 4..

What a Chapter it was, it had everything!
Camille(that witch)'s story was sooooo sad too, and dat ending, dat suspense.
I needed a break after that.

In short, that game is awesome.


Finished Chapter 4..

What a Chapter it was, it had everything!
Camille(that witch)'s story was sooooo sad too, and dat ending, dat suspense.
I needed a break after that.

In short, that game is awesome.

I totally felt the same way. Such an emotional story. :(

I realize it can be very hard to discuss characters, when there are 6 different names for most of them. Btw. is
Camille a gender neutral name in French? In German she was called Jean.
Excellent, the judge has the spanish voice of Solid Snake. This game keeps delivering with its localisation and voice acting.

Also wow the second chapter.
The death scene of the girl in the cage was pretty brutal, even for Phoenix Wright standards, people who only play Professor Layton games are going to be :O
The whole various testimonies at the same time system, pretty cool and funny
ANd of course the final plot twist with the drunken guy, when you hear voice acting in the game from nowhere, you know shit just got real


Yeah, chapter 4 was fantastic. Between the multiple witnesses at the same time and all the twists and gimmicks related to that the Witch Trials feel almost like playing the first AA for the first time again. It helps that the humour is more subdued than in DD, where they pretty much tried to sneak in jokes in every other line. There's still some gold, though,
literally, when Luke turns Layton for the double objection, haha
. The Layton side isn't quite as novel, but still pretty solid thanks to the cool setting, music and condensed puzzles (no more "Puzzle X 1/2/3" so far).

So yup, unless it turns into the usual Hino-esque final stretch of nonsensical twists and wacky setpieces this could end up high on the ranking of both series.


I totally felt the same way. Such an emotional story. :(

I realize it can be very hard to discuss characters, when there are 6 different names for most of them. Btw. is
Camille a gender neutral name in French? In German she was called Jean.

Yup :)
I'll go in the spoiler thread once I'm done the game's story.
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