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Programming |OT| C is better than C++! No, C++ is better than C


Wonder if the raspberry pi would be suitable for something like this, might be worth having a look around.
Probably, though I think arduino or beagleboard are more commonly the sorts of bases used for sensor-laden systems.

Then again, my knowledge of this sort of stuff is pretty limited. There's probably hobby communities for this stuff that could give better guidance.


I have three divs that need to display differently depending on the width of the window (media queries). In the HTML code they are A, B, and C in order.

For the smallest screens I want:


For "medium" screens:


And for larger screens:


I can do the first and third cases quite easily, but how do I go about making div C render above div B in the second scenario? I'm guessing it has something to do with position: absolute, but I'm struggling to find the exact fix.
Bootstrap 3.x with col-xs-*, col-md-*, col-lg-*.

Something like:

1) col-xs-12 | col-xs-12 | col-xs-12
2) col-md-6 | col-md-6 | col-md-6
1) col-lg- | col-lg-4 | col-lg-4

If it doesn't look pixel perfect, inspect the css for that grid and adjust some custom css to your preference.
Given that it's the new year, I'm going to see how long of a commit streak I can keep on GitHub this year.

I know that sounds like kind of a dumb idea, and rife with the possibility for abuse. Which is why it's not something that I'll be doing for recognition or to compete with anybody or anything. (30 days of punctuation changes in README files anyone?) I did this for a month once, and I actually quite enjoyed it. I got a bunch of smaller things that I've wanted to do for a long time done. And it also resparked my interest in some of my dead projects, and resulted in some neat stuff for me.

I think I just like the idea of trying to write at least a bit of extra code every day. That can really add up over time.


Given that it's the new year, I'm going to see how long of a commit streak I can keep on GitHub this year.

I know that sounds like kind of a dumb idea, and rife with the possibility for abuse. Which is why it's not something that I'll be doing for recognition or to compete with anybody or anything. (30 days of punctuation changes in README files anyone?) I did this for a month once, and I actually quite enjoyed it. I got a bunch of smaller things that I've wanted to do for a long time done. And it also resparked my interest in some of my dead projects, and resulted in some neat stuff for me.

I think I just like the idea of trying to write at least a bit of extra code every day. That can really add up over time.
This library is fun https://github.com/gelstudios/gitfiti


Does anyone have any recommended tutorials or books for learning how to build responsive websites? I feel very out of the loop when it comes to media queries, viewports and just responsive implementation in general.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16

So this function which deals with data conversion has an optional boolean parameters, and I'm not sure I can easily refactor it to use enums instead without having to go through a few dozen files and fixing the #includes, since, IIRC, every caller of the function would need to have knowledge of the enum, regardless of whether or not they include the optional enum parameter in their calls.



So this function which deals with data conversion has an optional boolean parameters, and I'm not sure I can easily refactor it to use enums instead without having to go through a few dozen files and fixing the #includes, since, IIRC, every caller of the function would need to have knowledge of the enum, regardless of whether or not they include the optional enum parameter in their calls.

Overload the function and deprecate the older version. Then convert the older code at your leisure.

Also, if you are using C++11, use enum classes rather than vanilla enums. Then you can use forward decls to change the older files rather than adding extra includes.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I completely flaked on the last assignment for the Scala course on Coursera by skipping the last part but still managed to get 18/20. I was expecting a lower grade.


Yesterday I wrote a C# solution to the N-Queens puzzle after learning about it here. It took me several hours (I didn't look at the solution, but coffeescript is confusing anyway). I did it almost entirely with LINQ because functional programming yay.

Here's my solution, with an included print method. It solves n=8 in milliseconds, and n=13 in ~1.6 seconds. The code could be shorter, but I tried to break up stuff into functions for readability. It was a lot of fun to write.

I completely flaked on the last assignment for the Scala course on Coursera by skipping the last part but still managed to get 18/20. I was expecting a lower grade.
I never finished the first course :( pretty sad



So this function which deals with data conversion has an optional boolean parameters, and I'm not sure I can easily refactor it to use enums instead without having to go through a few dozen files and fixing the #includes, since, IIRC, every caller of the function would need to have knowledge of the enum, regardless of whether or not they include the optional enum parameter in their calls.

Is the knowledge of the enum really an obstacle? Can't you just put the enum in the same file as the function (since it's that closely linked to the function anyway)? Then it would be visible everywhere the function is.
I really really really really want to start a rather large scale semi-solo game project that I don't have the time to do at all. Maybe I start another semi-small casual game project that I don't have the time to do at all-something.

My background is in ActionScript and now I fiddle around with JavaScript at work. Both of which I hate. Especially JavaScript.
I really really really really want to start a rather large scale semi-solo game project that I don't have the time to do at all. Maybe I start another semi-small casual game project that I don't have the time to do at all-something.

My background is in ActionScript and now I fiddle around with JavaScript at work. Both of which I hate. Especially JavaScript.

You could try making something in Unity, it supports JavaScript, or if you prefer a bastardized version of C#.

You could also try something like Corona which uses LUA.

I personally started working on a self project in Cocos2D-X, mostly because I've been doing too much C#/OBJ-C professionally and my C++ is getting too rusty.
Yesterday I wrote a C# solution to the N-Queens puzzle after learning about it here. It took me several hours (I didn't look at the solution, but coffeescript is confusing anyway). I did it almost entirely with LINQ because functional programming yay.

Here's my solution, with an included print method. It solves n=8 in milliseconds, and n=13 in ~1.6 seconds. The code could be shorter, but I tried to break up stuff into functions for readability. It was a lot of fun to write.

I never finished the first course :( pretty sad

That's really neat. Looks very nice. The syntax for functional programming stuff in C# is not the most elegant but that's obviously not your fault. I believe it's because C# was not built with functional programming in mind from the start. (for example, lack of syntactic sugar for tuples or function pointers like Func/Action) I just read this article about the upcoming Java 8 changes and they do sound quite nice. They should make programming in Java a lot nicer. Especially the introduction of lambdas (finally!) and streams with operations like map, filter, collect and the like. No more anonymous class definitions in method calls. (except for legacy libraries of course)
Hey guys! I'm looking for someone that has a good amount of web development experience (at least using PHP) to possibly help me finish the back-end work for my website. There are a lot of details I don't want to give away right now, but i'm trying to get a good idea of how much effort is needed to be finished, then based on that we could discuss payment if everything checks out.

Anyways, i'll divulge more information to whoever is interested, i'm just trying to see if I can get someone's attention. PM me! Thanks!
That's really neat. Looks very nice. The syntax for functional programming stuff in C# is not the most elegant but that's obviously not your fault. I believe it's because C# was not built with functional programming in mind from the start. (for example, lack of syntactic sugar for tuples or function pointers like Func/Action) I just read this article about the upcoming Java 8 changes and they do sound quite nice. They should make programming in Java a lot nicer. Especially the introduction of lambdas (finally!) and streams with operations like map, filter, collect and the like. No more anonymous class definitions in method calls. (except for legacy libraries of course)

They really should just nuke Java development off the earth and start from zero and call it NewJava or something.

You could try making something in Unity, it supports JavaScript, or if you prefer a bastardized version of C#.

You could also try something like Corona which uses LUA.

I personally started working on a self project in Cocos2D-X, mostly because I've been doing too much C#/OBJ-C professionally and my C++ is getting too rusty.
Yeah, I got some UE3 experience so Unity should be a cakewalk :p


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
They did, it's called C# :p
Scala though.

Scala. ❤
It should be called Java The Good Parts On Acid.

C#'s a decent language, but I think I would like to work with Scala if I could.

I never finished the first course :( pretty sad
Learning a new language, understanding the assignments (I was/still am kinda new to functional programing), and applying it to the assignments was quite challenging, but it was nice.

This second course has a few issues though, because the assignments are a bit vague or not that easy to understand at first. However, I've been doing fine in all of them.


Scala though.

Scala. ❤
It should be called Java The Good Parts On Acid.

C#'s a decent language, but I think I would like to work with Scala if I could.

Learning a new language, understanding the assignments (I was/still am kinda new to functional programing), and applying it to the assignments was quite challenging, but it was nice.

This second course has a few issues though, because the assignments are a bit vague or not that easy to understand at first. However, I've been doing fine in all of them.

There's quite a few companies that use Scala now. I'm currently looking for my first job after school, and language-wise Scala is my second choice (behind Ruby, ahead of Python), and I've seen it mentioned on lots of companies' websites.


I know this post is going to show that i'm off to a bad start and should just give up now, but nope, here I am.

I'm on the first exercise using this guide and they bring up this step:
$ make ex1
cc     ex1.c   -o ex1
I feel like this is an instruction for Linux users and its supposed to make a file called ex1.c? But I'm using Xcode which they recommend in the previous chapter, so am I just supposed to ignore all the terminal-like references? I read a little further into the guide and there is a lot of this type of stuff, so maybe it's not the guide for me?

Maybe "learn code the hard way" is the wrong tutorial for me.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
You can use the terminal to compile code on OSX. Xcode is an IDE but also installs a compiler and make.

There's quite a few companies that use Scala now. I'm currently looking for my first job after school, and language-wise Scala is my second choice (behind Ruby, ahead of Python), and I've seen it mentioned on lots of companies' websites.
I know. I was shocked that Sketchers (the weird shoe company) used Scala and was looking for programers.


I know this post is going to show that i'm off to a bad start and should just give up now, but nope, here I am.

I'm on the first exercise using this guide and they bring up this step:
$ make ex1
cc     ex1.c   -o ex1
I feel like this is an instruction for Linux users and its supposed to make a file called ex1.c? But I'm using Xcode which they recommend in the previous chapter, so am I just supposed to ignore all the terminal-like references? I read a little further into the guide and there is a lot of this type of stuff, so maybe it's not the guide for me?

Maybe "learn code the hard way" is the wrong tutorial for me.

That seems like a really bad guide.


I'm making a server that can handle remote method invocation in C#.

I'm working on being able to provide a class and then create a <string, Func<>> dictionary that you can invoke the appropriate method with by providing the name of the method, in the most efficient (and generic) way.

Lets say i have this code:

    Dictionary<string, Func<object[], object>> delegatetofuncs = new Dictionary<string, Func<object[], object>>();
    FooService svc = new FooService();
    Type type = svc.GetType();

    foreach(MethodInfo method in type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public |   BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly))
        delegatetofuncs.Add(method.Name, (Func<object[], object>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<object[], object>), svc, method));

    Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++)
        object result = delegatetofuncs["GetFoos"](new object[] { id, name });
    Console.WriteLine("delegatetofuncs took " + sw.Elapsed);

public class FooService
    public Foo GetFoo(object[] param)
        if (param.Length == 2)
            int id = (int)param[0];
            string name = (string)param[1];

        return new Foo();

How would I go about creating an expression, that parses an int and a string and then executes the delegate, so that I can have (int id,string name) as parameters instead of an object array? Essentially the same as MethodInfo.Invoke where you can pass an object array, but instead handle the parsing of the parameters myself and precompile it. Move the parsing of the parameters outside of the GetFoo method you see here.


I'm making a server that can handle remote method invocation in C#.

I'm working on being able to provide a class and then create a <string, Func<>> dictionary that you can invoke the appropriate method with by providing the name of the method, in the most efficient (and generic) way.

How would I go about creating an expression, that parses an int and a string and then executes the delegate, so that I can have (int id,string name) as parameters instead of an object array? Essentially the same as MethodInfo.Invoke where you can pass an object array, but instead handle the parsing of the parameters myself and precompile it. Move the parsing of the parameters outside of the GetFoo method you see here.
I have some questions.

What will happen when a class has two methods with the same name, but different parameters? What if My FooService class has GetFoo(string) and GetFoo(int)? Or if it has Store(List<string>) and Store(List<object>)? It looks like your code will only keep one of those in the dictionary, since they're indexed by name. Different methods can have the same name.

What happens if your class has only GetFoo(string), but somebody tries to call GetFoo(int)? Should it be a compile error or should they get an exception at runtime or something?


What will happen when a class has two methods with the same name, but different parameters?
I could create a unique string based upon the name and parameters to serve as the dictionary key. Use case for now is no overloads though.

What happens if your class has only GetFoo(string), but somebody tries to call GetFoo(int)? Should it be a compile error or should they get an exception at runtime or something?
In the case of a nonexistent method, null should be returned.

These cases can be caught by making distinct keys for the dictionary though, and returning null/error when none is found.

To be a bit more specific in what I want - I want to dynamically create, compile and cache a method that can take a string and an object[], check and cast all elements in the object array to the appropriate parameter types of the method associated with the string and then invoke the method.

Can this be done with Expressions, or would I have to do this with CodeDom?


To be a bit more specific in what I want - I want to dynamically create, compile and cache a method that can take a string and an object[], check and cast all elements in the object array to the appropriate parameter types of the method associated with the string and then invoke the method.

Can this be done with Expressions, or would I have to do this with CodeDom?
I'm not completely clear on what you're saying. I don't know what you mean by "create, compile and cache" (do you mean generate IL at runtime?) and I don't understand what your API is going to be. Are you returning the method, or invoking it? I guess it's not relevant for your problem.

I don't know the reflection stuff that well. Can you also store the types of the parameters when you're discovering the methods and use those to cast your types? I don't think you can cast based on a runtime type value, right? Sounds like you're going to have to generate code at runtime to do this if I'm understanding you correctly.

edit: so I googled a bit and it seems the expression tree stuff does generate IL under the hood? I've never (knowingly) used it before. There are some questions on SO about generating IL to cast values.


I'm not completely clear on what you're saying. I don't know what you mean by "create, compile and cache" (do you mean generate IL at runtime?) and I don't understand what your API is going to be. Are you returning the method, or invoking it? I guess it's not relevant for your problem.
Yes, I'd like to automatically generate the code needed to parse incoming objects to invoke a delegate. I could do it as is, and just force every method to have a singular object[] as a parameter and handle the parsing in the methods themselves, but it seems like a lot of redundant code to me.

I don't know the reflection stuff that well. Can you also store the types of the parameters when you're discovering the methods and use those to cast your types? I don't think you can cast based on a runtime type value, right? Sounds like you're going to have to generate code at runtime to do this if I'm understanding you correctly.
That's sort of what I figured. I guess it would be even better to do it at compile time, but at runtime and then caching as a delegate would be just as good/fast I've read.

edit: so I googled a bit and it seems the expression tree stuff does generate IL under the hood? I've never (knowingly) used it before. There are some questions on SO about generating IL to cast values.
Yeah, you can compile it at runtime as well. But I've read that there is no support for multiline statements, which would be something I would need I think.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
The method calls below are totally valid and don't generate build errors

var objA = MyGetMethod(SomeEnumType.EnumValue1);
var objB = MyGetMethod(10);

In the BOLDED portion of the code below is where I'm getting a build error that it can't convert T to SomeEnumType. I'm not sure why this is happening if it lets me assign and evaluate the type.

public SomeObjectType MyGetMethod<T>(T value)
    where T: struct
    if (value is SomeEnumType)
        [B]switch(value as SomeEnumType)[/B]
            case SomeEnumType.EnumValue1:

Any takers on what I'm doing wrong here? I have an idea but I don't know how to word it or if its even right. My guess is since struct cannot be nullable hence a cast using "as" does not have a valid default value should it fail??

EDIT: Why does this even work... I feel like only know half of why this is okay based on my previously stated assumption. Anyways, note the underlined part...
public SomeObjectType MyGetMethod<T>(T value)
    where T: struct
    if (value is SomeEnumType)
        [B]switch(value as SomeEnumType[U]?[/U])[/B]
            case SomeEnumType.EnumValue1:

It seems that instead of the cast "value as SomeEnumType" which was failing, the compiler is fine with "value as SomeEnumType?" which I guess generates a null should the conversion fail. It would still be nice to hear a formal reason of what's going on.


It seems that instead of the cast "value as SomeEnumType" which was failing, the compiler is fine with "value as SomeEnumType?" which I guess generates a null should the conversion fail. It would still be nice to hear a formal reason of what's going on.
The question mark is syntactic sugar for Nullable<yourtype>. I think the "as" casting expects a nullable type. If you already check your type with "is", maybe you could just directly cast it, instead of avoiding cast exceptions with "as".
The question mark is syntactic sugar for Nullable<yourtype>. I think the "as" casting expects a nullable type. If you already check your type with "is", maybe you could just directly cast it, instead of avoiding cast exceptions with "as".

Yeah, I don't see the point of casting it after you already check if it's of it's type. But then again I am not expect in C's
For those still in school, what CS classes are you taking this semester? I've got an operating systems class and a Python/Perl class. I know Python and Perl so the latter should be easy. The former looks like it'll be somewhat of a challenge, but it should be really interesting I think.


Thanks, I think I found something that is a bit more tailored for me and just ordered this. Maybe someday I'll have conversations with you guys. :D

Okay, I'm not going to question your choice of language or book (it looks like an okay book), but do you actually want to learn Objective-C or just C? They're not exactly the same thing. I mean, Objective-C has its places, this isn't one of those types of complaints, but the site that I called a "really bad" guide seems to teach C and not Objective-C.


Any takers on what I'm doing wrong here?
The `as` operator is just convenience syntax for a cast that returns null if it fails, rather than throwing an exception. Since the return can be null, it only works with nullable types. Structs aren't nullable, so you can't use `as` unless you wrap it in a Nullable<T>. The `?` operator is syntax for wrapping a T into a Nullable<T>. I wouldn't recommend doing it this way though, as you're needlessly introducing the possibility of null (we already know the type due to `is`, so the result will never be null, so there's no reason to use `as`.

Since you're already checking the type with `is` I recommend just casting. Unfortunately you can't cast from a generic type T to an Enum. This is a bit of a bummer. Since the compiler only knows that T is a struct, but it could be any struct (DateTime, Guid, etc), it won't let you cast to your Enum. You have to cast to `object` first. Do this:
if(value is SomeEnumType)
If you could constrain a generic method to Enum instead of struct, the cast would probably work. But that's another letdown in C#. The .NET runtime doesn't mind constraining a generic type to Enum, but C# doesn't allow it. You could do it in F# though.

Eric Lippert's comments on why you can't constrain a generic type to Enum

Generally speaking, value types (structs) aren't well-supported with regards to generics.


Hey guys I'm getting ready to take my exemption exams for Java OOP 1 next Monday. The test will include definitions and handwritten code. What should I look out for? I took many tests like these in a Programming Logic and Design class I took, but we only did pseudocode.


Black Canada Mafia
Man, stuff is pretty great with me right now. I'm actually finally at the point where I am not embarrassed talking about development, and carving out my own niches and strengths. I love the technologies I use and the work I do. I love my work environment, and in fact, I just love my job in general - it's amazing.

Speaking of, I'm heading over to Utah next week for Ng-conf! I don't think there are any javascript devs on GAF, but if there are, anyone else going?
Man, stuff is pretty great with me right now. I'm actually finally at the point where I am not embarrassed talking about development, and carving out my own niches and strengths. I love the technologies I use and the work I do. I love my work environment, and in fact, I just love my job in general - it's amazing.

Speaking of, I'm heading over to Utah next week for Ng-conf! I don't think there are any javascript devs on GAF, but if there are, anyone else going?

I live in Utah, but I won't be going to Ng-conf. I'm not really a JavaScript dev, per se, but I've been doing more of it lately.


So I signed up for a Windows Azure free trial a week or two ago. I just wanted to check it out for a bit I guess. Well today someone from the Azure team actually called me while I was at work! I didn't hear it because I was at a meeting, but they then sent me an e-mail about when a good time to talk was, so they can make sure we were happy with the product, and I had everything I needed to get started. I have never had a company do that. It seems so out of the ordinary.
been doing a shit load of knockout and processing lately. have to build a complete ap all in javascript, it's pretty fun, but pretty crazy too.


For people here taking various computer programming classes, which schools are you going to?

I've been going through "Learn Python the Hard Way" and the Google online Python courses to try to teach myself and while I've learned a lot, I'm struggling really hard with the later stuff in these courses. I'm really interested in computer programming but I've never been good at learning technical stuff on my own so I need some help and it also would be nice to be around people who are learning the same thing as me.


Any windows cracks in here?

Basically, I want a pointer to (a shared region of) the framebuffer without
using DirectX (D3D10) by only using DXGI. I can do it with DirectX. For, upon
creating a D3D10 device virtually everything can be queried. D3D10 uses DXGI
underneath. For example, upon creating a texture (CreateTexture2D) the runtime
creates an IDXGISurface which can be queried and from which a pointer to the
texture data can be obtained. Or one can build a render target and query for
the IDXGISurface. Anyhow, I want to create my own surface for rendering. But
this requires an IDXGIDevice object (sort of a rendering device) and using the
method IDXGIDevice::CreateSurface. But for the life of me I can't get a
pointer to IDXGIDevice. There seems to be no function for creating such a
device. Using Direct3D the device can be obtained like this

IDXGIDevice *pDXGIDevice;
pD3DDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGIDevice), (void **) &pDXGIDevice);

from which one can also query the IDXGIAdapter and IDXGIFactory to create, for
example, a Swap Chain.

I have (without using D3D10) created an IDXGIFactory and got the IDXGIAdapter
(graphics card) and the IDXGIOutput (monitor). But an IDXGIDevice can't be
queried from them (E_NOINTERFACE). Well, how to create, build, or query an
IDXGIDevice without using DirectX? It should be possible;


I don't need a IDXGIDevice for rendering DirectX commands or GDI etc. What's
needed is just a bitmap (given a specific format, i.e DXGI_SURFACE_DESC) in
VRAM (tied to my window) to allow me to draw pixels in there.


I know this post is going to show that i'm off to a bad start and should just give up now, but nope, here I am.

I'm on the first exercise using this guide and they bring up this step:
$ make ex1
cc     ex1.c   -o ex1
I feel like this is an instruction for Linux users and its supposed to make a file called ex1.c? But I'm using Xcode which they recommend in the previous chapter, so am I just supposed to ignore all the terminal-like references? I read a little further into the guide and there is a lot of this type of stuff, so maybe it's not the guide for me?

Maybe "learn code the hard way" is the wrong tutorial for me.

Make is a build tool. GCC is the compiler that compiles the C code.


Okay, I'm not going to question your choice of language or book (it looks like an okay book), but do you actually want to learn Objective-C or just C? They're not exactly the same thing. I mean, Objective-C has its places, this isn't one of those types of complaints, but the site that I called a "really bad" guide seems to teach C and not Objective-C.
Well it was C, but ultimately I wanted to learn an objective language. This book starts with assuming you don't know any language, including C and the best part is that it's been revised to Xcode 5. I've been able to follow along so far without any issue and it even taught me the Terminal way of doing it if I really wanted, which I don't.


For those still in school, what CS classes are you taking this semester? I've got an operating systems class and a Python/Perl class. I know Python and Perl so the latter should be easy. The former looks like it'll be somewhat of a challenge, but it should be really interesting I think.
Going back to University for Discrete Math, Computer Graphics and Databases Management Systems.

It's nice to be on a campus again. Driving back and forth to work and meeting with the same people every day to build the same thing over and over and over again was killing me. I am so thankful to be meeting different people and doing new things again.

By the way, if anyone has Fundamentals of Computer Graphics or Fundamentals of Database Systems and is willing to part with it, send me a PM.


Well, I botched both C (aced tests but kneecapped by assignments) and C++ so I guess I'll be retaking these. Web programming (HTML, CSS, JS) is going excellently at least.


For people here taking various computer programming classes, which schools are you going to?

I've been going through "Learn Python the Hard Way" and the Google online Python courses to try to teach myself and while I've learned a lot, I'm struggling really hard with the later stuff in these courses. I'm really interested in computer programming but I've never been good at learning technical stuff on my own so I need some help and it also would be nice to be around people who are learning the same thing as me.

Let me revise my question a bit. I'm guessing that most people are going to regular Universities but has anyone went to a place like ITT Tech or University of Phoenix to learn computer programming and was it a worthwhile experience?

Edit: Did some research on schools like ITT Tech and saw mostly negative stuff said about them so I guess Community College + University is my only choice if I want to pursue this. I wouldn't be some bummed about this prospect if it wasn't for all the horrible math classes I would need to take. :( All I want to do is learn how to code.
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