Yeah Rust is not ready for prime time quite yet. It's on version 0.8, and the syntax is still changing a bit. Version 1.0 (which promises no more language changes, etc) is probably 6-9 months away.
I'll watch with interest, it looks closest to what I'm looking for.
Are you on OSX? There's currently a bug with compiling it there. Also Windows is basically a crapshoot and requires mingw even at runtime, last I looked. It needs a lot of attention. I run an Ubuntu VM largely for rust. If you hit up the irc channel or the issues list on github, you could probably find a solution.
OS X, but yeah, I'd be fine with using a VM for Rust. To be clear, though, it compiled fine--Rust's compiler crashed while trying to compile
my program
Rust is extremely promising I think. I'm really looking forward to it. Its creator is an OCaml developer.
I know. It looks like one of the better designed languages ever, although I'm sad that it looks like it categorically won't / can't be supporting TCO.
What's wrong with Haskell? No side effects too restricting?
No side effects is fine, the problem is lack of library support unless you're doing math.
Scala, while very object-oriented, is all right. It sees use in production at many big companies, too.
Yeah, I've looked at Scala in the past and I've gotten us to switch over at work where we were previously using Java. I can't get over the "functional Java" feeling, though, and as you said it is pretty object-oriented.
There's also F# and Clojure.
Not working on MS platforms at the moment. Clojure is a LISP dialect, right? I like LISP but I have trouble convincing other people to use it for large projects.
Nemerle, but that's "optional OO" as well.
Never checked out Nemerle, I will. Thanks!
Edit: Ah, also .NET? I guess I could use it on Mono...
No language is perfect. At the end of the day you just want to get things done without hating life. If you use a subset of a language, you can usually avoid parts you don't like.
Heh, yeah, I'm well aware of that. I'm not looking for perfection--I tend to think the best languages are domain specific. But I am looking for a really good "go-to" language at the moment, which is why I asked. Thanks for all the suggestions--seems like you're fairly up to date on the available options.