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Programming |OT| C is better than C++! No, C++ is better than C


Scary Euro Man
Are there some of you that write your programs in a UNIX environment entirely? Whether the end product will be on Windows or any other OS?

My development setup for Android is a Linux box. Why wouldn't it be? To the extent that tools permit, I'd use this for development for most platforms; I developed on Windows once, and would rather avoid that experience again. :D


I'm currently learning Objective C over the summer because I want to build iOS apps. Only know some very basic Java. I'm progressing slower than I'd like
What will you be reading to learn? I'm gonna do the same thing this summer to possibly be able to help in building some informative apps for a couple of companies owned by relatives later on, so that's why I'm wondering. Apart from HTML, CSS and Javascript, I'm a beginner.

I'm planning to get Objective C: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, and maybe read the Kernighan C Programming book if jumping straight into obj-c turns out not going well in the beginning.
What is a good way to become more confident with general software testing? I have written use cases, documentation and stuff but is there a good general approach like with software development aswell?


What will you be reading to learn? I'm gonna do the same thing this summer to possibly be able to help in building some informative apps for a couple of companies owned by relatives later on, so that's why I'm wondering. Apart from HTML, CSS and Javascript, I'm a beginner.

I'm planning to get Objective C: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, and maybe read the Kernighan C Programming book if jumping straight into obj-c turns out not going well in the beginning.

I borrowed this book from the library, and I'm using it along with an iOS 7 course on Udemy that I registered for a couple months ago (it was down from $500 to $59). It seems to be a pretty decent combo so far.

That Kernighan book is referenced heavily in the book I'm reading.

Chris R

"Hey why is that column 255 wide?" "Because Access 2003 (ugh #1) converts any varchar (ugh #2) column over 255 wide to a Note field (ugh #3)" "Oh... okay..."

Lucky for me, joining all the possible rows that would result from data being over 255 characters wide is a single line with Entity Framework, still a PITA though.


Not Wario
Any Big Data experts here? I'm thinking of making a serious stab at trying to jump into that side of the industry, but have no experience with any of the technologies, concepts, best practices, etc. Is there a good "path" for trying to jump in? Looking at MongoDB, Hadoop, NoSQL and the like right now, but not really sure how I should approach this. I see Berkeley has some new data science masters geared specifically towards this section of the industry, so maybe I'll just try and find a detailed course listing and emulate it.


o_O @_@ O_o
Any Big Data experts here? I'm thinking of making a serious stab at trying to jump into that side of the industry, but have no experience with any of the technologies, concepts, best practices, etc. Is there a good "path" for trying to jump in? Looking at MongoDB, Hadoop, NoSQL and the like right now, but not really sure how I should approach this. I see Berkeley has some new data science masters geared specifically towards this section of the industry, so maybe I'll just try and find a detailed course listing and emulate it.

Honestly, this is something I could use some more exposure to as well. Any direction anyone could provide would be helpful for me too.


Death Prophet
Hey guys, I've been desperately searching for an answer to this question, and this is probably not the exact place to put it, but it does have to do with programming.

So I made a program where I get a video and I display it's framerate. Through a VNC client, I am viewing that video running on another machine. Let's say the original video is 60 FPS. Obviously when I watch the video through VNC, it is not going to be at 60 FPS. How can I find the framerate that I am viewing the video at on the PC running the VNC client? I've only been able to record the screen at 60 FPS and then count frames. That is not fun.

Is this doable? The only way I could see for this is if there's a program (or make a program) that takes a portion of the screen, stores the pixel values, and then signals when one of them has been updated.

I haven't even been able to find how to view the framerate of the entire VNC session.


Any Big Data experts here? I'm thinking of making a serious stab at trying to jump into that side of the industry, but have no experience with any of the technologies, concepts, best practices, etc. Is there a good "path" for trying to jump in? Looking at MongoDB, Hadoop, NoSQL and the like right now, but not really sure how I should approach this. I see Berkeley has some new data science masters geared specifically towards this section of the industry, so maybe I'll just try and find a detailed course listing and emulate it.

Depends on what you mean by big data? It's almost like saying "I want to jump into computers, where should I start?"

Analytics? File systems? Storage/hardware? Administration?


Not Wario
Depends on what you mean by big data? It's almost like saying "I want to jump into computers, where should I start?"

Analytics? File systems? Storage/hardware? Administration?

I suppose analytics and/or architecture get the closest to what I'm interested in, but without any knowledge of the industry, I'm only guessing.

As an aside- this is kind of the issue I've had ever since I got into computer science. I feel like I missed some huge amount of background I should have gained somewhere in school- be it elementary, secondary, or college. Every time I go to jump into something, I read on and it's a ton of different things in its own right, then I look at those, and they are composed of further concepts I need to research. It's pretty frustrating and I find myself restarting and going down different paths entirely more often than not. I keep looking for a linear path to either take or create in my own way, and it just seems so wide open at all times. I can never tell if what I'm doing is actually the best thing I could be doing. I realize being able to define your own objectives is a pretty important skill, but I have also come to realize that I function best working within tight constraints and trying to be creative using a given set of rules.


I suppose analytics and/or architecture get the closest to what I'm interested in, but without any knowledge of the industry, I'm only guessing.

As an aside- this is kind of the issue I've had ever since I got into computer science. I feel like I missed some huge amount of background I should have gained somewhere in school- be it elementary, secondary, or college. Every time I go to jump into something, I read on and it's a ton of different things in its own right, then I look at those, and they are composed of further concepts I need to research. It's pretty frustrating and I find myself restarting and going down different paths entirely more often than not. I keep looking for a linear path to either take or create in my own way, and it just seems so wide open at all times. I can never tell if what I'm doing is actually the best thing I could be doing. I realize being able to define your own objectives is a pretty important skill, but I have also come to realize that I function best working within tight constraints and trying to be creative using a given set of rules.

Yeah, there's just too much stuff basically. One thing I've noticed is that often programmers who do the best are ones that have the greatest sense of their own ability, legitimate or not. I'm the type to get bogged down in the details of everything and turn into i-dont-know-what-im-doing-dog and lose all productivity trying to minutely treat a problem or write software. Having a false sense of competence and charging ahead paradoxically seems like it can be an asset in this industry...

Back to your first question, from what I've observed, most masters programs that reference "Big Data" seem to focus on administration or analysis. If you want to do the architecture side, I think any school with a good/great EE program would suffice. The stronger math foundation of an EE degree would help you out here too. If you can do any cryptology classes, those would probably be useful as they often deal with similar problems.

Are you looking for undergrad or grad programs?


Not Wario
Yeah, there's just too much stuff basically. One thing I've noticed is that often programmers who do the best are ones that have the greatest sense of their own ability, legitimate or not. I'm the type to get bogged down in the details of everything and turn into i-dont-know-what-im-doing-dog and lose all productivity trying to minutely treat a problem or write software. Having a false sense of competence and charging ahead paradoxically seems like it can be an asset in this industry...

Back to your first question, from what I've observed, most masters programs that reference "Big Data" seem to focus on administration or analysis. If you want to do the architecture side, I think any school with a good/great EE program would suffice. The stronger math foundation of an EE degree would help you out here too. If you can do any cryptology classes, those would probably be useful as they often deal with similar problems.

Are you looking for undergrad or grad programs?

Grad- ideally one that can be done online. I'm also fine with self study outside of programs, so long as I feel I'm actually on the right track and not just taking a massive detour/not learning the material.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Grad- ideally one that can be done online. I'm also fine with self study outside of programs, so long as I feel I'm actually on the right track and not just taking a massive detour/not learning the material.

Well I'm a complete noob, especially where it comes to DB type stuff, but I saw Mongodb has some courses and offers certifications. Not sure if that'd be up your alley or not but here's the site.
Threw together a simple database + ui to interact with it today in c#. Feels nice to get something accomplished today. It ain't pretty but it works. Just gotta brush up on ui stuff.

Also it was deceptively easy outside of getting used to some of the windows forms and the api to interface with the database. Maybe I am becoming a better programmer after all. Not that it's a hard project but still putting it together in a couple of hours is nice.

Two Words

I'm taking a discrete math programming class in the fall. How much math is needed in this class? I'll be taking Calculus I the same semester as we. I'm using the summer to review over algebra/trig/precalculus (haven't taken a math class in a year) and practice programming again (haven't taken a programming class in two years). What will I need to know for discrete math?


Any Big Data experts here? I'm thinking of making a serious stab at trying to jump into that side of the industry, but have no experience with any of the technologies, concepts, best practices, etc. Is there a good "path" for trying to jump in? Looking at MongoDB, Hadoop, NoSQL and the like right now, but not really sure how I should approach this. I see Berkeley has some new data science masters geared specifically towards this section of the industry, so maybe I'll just try and find a detailed course listing and emulate it.

This book might help you sort out the database-side of things: Making Sense of NoSQL: http://www.manning.com/mccreary/

O'Reilly have some free short e-books on various subjects. Ex: http://search.oreilly.com/?q=big+data&x=0&y=0 and http://www.oreilly.com/data/free/planning-for-big-data.csp


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I'm taking a discrete math programming class in the fall. How much math is needed in this class? I'll be taking Calculus I the same semester as we. I'm using the summer to review over algebra/trig/precalculus (haven't taken a math class in a year) and practice programming again (haven't taken a programming class in two years). What will I need to know for discrete math?

I just finished a Discrete course this spring. It was much different then any other math course I've taken. I ended up with a C+.

It relies heavily on Algebra principals, but doesn't use much else from the math fields. A lot of the things taught are new concepts that don't really fit neatly into any other class. That is one of the challenges of the class because you will be shifting between ideas so rapidly.

Here's a rough list of topics covered:
  • Formal logic
  • Sets, relations, matricies
  • Functions
  • Number theory and graph theory
  • Counting principles, (sum rule, product rule)
  • Probability
  • Permutations and combinations
  • Recurrence relations
  • Mathematical induction, (big and complicated one)

Personally I found Khan Academy and Purple Math to be really helpful when I was going through homework or studying for a test.

Two Words

I just finished a Discrete course this spring. It was much different then any other math course I've taken. I ended up with a C+.

It relies heavily on Algebra principals, but doesn't use much else from the math fields. A lot of the things taught are new concepts that don't really fit neatly into any other class. That is one of the challenges of the class because you will be shifting between ideas so rapidly.

Here's a rough list of topics covered:
  • Formal logic
  • Sets, relations, matricies
  • Functions
  • Number theory and graph theory
  • Counting principles, (sum rule, product rule)
  • Probability
  • Permutations and combinations
  • Recurrence relations
  • Mathematical induction, (big and complicated one)

Personally I found Khan Academy and Purple Math to be really helpful when I was going through homework or studying for a test.
Yup, using khan academy right now. Great source for learning math. Well if it's largely algebra that is needed, that's a relief. How much is necessary on the programming side? I've just about completely forgotten most of the syntax I've learned and I'm also going to freshen up on programming. How essential is strong object oriented programming skills?


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
The course I took was purely math. You may use some of the concepts that you learn in the course such as manipulating matricies or creating algorithms in the future when writing programs. The actual programming wasn't discussed in my course.

I'm not sure if this is the norm for college Discrete Math since this is based on my single course, but I know at my new college the Discrete covers the same topics with no programming.


would making things in MUGEN be a good first foray into game programming/making? I would start with Unity, but I don't know C#, plus I've always wanted to make a fighting game.


would making things in MUGEN be a good first foray into game programming/making? I would start with Unity, but I don't know C#, plus I've always wanted to make a fighting game.

Any start is a good start. It'll introduce you to the terminology of the industry, navigating the source code of a project, and the myriad of other things that are part of developing software. Even if you quit after an afternoon, it'll start your brain working.

Disclaimer: I don't work in the game industry and only did a quick search into what MUNGEN is. ; )


About to do my first career fair this coming Friday: what should I expect/what should I do?

My plan is to do research ahead of time and try to sell myself to different employers.


About to do my first career fair this coming Friday: what should I expect/what should I do?

My plan is to do research ahead of time and try to sell myself to different employers.

Bring resumes and hand them out like candy. People actually call you back in this industry. It's awesome.


anyone familiar with shell scripts/bash?

I have this

ownIP=$(ip addr show eth0 | awk '/inet / {print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1)
echo $ownIP | grep -c '192.168' | awk '{ if($1==0) {
					ownIP=$(ip addr show eth1 | awk '/inet / {print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1);
					MAC=$(ip link show eth1 | awk '/ether/ {print $2}')}
	MAC=$(ip link show eth0 | awk '/ether/ {print $2}')
echo $MAC
echo $ownIP

but i get this error

awk: cmd. line:1: 					ownIP=$(ip addr show eth1 | awk /inet
awk: cmd. line:1: 					                            ^ syntax error
awk: cmd. line:2: 					ownIP=$(ip addr show eth1 | awk /inet
awk: cmd. line:2: 					                                     ^ unexpected newline or end of string

Not sure what to make of it because when I am assigning ownIP for the second time in the if statement, it is the same code i did when i first initialized it. When I run the code inside the $(...) they work just fine.


Bring resumes and hand them out like candy. People actually call you back in this industry. It's awesome.

For real? Wowza. I was told by my career center specifically NOT to do that, and to be very selective as to who you give out resumes to so you can have a prepared "elevator pitch" for each employer.

EDIT: Gah, actually trying to research, so many of these employers do not have specific information about the internships they have.


EDIT: Nm, resolved -- apparently what they neglected to tell you is that you don't have to put a value around the quotations in this example, because leaving it an empty set automatically calculates current X,Y positions as they update with cursor movement. Man these Khan courses are vague and assume leaps of logic sometimes. But hey, it's free.

I am a complete coding n00b. So I am taking that Khan Academy course on it to get the basics.

What I am stuck on is the step 2 of the following project (if you want to advance to that step, replace the first two digits after the word "ellipse" with mouseX and mouseY): Mouse Tracker -- in short, I need to program the mouse cursor to display its current location as the cursor moves.

(Here is the follow-up video to the project if you can bear listening to her perkiness for those few minutes)

Here is my current code:
fill(255, 0, 255);

var draw = function() {
background(255, 255, 255);
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 12, 12);
var label = "36,45";
text(label, mouseX, mouseY);

What is stumping me is that I have no idea what they want me to add to the example fill-in-the-blank on the upper right of the screen (specifically the 4th line down). I can get the text to follow my mouse cursor, but cannot get the text to update with the current cursor position. Anyone have any input, please?


About to do my first career fair this coming Friday: what should I expect/what should I do?

My plan is to do research ahead of time and try to sell myself to different employers.

If you have the chance to talk to an actual head of development and not the HR people, try to bring up something about why you wanted to be a developer, what gave you the spark. These guys meet so many people that learned to program just to get a job, you'll stand out if you're actually in the field because you're passionate about it.
I'm taking a discrete math programming class in the fall. How much math is needed in this class? I'll be taking Calculus I the same semester as we. I'm using the summer to review over algebra/trig/precalculus (haven't taken a math class in a year) and practice programming again (haven't taken a programming class in two years). What will I need to know for discrete math?
Kinda late, but I suggest you go to office hours on things you don't know. I ended up with a B+ in that class because I basically bother my teacher with questions. I found no online resources to be good, but I asked a few question in the math help thread on this site to point me to the right direction. Best of luck in that class. It's really different from the traditional math but you will need this later for you Algorithms class if they decide to touch on number theory and RSA. Actually, for proofs in general in why the Algo works and NP problems.

I'm planning to use this summer to look for an intern while taking some classes as I finish my BS. I also want to learn javascript/HTML/CSS(which I just ordered some books on) and improve my android programming. For the latter, can anyone recommend some great resources or books(which I prefer) on android programming? I made a few apps but they seem slow(like I was inflating too much which I did fix, etc). I was going blindly but I would like to read up on pointers on it and design patterns. "Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide" seem to fit what I'm looking for. Anyone here read it and would also recommend it?
I was thinking of making a GrooveMonkey script or something so that I can tag people on GAF myself. Has anyone already made this? I don't want to bother learning JS if I don't have to.


Any start is a good start. It'll introduce you to the terminology of the industry, navigating the source code of a project, and the myriad of other things that are part of developing software. Even if you quit after an afternoon, it'll start your brain working.

Disclaimer: I don't work in the game industry and only did a quick search into what MUNGEN is. ; )

Thanks, I'm working on some stuff now :)

Do you or anyone else have recommendations of things i can do (projects etc.) for the summer to apply the languages I've been learning? I've finished my first year of C++/C, so essentially that and a very small amount of HTML/CSS is what I know. For HTML I can just make my own personal website, but I'm not sure what I can do with C++/C. Theres no free game engine that supports scripting with C++, they all seem relegated to Java/javascript/Ruby/C#.

Also, this might be the wrong place to ask this, but are there any free blogging sites that allow custom html/css/javascript or do I actually have to make my own website?


For real? Wowza. I was told by my career center specifically NOT to do that, and to be very selective as to who you give out resumes to so you can have a prepared "elevator pitch" for each employer.

EDIT: Gah, actually trying to research, so many of these employers do not have specific information about the internships they have.

Yes. It certainly worked well for me anyway. Did they give you this advice specifically for CS or is it just general advice for career fairs? I found that many places that called/emailed me back later did so about internships that they had that didn't even exist yet when they were at the career fair.

This was for fall/winter career fairs though so... maybe this late in the game, if you're looking for a summer internship, a targeted pitch and resume would be more beneficial.


Yes. It certainly worked well for me anyway. Did they give you this advice specifically for CS or is it just general advice for career fairs? I found that many places that called/emailed me back later did so about internships that they had that didn't even exist yet when they were at the career fair.

This was for fall/winter career fairs though so... maybe this late in the game, if you're looking for a summer internship, a targeted pitch and resume would be more beneficial.

Yeah, that was general advice. I'm not even looking for a summer internship really (don't feel my portfolio is there yet), I just want to get some experience going to career fairs and interfacing with potential employers.


anyone familiar with shell scripts/bash?

I have this

ownIP=$(ip addr show eth0 | awk '/inet / {print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1)
echo $ownIP | grep -c '192.168' | awk '{ if($1==0) {
					ownIP=$(ip addr show eth1 | awk '/inet / {print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1);
					MAC=$(ip link show eth1 | awk '/ether/ {print $2}')}
	MAC=$(ip link show eth0 | awk '/ether/ {print $2}')
echo $MAC
echo $ownIP

but i get this error

awk: cmd. line:1: 					ownIP=$(ip addr show eth1 | awk /inet
awk: cmd. line:1: 					                            ^ syntax error
awk: cmd. line:2: 					ownIP=$(ip addr show eth1 | awk /inet
awk: cmd. line:2: 					                                     ^ unexpected newline or end of string

Not sure what to make of it because when I am assigning ownIP for the second time in the if statement, it is the same code i did when i first initialized it. When I run the code inside the $(...) they work just fine.
I think you just need an escaping backslash '\' at the end of the line it is pointing to.
edit: Sorry, the line above. At the end of the first line of the awk statement.


Ok couple more questions, please:

Issue 1: In ProcessingJS, I have coded a simple little fish tank animation, but I want it to just loop infinitely upon activation. I have tried just going commando and putting this line in my draw function but with no luck:

I have also tried calling the following two functions into the main draw function with no luck either:

var mouseReleased = function() {

var startLoop = function() {

Issue 2 : I get a weird error message with the mouse press/release commands that say something about them only being available with Mozilla Extensions (even though I am running the latest FireFox).

Any ideas on these two issues?

EDIT: I suppose I could do if/then statements, but man that's a lot of coding. There has to be some way to get loop to work.


Do you or anyone else have recommendations of things i can do (projects etc.) for the summer to apply the languages I've been learning? I've finished my first year of C++/C, so essentially that and a very small amount of HTML/CSS is what I know. For HTML I can just make my own personal website, but I'm not sure what I can do with C++/C. Theres no free game engine that supports scripting with C++, they all seem relegated to Java/javascript/Ruby/C#.
You don't need to "script" an engine to create a game.

Have a look at the list of game engines on wikipedia and check out the ones that list their primary language as C++. Some of those will have a decent API regardless of what they are also scriptable in. Go straight to the documentation - if there's good, detailed information about the C++ API immediately the give the engine a try!


You don't need to "script" an engine to create a game.

Have a look at the list of game engines on wikipedia and check out the ones that list their primary language as C++. Some of those will have a decent API regardless of what they are also scriptable in. Go straight to the documentation - if there's good, detailed information about the C++ API immediately the give the engine a try!

I'm so clueless when it comes to these things. I thought scripting is what runs the logic of the game? So if an engines primary language is C++ but their primary scripting language is python and you only know C++ you can still make a game in it using only C++? What will happen to the logic side of the equation?

CryEngine, unreal engine 4, OGRE, and id tech 4 all use C++, would any of those be good,(particularly ue4) or are they much harder to use than Unity?


I'm so clueless when it comes to these things. I thought scripting is what runs the logic of the game? So if an engines primary language is C++ but their primary scripting language is python and you only know C++ you can still make a game in it using only C++? What will happen to the logic side of the equation?

CryEngine, unreal engine 4, OGRE, and id tech 4 all use C++, would any of those be good,(particularly ue4) or are they much harder to use than Unity?
Unreal just moved to C++ for its game logic. They decided that maintaining the scripting API was too much overhead to maintain and support in tools.



Starting a summer internship at a major tech company next monday and I feel inadequate. I'm finishing up year two in university (out of 5) of an IT programme and I'm doing well in school, I'm definitely in the upper 25% or something of the class, haven't failed a single exam yet, and still I feel like I'm a bad programmer. I have exactly zero personal projects going on except for a Tetris clone that I lost interest in. They'll pair interns up two and two so at least I'll have that to fall back on, but I can't help but feel I'm not qualified for this. Doesn't help that while I applied and they accepted me, my uncle put in a good word for me to the higher-ups on the basis of being family.

Has anyone else felt like this? I know I should make myself do personal projects outside of school, ones that I have use for so that I get motivated, but for whatever reason I'm just not doing that.


Not Wario
Starting a summer internship at a major tech company next monday and I feel inadequate. I'm finishing up year two in university (out of 5) of an IT programme and I'm doing well in school, I'm definitely in the upper 25% or something of the class, haven't failed a single exam yet, and still I feel like I'm a bad programmer. I have exactly zero personal projects going on except for a Tetris clone that I lost interest in. They'll pair interns up two and two so at least I'll have that to fall back on, but I can't help but feel I'm not qualified for this. Doesn't help that while I applied and they accepted me, my uncle put in a good word for me to the higher-ups on the basis of being family.

Has anyone else felt like this? I know I should make myself do personal projects outside of school, ones that I have use for so that I get motivated, but for whatever reason I'm just not doing that.

Feel almost the exact same way. And we just had an imposter syndrome thread that also talked about this.

Not sure if its something generational, if it's inherent to the field, if we actually suck, or if it's just that job expectations are so out of sync with either what they should be or what students are leaving colleges with that everyone feels it.

Definitely one of the worst feelings I've ever had to deal with. Completely robs you of confidence and self worth in its worst moments.


Starting a summer internship at a major tech company next monday and I feel inadequate. I'm finishing up year two in university (out of 5) of an IT programme and I'm doing well in school, I'm definitely in the upper 25% or something of the class, haven't failed a single exam yet, and still I feel like I'm a bad programmer. I have exactly zero personal projects going on except for a Tetris clone that I lost interest in. They'll pair interns up two and two so at least I'll have that to fall back on, but I can't help but feel I'm not qualified for this. Doesn't help that while I applied and they accepted me, my uncle put in a good word for me to the higher-ups on the basis of being family.

Has anyone else felt like this? I know I should make myself do personal projects outside of school, ones that I have use for so that I get motivated, but for whatever reason I'm just not doing that.

I feel the same exact way. However, I did struggle while in school but made up for it a few months after graduation. I'm not working a programming job at the moment and I feel too lazy to work on any of my own projects. I've been just randomly programming assignments people post online. I really wish I could kick out of this.

Feel almost the exact same way. And we just had an imposter syndrome thread that also talked about this.

Not sure if its something generational, if it's inherent to the field, if we actually suck, or if it's just that job expectations are so out of sync with either what they should be or what students are leaving colleges with that everyone feels it.

Definitely one of the worst feelings I've ever had to deal with. Completely robs you of confidence and self worth in its worst moments.
Pretty much. Every time I look at job postings I'm too scared to submit my resume because they expect so much from the candidate, though, I know a lot of the times they end up hiring someone that doesn't even meet all the requirements and qualifications.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
I'm generally quite the opposite. I always feel I can do everything but when it comes down to actually starting to code I find myself dumbfounded, lol. Once I build some momentum I'm usually ok though.
Starting a summer internship at a major tech company next monday and I feel inadequate. I'm finishing up year two in university (out of 5) of an IT programme and I'm doing well in school, I'm definitely in the upper 25% or something of the class, haven't failed a single exam yet, and still I feel like I'm a bad programmer. I have exactly zero personal projects going on except for a Tetris clone that I lost interest in. They'll pair interns up two and two so at least I'll have that to fall back on, but I can't help but feel I'm not qualified for this. Doesn't help that while I applied and they accepted me, my uncle put in a good word for me to the higher-ups on the basis of being family.

Has anyone else felt like this? I know I should make myself do personal projects outside of school, ones that I have use for so that I get motivated, but for whatever reason I'm just not doing that.

I just graduated and still think I'm a bad programmer. Just take small steps if you feel unmotivated to do personal projects. Make some toy programs here or there and move on to more complex things when you feel ready. And companies expect you to be inexperienced in an internship. Don't sweat too much about it there.


Death Prophet
I have a job on campus working in a lab doing basically whatever they want me to do but usually it involves programming. Yeah pretty much every day I go home feeling like there is no reason I should have gotten the job. :p But I have learned a lot. It just sucks to be thrown something and have no idea to do it. It sucks even more because its so hard for me to get motivated when it seems like it's just way too hard to learn. Once I start getting it though, I really get motivated.
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