I should be getting R10 = 20 i believe 8*1 - 2*1 + 14 = 20 but im getting 14 in R10?
Are you sure you are getting 14 in decimal and not 14 in hexadecimal? Because as was said, 14 in hexadecimal = 20 in decimal.
ori $5, $0, 0x1 ; $5 = 1
ori $6, $0, 0x1 ; $5 = 1, $6 = 1
ori $7, $0, 0xE ; $5 = 1, $6 = 1, $7 = 14
sll $5, $5, 3 ; $5 = 8, $6 = 1, $7 = 14
sll $6, $6, 1 ; $5 = 8, $6 = 2, $7 = 14
subu $8, $5, $6 ; $5 = 8, $6 = 2, $7 = 14, $8 = 6
addu $10, $7, $8 ; $5 = 8, $6 = 2, $7 = 14, $8 = 6, $10 = 20
ori $3, $0, 0xE ; $3 = 0xE (14)
sll $1, $1, 3 ; $1 = x << 3 = 8x
sll $2, $2, 1 ; $2 = y << 1 = 2y
subu $4, $1, $2 ; $4 = $1 - $2 = (8x - 2y)
addu $4, $4, $3 ; $4 = $4 + $3 = (8x - 2y) + 14
System.out.print("How many exams? ";
count[0] = input.nextInt();
for (int i = 0; i < count[0]; i++){
System.out.print("Enter exam " + (i+1) + " score: ");
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
I would also ask: where are you storing your x and y? Tracking the values of regs, assuming the following ASM:
Code:main: ori $5, $0, 0x1 ; $5 = 1 ori $6, $0, 0x1 ; $5 = 1, $6 = 1 ori $7, $0, 0xE ; $5 = 1, $6 = 1, $7 = 14 sll $5, $5, 3 ; $5 = 8, $6 = 1, $7 = 14 sll $6, $6, 1 ; $5 = 8, $6 = 2, $7 = 14 subu $8, $5, $6 ; $5 = 8, $6 = 2, $7 = 14, $8 = 6 addu $10, $7, $8 ; $5 = 8, $6 = 2, $7 = 14, $8 = 6, $10 = 20
what you're calculating is the result of (8 - 2) + 14. You need to incorporate X and Y somewhere.
Let's say, for example, that X is in R1 and Y is in R2.
R4 contains the result.Code:main: ori $3, $0, 0xE ; $3 = 0xE (14) sll $1, $1, 3 ; $1 = x << 3 = 8x sll $2, $2, 1 ; $2 = y << 1 = 2y subu $4, $1, $2 ; $4 = $1 - $2 = (8x - 2y) addu $4, $4, $3 ; $4 = $4 + $3 = (8x - 2y) + 14
ori $5,$0,0x1 ## loads R5 with 1 (x)
ori $6,$0,0x1 ## loads R6 with 1 (y)
ori $7,$0,0xE ## loads R7 with 14
sll $5, $5, 3 ## Shifts value in R5 3 places to represent multiplication by 8
sll $6, $6, 1 ## Shifts value in R6 1 place to represent multiplication by 2
subu $8, $5, $6 ## Subtracts vale in R6 from R5 and stores in R8
addu $10, $7, $8 ## Adds the difference in R8 to constant value in R7 (14) and stores the sum in R10
I don't know Java, but I don't think your code there could cause that error. That's a divide-by-zero error, but you aren't doing any division. The issue is caused by something that's in your real program, but not in what you've typed out here.I'm going through a Java class atm and have a pretty simple question.
I have a for loop that loops by an amount set by the user. Here's kind of what it looks like, if there are syntax errors it's because I'm going off memory..
Code:System.out.print("How many exams? "; count[0] = input.nextInt(); for (int i = 0; i < count[0]; i++){ System.out.print("Enter exam " + (i+1) + " score: "); }
It works good, except if the user enters 0. Then I get errors.
I'm guessing it's because of "i < count[0]", aka "do while 0 < 0". Is there a smart way to avoid this? I was going to couch the whole thing in an if statement, if (count[0] != 0), but that seems a little clunky?Code:Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
Sorry there, must've misinterpreted on my part. Though, it does seem odd... what sort of compiler are you using?It seems that everything is arithmetically correct, just that the answer is outputted in hex, which i guess is ok. I'm extremely new to assembly and i'm not sure if it's even possible for a decimal number to be represented in a SPIM register. I'm gonna go ahead and just assume that this is ok enough because i'm starting to get a headache lol. Anyways, thanks for all the help guys.
Sorry there, must've misinterpreted on my part. Though, it does seem odd... what sort of compiler are you using?
Hmm, your original code seems fine to me... after spending some time learning how to use this, lol - took me a bit of time, since I never used a compiler when I worked with MIPS, all handwritten.PCSpim MIPS Simulator
Haha.I don't know Java, but I don't think your code there could cause that error. That's a divide-by-zero error, but you aren't doing any division. The issue is caused by something that's in your real program, but not in what you've typed out here.
//further down...
count[0] = tempTotal / count[0];
use BingoCard;
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
print "<!DOCTYPE html>";
print "<html>";
print " <head>";
print " <title>Bingo</title>";
print " </head>";
print " <body>";
print " </body>";
print "</html>";
package BingoCard;
#use BingoRandomizer;
use Exporter;
our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
our @EXPORT = qw( &makeBingoCard );
sub makeBingoCard{
my $rows = 5;
my $columns = 5;
print "<table>";
for($i = 0; $i <= $rows; $i++){
print "<tr>";
for($j = 0; $j <= $columns; $j++){
if($i == 3 && $j == 3){ #Check to see if the middle of the bingo card for free space square
print "<td> Free Space! </td>";
print "<td> entry $j</td>";
print "</tr>";
print "</table>";
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print <<HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>NeoGAF Bingo</title>
You want to repeat a process until a certain condition is met. Therefore you should use a while loop.
Code:scanf("%d", &SINnum); while (SINnum != 0) { ... scanf("%d", &SINnum); }
Code:while (true) { scanf("%d", &SINnum); if (SINnum == 0) break; ... }
or if you care about compactness, you can do the same thing with a for loop
Code:for(scanf("%d", &SINnum); SINnum != 0; scanf("%d", &SINnum)) { ... }
Since player1Score and gamesPlayed are still ints, they get evaluated as such.
You could cast within the calculation
or if an int score would be sufficient just calculate asCode:score1 = ((double)player1Score / gamesPlayed) * 100;
Code:score1 = (player1Score * 100) / gamesPlayed;
Hmm, your original code seems fine to me... after spending some time learning how to use this, lol - took me a bit of time, since I never used a compiler when I worked with MIPS, all handwritten.
Usually, I always use hex when dealing with assembly, so that what I'm looking at corresponds with what I type.
Need a little guidance from people who are more book-smart in CS... bf might apply for a position that is said to have interviews heavy on data structure and algorithms. What does that entail? Coming from an electrical engineering background, he's not sure whether he really learned much of that.
Need a little guidance from people who are more book-smart in CS... bf might apply for a position that is said to have interviews heavy on data structure and algorithms. What does that entail? Coming from an electrical engineering background, he's not sure whether he really learned much of that.
I have a little school assignment in java which includes reading from ini file. I have tried googling how reading ini files work in java work but couldn't really find what I was after.
The ini file includes has section which have keys. And user has to pick one of the sections and their keys and the program will output the key's value.
I think all you're trying to do is read from a file. If so, look at: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/io/Reader.html
If you just want to read all the lines from a file and store them in a List<String>, there is a method in java.nio.files, Files.readAllLines(Path, Charset) that does all that for you in one go. It's a lot more convenient than having to mess around with a FileReader and a File object and what have you. I don't like the old Java File API very much. It's almost admirable how overengineered it is while still requiring you to read one character at a time like you would in C. Luckily, there's a lot of convenience methods in java.nio.
Need a little guidance from people who are more book-smart in CS... bf might apply for a position that is said to have interviews heavy on data structure and algorithms. What does that entail? Coming from an electrical engineering background, he's not sure whether he really learned much of that.
Nah, it's a place headquartered in Austin. Tokkun's post kind of scared him off, but apparently we know someone else who works there who will send some sample questions.Is it Google by any chance? I know they tend to be big on those areas - and rigorous enough that you can't really cram or fake it...
Nah, it's a place headquartered in Austin. Tokkun's post kind of scared him off, but apparently we know someone else who works there who will send some sample questions.
Nah, it's a place headquartered in Austin. Tokkun's post kind of scared him off, but apparently we know someone else who works there who will send some sample questions.
using namespace std;
class utility
float K, P;
utility(float *K, float *P);
float KtoP();
float PtoK();
float utility::KtoP()
cout << "Enter mass in kg: ";
cin >> K;
cout << endl;
P = K*2.205;
return P;
float utility::PtoK()
cout << "Enter mass in pounds: ";
cin >> P;
cout << endl;
K = P/2.205;
return K;
int main()
int choice;
cout << "Press 1 to convert from lbs to kg or press 2 to convert from kg to lbs: ";
cin >> choice;
if(choice == 1)
else if(choice == 2)
return 0;
int main()
int choice;
[class] [declaration]
cout << "Press 1 to convert from lbs to kg or press 2 to convert from kg to lbs: ";
cin >> choice;
if(choice == 1)
else if(choice == 2)
return 0;
using namespace std;
class utility
static float KtoP(void)
float K, P;
cout << "Enter mass in kg: ";
cin >> K;
cout << endl;
P = K*2.205;
cout << K << " kg is " << P << " lbs" << endl;
return P;
static float PtoK(void)
float K, P;
cout << "Enter mass in pounds: ";
cin >> P;
cout << endl;
K = P/2.205;
cout << P << " lbs is " << K << " kg" << endl;
return K;
/* int main()
cout << "Convert Kilograms to pounds?";
int main()
int choice;
cout << "Press 1 to convert kg to lbs or press 2 to convert lbs to kg, or anything else to exit: ";
cin >> choice;
if(choice == 1)
else if(choice == 2)
return 0;
I don't know htaccess stuff (apache mod rewrite thingamajig?) but I think you can find some good info by googling: htaccess redirect specific urlNot sure if this is the right thread to ask this or not, but I'm using an htaccess to forward to a new URL for a website at my work. I used a generator for the code and it works great for ensuring people go to the new page but it is also preventing me from hotlinking to an image at the old URL. Is there a way to ONLY redirect when someone goes to a particular URL?
class Utility
float mass
float KtoP()
//enter your output text and get mass,
mass = mass * 2.205;
//return mass or print out the result;
float PtoK()
//insert your code for this one
//return mass or print out the result;
int main()
int choice;
Utility [name]
//get input here
if (choice == 1)
//call function
else if(choice == 2)
//call other function
//check for any invalid input and do whatever you want
return 0;
Why would you want to create a Utility object?
The original static class approach seems better to me. Functions in a utility namespace would be my choice, though.
Anyone know a good, quick introduction to databases for a dummy level person?
I read through this at some point awhile back, good book not specific to a vendor. It is a tome though. Relatively cheap too, I'd say good for beginners.
Also if you have Safari Books Online, it's available there as well.
Anyone mind helping me with something admittedly simple yet I'm still having trouble with it? Have to call methods from another class to calculate areas for a triangle, circle, and rectangle after I ask for it in the other class (have that part written out already). I'm just having trouble with calling those methods into the other class that prints out the areas. Do I have to have them in the same package? I'm not entirely sure since the assignment says "Next, write a driver program titled "YourLastName_Driver" to test the geometry class", so I'm not sure if they're supposed to be in separate packages or not.
Any help with this would be much appreciated, thanks!![]()
class A {
// Methods for your calculations
int calc_rect(int rect) {
// Calc the value of a rectangle
class B {
A *aInstance = new A();
int doThings() {
// Somewhere you've defined an object called "rect" with dimensions for a rectange
B *bInstance = new B();
Since you mention packages, I assume Java? I'm not entirely sure I understand your question. Let me see if this is what you're doing:
Class A - Contains methods for calculating areas
Class B - Does something else, but depends on the methods in Class A
Does Class B contain an object of type A? What specific problems are you running into? A sample of your code and any errors you're getting would be helpful.
To call methods from Class A from within an object of type B, Class B would need to contain an object of type A. I don't know much Java, but in C++ it would be something like this:
Code:class A { public: // Methods for your calculations int calc_rect(int rect) { // Calc the value of a rectangle } }; class B { public: A *aInstance = new A(); }; int doThings() { // Somewhere you've defined an object called "rect" with dimensions for a rectange B *bInstance = new B(); B->aInstance->calc_rect(rect); }
However, I'm not entirely sure what you are doing, and what the problems are, so that might not be helpful.
Also, hello Programming-GAF! First time in this thread, but have been programming for some time. Good fun it is.
public static double Circle(double radius, double areaCircle) {
radius = radius;
areaCircle = Math.PI * radius * radius;
return areaCircle;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int input;
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Geometry Calculator");
System.out.println("1. Calculate the Area of a Circle");
System.out.println("2. Calculate the Area of a Rectangle");
System.out.println("3. Calculate the Area of a Triangle");
System.out.println("4. Exit\n");
System.out.println("Enter your choice (1-4):");
input = keyboard.nextInt();
switch (input) {
case 1:
System.out.println("Enter the radius of the circle: ");
input = keyboard.nextInt();
if(input < 0) {
System.out.println("Please enter a positive number.");
} else {
System.out.println("The area of the circle is: " + );
Yup, this is in Java.
And sorry about the vagueness of my question >.< Trying to find the best way to describe it and I'm not good at it, lol.
I'll quote a few pieces from both my classes to show what I'm doing/what I need:
Just included the parts for the circle, I'm missing some point where I just need to call that Circle method from the first class so it can print the area, and that's just what I'm missing.
// Should only need one parameter
public static double Circle(double radius) {
// Code
double area = Circle(input);
System.out.println("The area of the circle is: " + area);
// Calling it "circle" instead of "Circle" - classes are generally defined with capital letters, and functions with lowercase
public static double circle(double radius) {
return Math.PI * radius * radius; // You can calculate and return the value on one line
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Snip - your code for getting user input here
switch (input) {
case 1:
System.out.println("Enter the radius of the circle: ");
input = keyboard.nextInt();
if(input < 0) {
System.out.println("Please enter a positive number.");
} else {
double area = circle(input); // <---- This is where you're getting the area
System.out.println("The area of the circle is: " + area);
// Whatever other code you have
No worries, the more you ask questions about programming the better you get at it. =)
Is your "Circle" function actually within a class, or is it just on its own? If it's just out on its own, you just need to call that function with the input you're getting from the user. Also, I think your parameter list is a bit off. You're asking for a variable called "areaCircle", but that's the value you're returning not what you're asking for.
Code:// Should only need one parameter public static double Circle(double radius) { // Code }
Anyway, you should be able to just call that function with the input you received:
Code:double area = Circle(input); System.out.println("The area of the circle is: " + area);
If it actually IS inside of a class, you need to be instantiating an object of that type within main before you can call the method on that object. (main isn't a class, BTW, just your main method. [Okay, everything in Java is technically an object, but main isn't part of any class that you define.])
From what I can see though, I'm thinking that your "Circle" function isn't inside of a class. So you should be able to call it with just "Circle(radius)".
(BTW, when posting code online for help, it's good practice if you indent the code so that it's easier for others to read.)
I think you may be a tad confused on what a class is. If you haven't gone over object oriented programming yet, then you shouldn't have to worry about classes at this point. I would just refer to both of those as functions.
Circle is a method within a class called Geometry. The second class, Class B, is the Driver class as its called.
I'm not 100% sure what you're asking here if you could elaborate a bit? If I get rid of areaCircle in my method creation it returns errors... Fake edit: Never mind, Netbeans gave me a suggestion that worked >.>
And yeah, the Circle method is just a method in Class A, not the whole of Class A or anything.
Is that second code you put what I should use that'll get my program to work/print?
myGeometry = new Geometry(); // If Geometry has parameters, pass them in here
// Then later, call your circle method like this:
double area = myGeometry.Circle(input);
Okay, gotcha, sorry for my misunderstanding.
You were probably getting the area because you were using a variable called "areaCircle" within that method that you were only first declaring as a double in the parameter list. You would want to take out "areaCircle" from the parameters, and declare it as "double areaCircle" in the actual method (or use the one liner I posted above).
Since Circle is a member method of "Geometry" you need to instantiate a "Geometry" object first. Has that already been done somewhere else in the code? If not, something like this should do it:
Code:myGeometry = new Geometry(); // If Geometry has parameters, pass them in here // Then later, call your circle method like this: double area = myGeometry.Circle(input);
I hope that makes sense.
Yeah, that was what I ended up changing just then in Netbeans.
As for instantiating a Geometry object, I did:
myGeometry = new Geometry(double Circle, double Rectangle, double Triangle)
and I get an error saying it can't find the symbol... so I'm probably doing it wrong, I'm guessing? I'm putting that in before the main method, if that makes any difference.
myGeometry = new Geometry();
Does your Geometry class take parameters? You're passing in an undefined Circle, Rectangle, and Triangle to it when creating myGeometry. If I'm guessing right, I'm pretty sure you just need to do this:
Code:myGeometry = new Geometry();
...but that depends on what Geometry is looking for. Could you post your Geometry constructor? (Should be what looks like a method within the Geometry class, but has the name "Geometry", and no return value. If that doesn't exist, it should definitely be what I posted above.)
Also, it's hard for me to know exactly what things should be without seeing all the code, but I'm guessing you'll want to instantiate your myGeometry object WITHIN main.
Ok, according to a friend, apparently I had to put them both in one package... which is apparently where most of my issues are coming from... I'm going to test that out and something she used to see if that works before trying this out. Thanks for the help! And sorry about potentially wasting your time, didn't know we had to do this for this assignment >.<