Kinda a weird question here, but I'm still doing some Python work and starting the process of Django also. Normally I'll have my laptop on my which is Windows 8.1, but I'll also be doing work at school on separate things on Red Hat, whether my PC at home or at a lab. If I wanted to work on my personal projects on both, is there a way to centralize things? I've read a bit about GIT, and I think that might be what I'm looking for, but anyone have experience with using multiple PCs on different OS's to work?
My only computer class this semester is Red Hat Enterprise, but I want to work on my CCNA testing program/site for my cert studies. So Python and MySQL to start with.
My only computer class this semester is Red Hat Enterprise, but I want to work on my CCNA testing program/site for my cert studies. So Python and MySQL to start with.