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Programming |OT| C is better than C++! No, C++ is better than C

Goddamnit. The moment I actually get close to getting an assignment done I find a stupid bug where 3/8 values don't copy over from the root process, after having been successful before. Fuck. My. Life.
How important is Linux to programming?

Just asking because it's a course I'm taking in my Computer Programming and Analysis program and they say that eventually once you start working you pretty much have to be familiar with linux and how to use its terminal.

If you don't understand how it works you'll be a shitty programmer, period. Unix based systems are much much better development environments anyway.


Linux is shit. No one should be forced to use it. At least contain it in a VM so you can get rid of it with a click.


How important is Linux to programming?

Just asking because it's a course I'm taking in my Computer Programming and Analysis program and they say that eventually once you start working you pretty much have to be familiar with linux and how to use its terminal.

Yeah, just get familiar with Linux. I can't really say much about the industry but the program you're in, you'll need it later. The basic commands like cd, cp, etc will probably help you with your later classes especially since some classes require you that the code works in the Matrix cluster.

Eventually, you'll get accustomed to it and will have no problems. Just pay attention during ULI :p because you'll need to apply some of the stuff in that class in future semesters.


Linux is shit. No one should be forced to use it. At least contain it in a VM so you can get rid of it with a click.


Need some help understanding what my teacher is asking of me here.

How many sequence numbers are consumed by a SYN segment?

How many sequence numbers are consumed by an ACK segment?

How many sequence numbers are consumed by a SYN-ACK segment?

I'm not really sure how the term "consumed" is being applied here.


Need some help understanding what my teacher is asking of me here.

I'm not really sure how the term "consumed" is being applied here.

"Use up". E.g if you send a SYN with sequence number x, the SYN-ACK response will send an acknowledgement number x+1, which means that the next sequence number received should be x+1. There has been no actual data transmitted, but it was acknowledged that the SYN package was received by the receiver.

Here's a fairly good explaination: http://taosecurity.blogspot.de/2004/01/tcp-sequence-numbers-explained-today-i.html

What even

I guess it was a response to the "Unix based systems are better for development anyway" post, which is equally meaningless.


"Use up". E.g if you send a SYN with sequence number x, the SYN-ACK response will send an acknowledgement number x+1, which means that the next sequence number received should be x+1. There has been no actual data transmitted, but it was acknowledged that the SYN package was received by the receiver.

Here's a fairly good explaination: http://taosecurity.blogspot.de/2004/01/tcp-sequence-numbers-explained-today-i.html

I guess it was a response to the "Unix based systems are better for development anyway" post, which is equally meaningless.

Thank you. This is what I thought it meant but the word consumption threw me off. Thank You.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I like Linux.

I have to use it when I want to rebase (rebase -i) something with Git. For some reason, when using Windows, it opens a text editor, then just goes on to the rebasing without my doing anything. Then it doesn't do anything at all.

It's really stupid.


PHP question.

I need someone to reply to a confirmation mail within X hours, and if they have not replied when the time is up, I need to have PHP do an cancel their action

I can get the time of email with no problem, so if they reply, but too late, I can cancel their action, but I need to cancel if they do not reply.

What is the simplest way to do this?

Hope I was clear enough


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
You probably have to use a cron job if you're on Linux. Make it run the PHP script that finds expired times and cancels the action. You can set it to run every 10-30 mins or so.
Or just Debian if you want a more extensive desktop environment.
This is definitely true. I chose Crunchbang because it appeared pretty stripped down (in UI terms) making me learn how to use the terminal and its commands. The first week was hell and I wanted to switch back to something else but I stuck with it and now I love it.


A lot of people love Linux and it is used absolutely everywhere from warships to supercomputers. If you're going to call it shit, at least say why.

You shouldn't take my comment seriously. It was a response to the people saying that it is better without saying why, and a personal opinion.

If you want to know why i think it's shit, then:
1: Unfortunately i don't have a warship or a super computer.
2: I mainly develop Visual Studio on Windows for Windows, and Linux is pretty much useless for that.
3: It seems like every time I start Linux for something I run into some weird problem that apparently only applicable to my situation, and therefore is ungoogleble.
You shouldn't take my comment seriously. It was a response to the people saying that it is better without saying why, and a personal opinion.

If you want to know why i think it's shit, then:
1: Unfortunately i don't have a warship or a super computer.
2: I mainly develop Visual Studio on Windows for Windows, and Linux is pretty much useless for that.
3: It seems like every time I start Linux for something I run into some weird problem that apparently only applicable to my situation, and therefore is ungoogleble.

Pretty much my linux experience..
Shit like drivers not supporting my laptop gpu to shitty battery life and fans on 100%.
While a lot of folks that use it have absolutely no problems :(

When i had to use it for classes i used an VM but personally have no problem with the OS and can't be bothered if i need to work in an IDE or Text editor :p


I'm having a bit of trouble. I'm trying to create an array of class objects then passing the array to functions. How do I do that exactly?

This is part of my code:
#include <iostream>

#include "ClassManager.h"
#include "Student.h"

using namespace std;

void ClassManager::menuDisplay(){
	int itemSelection;
		cout << "-------------------------------\n"	<< endl;
		cout << "\nWelcome to the class manager \n"	<< endl;
		cout << "-------------------------------\n"	<< endl;
		cout << "Please enter a menu item:        "	<< endl;
		cout << "1) Create a class				  "	<< endl;

		cout << "\n" << endl;
		cin >> itemSelection;
	}while(itemSelection > 0 || itemSelection < 1);
	menuSelection(itemSelection); //Invoke the menuSelection function

void ClassManager::menuSelection(int item){
		case 1:

void ClassManager::startClassCreate(){

void ClassManager::classCreate(){
	//char selection;

	cout << "Enter how many students in the class" << endl;
	cin >> numOfStudents;
	//cout << "The number of students in this class is" << numOfStudents << ". " << "Is this correct?" << endl;
		char fn[30];
		char ln[30];
		int studentAge = 0;
		int nrStudents = 0;

		students = reinterpret_cast <Student *> (malloc(sizeof(Student)*numOfStudents));

		for(int i = 0; i < nrStudents; i++){
			cout << "\n------------------------------------\n" << endl;
			cout << "\nPlease enter the students first name: ";
			cin >> fn;
			cout << "\nPlease enter the students last name: ";
			cin >> ln;
			cout << "\nPlease enter the students age: ";
			cin >> studentAge;

			new(&students[i]) Student(ln, fn, studentAge);
		cout << "There are no students in the class" << endl;

void ClassManager::classDisplay(){
		cout << "\n------------------------------------\n" << endl;
		cout << "\nThis is the full class list ";
		for(int i = 0; i < numOfStudents; i++){
			cout << "Class list " << endl;
			//cout << i+1 << ") " << students[i].lastName << ", " << students[i].firstName << " " << "Age: " << students[i].age << endl;
		cout << "There needs to be students in the class\n" << endl; 

class ClassManager{
Student *students;
	int numOfStudents;
	void menuDisplay();
	void menuSelection(int item);
	void classDisplay();

	//Start functions
	void startClassCreate();

	void classCreate();

This is my Student class:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Student{
	char			*lastName;
	char			*firstName;
	int			age;
	int			numOfStudents;
	Student(char *ln, char *fn, int studentAge);

	const char*		getLastName();
	const char*		getFirstName();
	int				getAge();
	int				getNumOfStudents();
	void			setLastName(const char* ln);
	void			setFirstName(const char* fn);
	void			setAge(int num);
	void			setNumOfStudents(int num);

Maybe I'm thinking of this wrong >__>


I'm having a bit of trouble. I'm trying to create an array of class objects then passing the array to functions. How do I do that exactly?
By using std::vector instead of arrays everywhere. There's no good reason for that code to contain even a single pointer, malloc, new, delete, etc. All of those are contributing to the awfulness of the code. In the same spirit, use std::string instead of char* everywhere. C++ is not C.

(You don't usually pass the vector into a function by value, which would cause it to be copied. Pass it as const reference (const std::vector<Student>&) when you only intend to read from it, and as a reference (std::vector<Student>&) when you intend to modify the original.)


You shouldn't take my comment seriously. It was a response to the people saying that it is better without saying why, and a personal opinion.

If you want to know why i think it's shit, then:
1: Unfortunately i don't have a warship or a super computer.
2: I mainly develop Visual Studio on Windows for Windows, and Linux is pretty much useless for that.
3: It seems like every time I start Linux for something I run into some weird problem that apparently only applicable to my situation, and therefore is ungoogleble.

Pretty much where I'm at. It's useless for the vast, vast majority of what I need my PC for. Whether it's design, post-processing photography, or working on programming for Windows...


By using std::vector instead of arrays everywhere. There's no good reason for that code to contain even a single pointer, malloc, new, delete, etc. All of those are contributing to the awfulness of the code. In the same spirit, use std::string instead of char* everywhere. C++ is not C.

(You don't usually pass the vector into a function by value, which would cause it to be copied. Pass it as const reference (const std::vector<Student>&) when you only intend to read from it, and as a reference (std::vector<Student>&) when you intend to modify the original.)

Thanks I'll try this. I haven't been taught vectors before actually... >>

EDIT - I'm so confused. If vectors seem so great and manages its own memory and stuff (or that's what I understand about this after a few quick google searches), why am I being taught about allocating memory for array of class objects using arrays?


Thanks I'll try this. I haven't been taught vectors before actually... >>

EDIT - I'm so confused. If vectors seem so great and manages its own memory and stuff (or that's what I understand about this after a few quick google searches), why am I being taught about allocating memory for array of class objects using arrays?
C++ has about 500 ways of doing things. It's a huge language with tons of features and quirks and stuff. Most of those ways are horrible or wrong in one way or another, but you kind of need to know many of them anyway. They can't teach you everything, so even a good class will just start at what they think is a good spot.

If it were me, I'd just do it the way they teach in class because of stupid things like teachers trying to catch cheaters or whatever.

Arrays are super mega bad though. I almost never use them directly, whether it's C++, Java or C#. They're especially bad in C++ because it's just raw memory (afaik). You don't even get the size, much less any bounds checking or whatever. It's just "Oh hey there's some stuff in memory over there somewhere. You figure it out." Thanks a lot, C++.
You shouldn't take my comment seriously. It was a response to the people saying that it is better without saying why, and a personal opinion.

If you want to know why i think it's shit, then:
1: Unfortunately i don't have a warship or a super computer

Which isn't the point. The point is that Unix/Linux is everywhere. I work for a rather large company and at least half our applications run in a Unix/Linux environment with at least 3 additional major initiatives in POC at this moment. Good luck avoiding it because "I use Visual Studio". I'm sure that goes over swell in interviews.

There's a lot of things I miss about college, but the disconnected from reality Linux vs. Windows vs. Etc discussions is not one of them.
Hi all,

First time poster, long time lurker. Love reading the stuff in this thread and I have to say I learn a lot from it.

I am currently an IS major at a decent state school in Cali. Taking a few database classes for my major and I am loving it. My question is how hard is it to land a database entry level position nowadays? I plan on taking 380 and 480 (the two database classes they offer at csulb) Should I look into anything else, either in or out of school?


Which isn't the point. The point is that Unix/Linux is everywhere. I work for a rather large company and at least half our applications run in a Unix/Linux environment with at least 3 additional major initiatives in POC at this moment. Good luck avoiding it because "I use Visual Studio". I'm sure that goes over swell in interviews.

There's a lot of things I miss about college, but the disconnected from reality Linux vs. Windows vs. Etc discussions is not one of them.

Eh. I'm not totally sure what we're discussing here. My point is that I don't like Linux, and I'd rather not use it. I'm not avoiding it, and I have been running Linux, and FreeBSD, as my main OS for several years when I was in high school and college. Fortunately for me there are loads of C# jobs in my area :)


How to get good at programming?

I know this sounds like a retarded question but i cannot manage to move away from basic programming. I tried to learn multiple languages (c++, c#, python, js...) and now java for android but still i have no idea how to move forward to some more advanced stuff. Tutorials aren't helping anymore cause i already know all of the basics. Now i again got to the same point in java and i'm starting to fell frustrated how dumb i am. I made few simple applications for android ( calculator (y i know), some guessing games, text adventure etc) but i simply don't know how to make next step. I know i should set my goal to make a new application or a game but i have no idea what would i like to make, and when i come up with something it's some basic stuff which i already know how to do for the most part. Can anyone give me some ideas, advices what should i do next? Or if there is some website with example projects but where you can view the source code if you get stuck? Sorry for such a long post but i'm just lost now and i would love to learn it at least some more advances stuff. Thanks in advance and sorry one more


Thanks I'll try this. I haven't been taught vectors before actually... >>

EDIT - I'm so confused. If vectors seem so great and manages its own memory and stuff (or that's what I understand about this after a few quick google searches), why am I being taught about allocating memory for array of class objects using arrays?
I can only offer guesses.
1) You are in an electrical engineering program or similar, and it's assumed this might be your first and last programming course, so they want to teach you nuts-and-bolts level C++ (basically C) because you'll need to be able to program low-level stuff, and they don't care about making you a decent C++ programmer.
2) They understand C++ but are bad teachers and do not understand it's a pedagogically unsound idea to teach you the wrong way first.
3) They are bad at C++.

Knowing the context would make things a bit clearer: is this your first programming course, are more courses going to follow, do you have explicit orders to use arrays rather than vectors/strings/etc.?


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
So, I tried using a fairly large image in C#, but the program breaks into an OutOfMemoryException.

Bitmap b = new Bitmap(size, size); // size = 16000 or so
. . . then later

Graphigs g = new Graphics( . . . );
g.DrawImage(b, [new dimensions]); // MEMORY GOES OUT NOES

Not sure if there's a lighter way of doing this.


So, I tried using a fairly large image in C#, but the program breaks into an OutOfMemoryException.

Bitmap b = new Bitmap(size, size); // size = 16000 or so
. . . then later

Graphigs g = new Graphics( . . . );
g.DrawImage(b, [new dimensions]); // MEMORY GOES OUT NOES

Not sure if there's a lighter way of doing this.

Do you load an external image, or do you create/manipulate it via code? You're currently creating a bitmap with 16000x16000 pixels, which is with a supposed color depth of 32 around 1GByte large. Maybe you could split up the large bitmap into several smaller one?


C++ has about 500 ways of doing things. It's a huge language with tons of features and quirks and stuff. Most of those ways are horrible or wrong in one way or another, but you kind of need to know many of them anyway. They can't teach you everything, so even a good class will just start at what they think is a good spot.

If it were me, I'd just do it the way they teach in class because of stupid things like teachers trying to catch cheaters or whatever.

Arrays are super mega bad though. I almost never use them directly, whether it's C++, Java or C#. They're especially bad in C++ because it's just raw memory (afaik). You don't even get the size, much less any bounds checking or whatever. It's just "Oh hey there's some stuff in memory over there somewhere. You figure it out." Thanks a lot, C++.

That's true. Honestly, I think i'll stick using vectors now as much as possible if it's a better way of doing stuff. It will save a lot of headaches hopefully

I can only offer guesses.
1) You are in an electrical engineering program or similar, and it's assumed this might be your first and last programming course, so they want to teach you nuts-and-bolts level C++ (basically C) because you'll need to be able to program low-level stuff, and they don't care about making you a decent C++ programmer.
2) They understand C++ but are bad teachers and do not understand it's a pedagogically unsound idea to teach you the wrong way first.
3) They are bad at C++.

Knowing the context would make things a bit clearer: is this your first programming course, are more courses going to follow, do you have explicit orders to use arrays rather than vectors/strings/etc.?

Nope, not an electrical engineering. I'm just taking a basic computer programming program where you learn lots of languages like C/C++/PHP/Perl/MySQL/HTML/CSS/Javascript/Java, etc. I assume that they teach you arrays until now because of how it relates to the other languages being taught, sort of. Or maybe they want us to be a decent mix of C & C++ programmer, which I don't really quite understand.

Or maybe it's just the program showing its age. I remember going to my Web Programming class (basic HTML/CSS) and being taught to implement CSS directly into the HTML file. But when I started developing my own websites and expanding my knowledge on web languages, I learned that it's better to separate content/presentation/code which the school did not teach us. I don't think some of the teacher are bad, they look like they know what they are doing but then I get into things like this and just seems really counter-intuitive to become a decent programmer.

I had previous experience with programming because of my previous courses but this is my first programming program. There aren't really any explicit instructions to just use arrays/strings but this is how I was taught and, as far as I'm aware, didn't teach us any other way (though my professor just very recently told us about strings).

Actually, the thing I was coding was just a side thing to do to study for this midterm coming up and trying to apply what I learned to it. Now I'm more confused than ever lol
Just worked on a program for two weeks with a group and had to turn it in last night knowing at least two bugs are still unsolved. I know that this will continue to happen outside of school but it's such an empty feeling letting go knowing you have more to do.


Thanks I'll try this. I haven't been taught vectors before actually... >>

EDIT - I'm so confused. If vectors seem so great and manages its own memory and stuff (or that's what I understand about this after a few quick google searches), why am I being taught about allocating memory for array of class objects using arrays?

There are reasons why an expert programmer may prefer to use an array under certain circumstances:

1. Arrays have deterministic, constant-time insertion complexity. Vectors do not. Inserting to a vector may require a malloc and a copy. You can get around this using pre-reservation and bounds checking for vectors, but at that point you may as well just use an array.

2. It may be valuable to know the actual memory region the data is stored in. As an example, maybe you want the data stored in a memory region registered to an I/O device.

3. You may be using an arena-based memory allocation scheme.

4. There is a small amount of additional overhead associated with a vector, which may matter if you are developing for an embedded system.

This is why vectors are not considered a pure replacement for arrays. If you need any evidence of this, consider that C++11 has introduced the std::array container, which is the real replacement for C-style arrays.

However, I think it is more likely in a classroom environment that you are learning arrays because your instructor is taking a bottom-up instruction approach; i.e. learn how to do things at a basic level before introducing library support to make those tasks easier. The rationale is that by learning the hard way first, you will better understand the sort of tradeoffs that I listed above.


So I got QT Creator up and running and it seems that whenever I try to compile and debug my code I get hit with this:


Anyone know why this is happening?


There are reasons why an expert programmer may prefer to use an array under certain circumstances:

1. Arrays have deterministic, constant-time insertion complexity. Vectors do not. Inserting to a vector may require a malloc and a copy. You can get around this using pre-reservation and bounds checking for vectors, but at that point you may as well just use an array.
I know you understand how stuff works, but the first part of what you wrote is wrong and confusing. Arrays can't be inserted into, constant time or otherwise - they are fixed size. std::vectors have virtually the same performance if you create them directly to desired size, but building them up from an empty vector by appending one thing at a time to the end is pretty fast too (amortized constant time) and good enough for anything a beginner would want to do.

And regarding the second part, a distinction has to be made between C style arrays and a proper container like std::array. The latter is technically optimal, but if it's not available to you or you haven't learned to use it yet, a fixed size std::vector is much nicer to use than a C array. A beginner should stick everything to a vector until they understand exactly why they are choosing to use some other container. Even after you know what you are doing, you'll probably end up using a vector most of the time. This is what Bjarne Stroustrup says, and this is what I tell my students.


So I got QT Creator up and running and it seems that whenever I try to compile and debug my code I get hit with this:


Anyone know why this is happening?[/QUOTE]

Looks like your ptrace scope is wrong. [URL="http://www.deder.at/wordpress/?p=307"]Try[/URL] setting kernel.yama.ptrace_scope = 0 in /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf.


I know you understand how stuff works, but the first part of what you wrote is wrong and confusing. Arrays can't be inserted into, constant time or otherwise - they are fixed size. std::vectors have virtually the same performance if you create them directly to desired size, but building them up from an empty vector by appending one thing at a time to the end is pretty fast too (amortized constant time) and good enough for anything a beginner would want to do.

Fair enough, my point was poorly phrased. What I should have said is that the ability to incrementally grow vectors, which is their main advantage from a memory management standpoint, has a problem with non-deterministic latency. Therefore in applications which are sensitive to tail latencies - such as (pseudo)-realtime systems, services with latency-based QoS, etc - the automatic reallocation that can be triggered by vector's insert method can be problematic. You can address this by pre-allocating/resizing vector, but this is no better than the memory management of an array.

And regarding the second part, a distinction has to be made between C style arrays and a proper container like std::array. The latter is technically optimal, but if it's not available to you or you haven't learned to use it yet, a fixed size std::vector is much nicer to use than a C array. A beginner should stick everything to a vector until they understand exactly why they are choosing to use some other container. Even after you know what you are doing, you'll probably end up using a vector most of the time. This is what Bjarne Stroustrup says, and this is what I tell my students.

You seem to be interpreting my comments as a judgment that arrays are strictly better than vectors; that is not the case. I was responding to a question about why anyone would ever need to use or understand arrays by giving some practical use cases where arrays are better. I also think that beginners should stick to vectors, which is why I led off the previous post saying that "experts" may want to use arrays in "certain circumstances".

There are many use cases where vectors are better, and I think that unless you have a specific reason to use an array, you should default to using a vector. Aside from the question of memory management, I would also point out that std::vector has bounds-checking, and throws an exception on an invalid index, unlike std::array, which may generate a SIGSEGV or memory corruption when invalid indices are used.


Hey guys, I'm having some trouble with SQL on PostgreSQL.

I have two tables, one is called 'staff' and one is called 'branch'.

The staff tables contains an attribute (int) called 'salary' and 'staffno' and the branch table contains an attribute 'city'.

I want to increase the salary of all staff at the London branch by 10% but I'm having some trouble. I've attempted it and here's what I've got but it looks too wrong and won't work:
UPDATE a SET a.salary = a.salary * 1.1
FROM staff a, branch b
WHERE b.city='London' AND b.staffno=a.staffno;

Any ideas? Thanks.


Okay I have to ask, why are you using an ide?
And if you HAVE to, why not eclipse?

What's wrong with an ide? I'm a newbie programmer who just moved from Windows to Linux since I reformatted and VS was comfortable to me. I just want an experience similar to that of VS to ease me into using Linux.

I installed QT creator based on a suggestion in the thread. What makes it inferior to Eclipse?


What's wrong with an ide? I'm a newbie programmer who just moved from Windows to Linux since I reformatted and VS was comfortable to me. I just want an experience similar to that of VS to ease me into using Linux.

I installed QT creator based on a suggestion in the thread. What makes it inferior to Eclipse?

I hate it when people complain about the tools they use, I hate it even more when they complain about the tools other people use.


You seem to be interpreting my comments as a judgment that arrays are strictly better than vectors; that is not the case.
I didn't get such an impression.
I was responding to a question about why anyone would ever need to use or understand arrays by giving some practical use cases where arrays are better. I also think that beginners should stick to vectors, which is why I led off the previous post saying that "experts" may want to use arrays in "certain circumstances".
The problem with that is he's not an expert and won't be any time soon, and the question he actually asked was "why am I being taught about...". Your replies have been very informative and detailed, and we're agreeing on all the facts - I'm just trying to supply him with an answer more appropriate for his situation and skill level, and point out what stuff isn't so relevant to him at this point so it doesn't confuse him. I'd say the short answer to the question is teacher error; there's no good reason to teach arrays before vectors.


What's wrong with an ide? I'm a newbie programmer who just moved from Windows to Linux since I reformatted and VS was comfortable to me. I just want an experience similar to that of VS to ease me into using Linux.

I installed QT creator based on a suggestion in the thread. What makes it inferior to Eclipse?
There's nothing wrong with an IDE at all. Do not put any stock into what a person says if they're telling you not to take advantage of tools.

Which isn't the point. The point is that Unix/Linux is everywhere. I work for a rather large company and at least half our applications run in a Unix/Linux environment with at least 3 additional major initiatives in POC at this moment. Good luck avoiding it because "I use Visual Studio". I'm sure that goes over swell in interviews.

There's a lot of things I miss about college, but the disconnected from reality Linux vs. Windows vs. Etc discussions is not one of them.
I think you should examine your own perspective before espousing about disconnection from reality. There are a massive number of jobs out there where you may not have to ever touch linux in any capacity. The reality is that every job is different, and radicalism is always wrong. Saying that your environment or experience is true everywhere, for everyone is a great demonstration of a reality disconnect. That includes your view that linux is everywhere and ubiquitous, and that visual studio is not a good reason to use windows. You're wrong.
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