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Programming |OT| C is better than C++! No, C++ is better than C

For any non-desktop work I'm using my Lenovo x220. Got it a few years ago, installed Debian on it, been happy as a clam. With the extended battery I get about 6-8 hours, with the battery slice on top of that, 10-12.

I also get anxious about battery life, so it works incredibly well for me. Plus, dat keyboard.

Is it annoying to work on a screen that small? Battery life is definitely important to me since my current laptop has awful battery life even when just browsing the web.


Is it annoying to work on a screen that small? Battery life is definitely important to me since my current laptop has awful battery life even when just browsing the web.

If you use multiple desktops well, it's not bad, no. I have everything fullscreen all the time, and it's a pretty good size.




Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I never GitHub did that, I'll take a look at that. I wonder if I'll be able to use PHP too.

Just static pages through them. No Node.js, PHP, or other server side code as far as I know.

Hopefully I'm not going too off-topic, but what laptops do you guys use for programming/development? I mostly use my desktop when I'm home but I feel like I'm starting to need a better laptop with good battery life and more power for my job and for school.

I use Visual Studio for work and I'm currently using Netbeans for school to give you some idea of what I'd be doing. If you could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it!

15" Macbook Pro for everything. I have a 21" monitor at home that I hook up to as well to extend the screen real estate. At work I get by fine with just the screen since I'm running between classes and work a lot.

Dat trackpad though.


o_O @_@ O_o
Hopefully I'm not going too off-topic, but what laptops do you guys use for programming/development? I mostly use my desktop when I'm home but I feel like I'm starting to need a better laptop with good battery life and more power for my job and for school.

I use Visual Studio for work and I'm currently using Netbeans for school to give you some idea of what I'd be doing. If you could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it!

Work provided me a 15" Macbook Pro that I use. It's the last of the non-Retina models. Honestly, I wish it were the Retina, but I'm still pretty happy with it. At work I have a cinema display to use, and everywhere else I just make do with the laptop screen.

Before that I used a third-gen Macbook Air. I do practically all of my work in VMs, so it works great. The old Air was a little short on RAM, but it wasn't too bad either. I'd probably be just fine on a new Air.

Heck, I could probably make do with a tablet and a keyboard considering I have a Linode box I could use to work from.
I have a really stupid question.

I'm learning HTML by rebuilding my old Square Space website.

I have the following code in the <style> sections in the head of an html document:
a:link {
			padding-left: 15px;
			padding-right: 15px;
			padding-top: 5px;
			padding-bottom: 5px;}
		a:visited {
		a:hover {
		a:active {

As you can see, I want the background color to change on active and mouse over (hover), but I want the text of the link itself to always remain the same color. This doesn't work as a visited link has a different text color (the default blue) instead of the color I want, which is a tan. What am I doing wrong? I thought this is how I changed link text since it is working for hover and active and just as a link, but visited isn't working.

Edit: Haly is right. It's the extra closing bracket. That fixed it. Thanks.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
a:link has two closing brackets.

Try fixing that and see what happens.
a:link has two closing brackets.

Try fixing that and see what happens.

I knew it was something simple. Thanks!

Now, as a followup, I want all links to look a certain way with a few exceptions. So, I keep the code earlier in the style section and invoke it with

<a href="http://www.whatever.com">Home</a>

But, can I have a separate style for certain links as such:

aa:link {
			padding-left: 15px;
			padding-right: 15px;
			padding-top: 5px;
			padding-bottom: 5px;

and invoke them
<aa href="http://www.whatever.com">Home</aa>

Or how can I have different links operate under a different style? Doing the
<aa href="http://www.whatever.com">Home</aa>
thing lets them certainly look different as I intend, but clicking on them doesn't open the actual web pages.

Ah, so if I do a.links and then call "links" as the a's class, that works. I guess "a" isn't a variable. Maybe I should just open a darn article or book on html instead of brute forcing my way through. ha


Now, as a followup, I want all links to look a certain way with a few exceptions. So, I keep the code earlier in the style section and invoke it with

I am *far* from a frontend guy, but I will try my hand.

I think what you want is to create classes of anchors (that's what <a> tags are). For example:

a:link { ... }
a:link:directory { ... }

<a href="www.test.com/index.html">
<a href="www.test.com/somedirectory" class=directory>

The a:link:directory should override what is set in a:link

See: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_pseudo_classes.asp
Hello everyone, what is the key to becoming a great programmer? At the moment I am going through this intro to c++ book written by John Smiley. Great book, but sadly it doesn't have exercises. I understand what most of the code is doing, but if I decide to write a complex program from scratch, I find myself looking back at the original code and copying and pasting some of it. Is this a good practice or should I know what every line does by heart? This would memorizing it, so i should i keep going back and writing the code from scratch? I guess this will give me a greater understanding of what each line is doing.

The book moves from one topic to another. I just finished the chapter on controlling access to object data. But yea, the lack of exercises and practice is annoying
Hello everyone, what is the key to becoming a great programmer? At the moment I am going through this intro to c++ book written by John Smiley. Great book, but sadly it doesn't have exercises. I understand what most of the code is doing, but if I decide to write a complex program from scratch, I find myself looking back at the original code and copying and pasting some of it. Is this a good practice or should I know what every line does by heart? This would memorizing it, so i should i keep going back and writing the code from scratch? I guess this will give me a greater understanding of what each line is doing.

The book moves from one topic to another. I just finished the chapter on controlling access to object data. But yea, the lack of exercises and practice is annoying

I always hated programming books with no exercises. I remember being a young teenager and reading my first C++ book ever, and I loved going through all the exercises at the end of each chapter, no matter how long they took. I would never move to the next chapter until I had completed every single exercise.

Sadly at this point I don't even know what's considered a good introductory C++ book anymore. What with all the changes like STL, C++11, template metaprogramming, and other things that only came about after I was already experienced. I've heard good things about C++ Primer, and it does seem to contain exercises, but you'll want to do some research on it to make sure that it is a useful book for you given your current programming background.
I always hated programming books with no exercises. I remember being a young teenager and reading my first C++ book ever, and I loved going through all the exercises at the end of each chapter, no matter how long they took. I would never move to the next chapter until I had completed every single exercise.

Sadly at this point I don't even know what's considered a good introductory C++ book anymore. What with all the changes like STL, C++11, template metaprogramming, and other things that only came about after I was already experienced. I've heard good things about C++ Primer, and it does seem to contain exercises, but you'll want to do some research on it to make sure that it is a useful book for you given your current programming background.

yea I am finding this book highly infuriating at this point. although i have learned a lot by now, the lack of exercises is killing it. the author is just jumping from one concept to another. the book is very long and it seems like he just wanted to get it done by this point

i will check out the book you recommended.

I'm not a great programmer but the key to getting better is to practice. When you think of ideas, try to program them.

will do.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I'm not a great programmer but the key to getting better is to practice. When you think of ideas, try to program them.

This times a million.

Trying to solve a problem with a program, or trying to create something with a program is a fantastic way to learn. It's problem solving, debugging, planning, learning, and more all wrapped up in a neat little package.


I'm doing an online introduction to Python through the University of Waterloo. Here is a problem I was given:
Write a program that takes a character as input (a string of length 1), which you should assume is an upper-case character; the output should be the next character in the alphabet. If the input is 'Z', your output should be 'A'. (You will need to use an if statement.

And my solution:
orig = input()
dup = (ord(orig))
if dup != 90:
 new = dup + 1
if dup == 90:
  dup = 65

This fulfills the requirements but does not seem elegant to me. Is there a simpler way to get the same result?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
orig = input()
num = (ord(orig)) + 1
if num == 91:
    num = 65
You don't need to check if it's not 90, because the problem tells you you can assume it's all uppercase letters, which by default runs from 65-90. All you need to check for the special case, if it's Z, and then wrap it around.

Although it's good you're instinctively checking the validity of the input.


Thanks for the reply.

I can't check your code right now, but if I'm reading correctly, wouldn't that turn Y into A?


if num == 90:

is written after

num = (ord(orig)) + 1

orig = input()
num = (ord(orig)) + 1     # here Y (89) would become Z (90)
if num == 90:               # and here Z (90) would become A (65)
    num = 65
I'm doing an online introduction to Python through the University of Waterloo. Here is a problem I was given:

And my solution:
orig = input()
dup = (ord(orig))
if dup != 90:
 new = dup + 1
if dup == 90:
  dup = 65

This fulfills the requirements but does not seem elegant to me. Is there a simpler way to get the same result?

A solution with no if statement.

dup = ord(input())
next = ((dup - ord('A') + 1) mod 26) + ord('A')

Untested, but should be close. See if you can figure out why this works.


A solution with no if statement.

dup = ord(input())
next = ((dup - ord('A') + 1) mod 26) + ord('A')

Untested, but should be close. See if you can figure out why this works.
No idea what mod does but I will check it out after work.


I'm doing an online introduction to Python through the University of Waterloo. Here is a problem I was given:

And my solution:
orig = input()
dup = (ord(orig))
if dup != 90:
 new = dup + 1
if dup == 90:
  dup = 65

This fulfills the requirements but does not seem elegant to me. Is there a simpler way to get the same result?

That loooks like C. It aint python if it takes more than one line of code!
lots of people actually write production code like this ;_;

import string

print string.uppercase[:26][(ord(raw_input())-90) % 26]


Hi, first year compsci major here, does anyone know of any open-source projects that a noob could try and help with and acquire more knowledge? I've been looking around on github but alot of it seems fairly complicated...


Hi, first year compsci major here, does anyone know of any open-source projects that a noob could try and help with and acquire more knowledge? I've been looking around on github but alot of it seems fairly complicated...

Open source projects kind of necessarily have a large and disparate code base usually. It's probably not a good place for a new programmer to start. What kind of development are you interested in?
Open source projects kind of necessarily have a large and disparate code base usually. It's probably not a good place for a new programmer to start. What kind of development are you interested in?

That's not really true at all, open source projects come in all shapes and sizes and even the large/complicated projects can/will have simple "PICK-ME-UP"s that even a beginner can handle.

Hi, first year compsci major here, does anyone know of any open-source projects that a noob could try and help with and acquire more knowledge? I've been looking around on github but alot of it seems fairly complicated...

Here's what I wrote few pages back:

Did you know that GitHub has a section called Explore (https://github.com/explore), which lists all kinds of types of projects, listed by categories, trending topics and so on? What I'd suggest is:

1) Go to GitHub Explore
2) Sort by your programming language(s) of choice
3) Look at the projects
4) Find the ones that interest you personally. If any of them don't,
sorry you might be on the wrong field :p
5) Look if they accept contributions (which they often do)
6) Sort the issues for pick-me-ups, beginner tasks and so on.
7) Pick one and start working on it.

You mentioned that you have looked around GitHub and you are only a first year major, but I'd say that most of that still applies to you.

Find a project that you like (even if it's "fairly complicated"), fork it and then start fiddling around with it. I assume that you don't have very much programming experience yet, so the projects might be overwhelming, but you don't necessarily have to start solving bugs, sending pull requests and what not: you can just familiarize yourself with real-life projects made by others, which will (well, might) really help you with your school work, which in return helps you getting deeper with other projects. Constant learning!


That's not really true at all, open source projects come in all shapes and sizes and even the large/complicated projects can/will have simple "PICK-ME-UP"s that even a beginner can handle.

Here's what I wrote few pages back:

You mentioned that you have looked around GitHub and you are only a first year major, but I'd say that most of that still applies to you.

Find a project that you like (even if it's "fairly complicated"), fork it and then start fiddling around with it. I assume that you don't have very much programming experience yet, so the projects might be overwhelming, but you don't necessarily have to start solving bugs, sending pull requests and what not: you can just familiarize yourself with real-life projects made by others, which will (well, might) really help you with your school work, which in return helps you getting deeper with other projects. Constant learning!

I think an open source project is a bad place to start for a 'noob' programmer, but definitely something that should be looked at when you develop some basic skills.
All told, some open source projects are maybe ~450 lines of code.

I think if you're looking to start with the Linux kernel and writing extensions for it, that can be a tall order. But if you're looking at some simple PHP stuff, Objective-C, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, whatever for a simple effect or modification, it's a good way to get an idea of how things can be organized.

I can't say I like Richard M. Stallman that much, but I dug the advice he once shared to read lots of other people's code to become a better programmer. There's many ways of doing things, and it helps to find out what you like, what you don't, to be comfortable with a standard that best suits you.


I just think that that's pie-in-the-sky thinking. For someone who is a noob programmer (I'm assuming by this they mean that they have not programmed before), figure out a version control system (even git) and trying to add to the project isn't going to be very fruitful. I think that in early stages, writing as much awful code as possible and figuring out how to do basic things on your own is the best way to learn. Reading other people's code is paramount, but there's not a lot of guarantee that you'll be learning good habits from joining an open source project with a 450 line repo.

EDIT: OK, yeah, I mean there are projects that have 1,000 open tasks for "update X to give current usage information" or whatever, but I don't know that that would be the most efficient way to learn how to code.

EDIT2: Of course this is just my shitty opinion. Not trying to pass any of this off as objective truth. There are lots of posters here with more valuable experience than me. Just thought it would be helpful to OP to provide some different opinions and let him/her suss out the way forward.
I just think that that's pie-in-the-sky thinking. For someone who is a noob programmer (I'm assuming by this they mean that they have not programmed before), figure out a version control system (even git) and trying to add to the project isn't going to be very fruitful. I think that in early stages, writing as much awful code as possible and figuring out how to do basic things on your own is the best way to learn. Reading other people's code is paramount, but there's not a lot of guarantee that you'll be learning good habits from joining an open source project with a 450 line repo.

Well, there's kind of the assumption there. How noob is noob?

If you have truly not programmed before, I'd suggest the best place to start is to play The Typing of the Dead, or some other crazy fun game to really improve typing speed. Different strokes, I'm going off of the road I took. 8)

Different approaches for different folks. I think clearing the air on what other people are doing helps, because after four years of CS academics I still had trouble really understanding how to put together a software product from start to finish. That took going through beginner books on putting together software to really get that push, and a good book (even something like Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial goes through how to use Git) can make a HUGE difference there.

I don't know, pick, choose and discover on your own. There's no "true path".

EDIT: OK, yeah, I mean there are projects that have 1,000 open tasks for "update X to give current usage information" or whatever, but I don't know that that would be the most efficient way to learn how to code.

EDIT2: Of course this is just my shitty opinion. Not trying to pass any of this off as objective truth. There are lots of posters here with more valuable experience than me. Just thought it would be helpful to OP to provide some different opinions and let him/her suss out the way forward.

Totes okay! I'm not trying to be the greybeard here. I just do this stuff and people give me money for it, still.


Well, there's kind of the assumption there. How noob is noob?

If you have truly not programmed before, I'd suggest the best place to start is to play The Typing of the Dead, or some other crazy fun game to really improve typing speed. Different strokes, I'm going off of the road I took. 8)

Different approaches for different folks. I think clearing the air on what other people are doing helps, because after four years of CS academics I still had trouble really understanding how to put together a software product from start to finish. That took going through beginner books on putting together software to really get that push, and a good book (even something like Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial goes through how to use Git) can make a HUGE difference there.

I don't know, pick, choose and discover on your own. There's no "true path".


Totes okay! I'm not trying to be the greybeard here. I just do this stuff and people give me money for it, still.

Yeah, I think we both definitely agree on the importance of working on distributed projects and reading code. I'm just extremely sensitive (probably over-sensitive) to overwhelming people that don't have a lot of prior knowledge, as I had never programmed before entering college myself. The first two years were inordinately stressful and difficult (having awful teachers didn't help), and then finally things eventually clicked, but only after much weeping and gnashing of teeth.


I'm hoping someone could point me in the right direction... recursions are really throwing me off right now.

I need to print all permutations of a list, with the conditions that they're all printed in lexicographical order and that it needs to work with repeating elements.

For example, for a list of 1, 1, 2, it needs to print:

But if the list is 2, 2, 1:

This makes no sense to me because the first time, I "flip" the first two numbers, and the second time I flip the last two numbers. The professor even specifically said to use backtracking and I have no clue how to do this in recursion.

Here's what I have so far (can't paste the code because it's homework, but in python-y pseudocode):
perm is len(list) in size
repeatNum = 2**(number of repeats in list)

def func(list, perm, repeatNum, count=0):
    if count equals the original list length
        print perm repeatNum times, and return
    for i in range(len(list)):
        if we're on a repeat
        perm[count] = list[i]
        func(list, perm, repeatNum, count+1)
        list.insert(i, perm[count])

count is the perm index so I can reuse the list. Then I just go over all the permutations with backtracking, but there's basically 2 layers of duct tape:
- skipping all the repeat permutations
- printing every permutation the amount of duplicates that would be if I did it "properly"

It works perfectly, sure, but there has to be a better solution out there, right?


I'm hoping someone could point me in the right direction... recursions are really throwing me off right now.

I need to print all permutations of a list, with the conditions that they're all printed in lexicographical order and that it needs to work with repeating elements.

For example, for a list of 1, 1, 2, it needs to print:

But if the list is 2, 2, 1:

This makes no sense to me because the first time, I "flip" the first two numbers, and the second time I flip the last two numbers. The professor even specifically said to use backtracking and I have no clue how to do this in recursion.

Here's what I have so far (can't paste the code because it's homework, but in python-y pseudocode):
perm is len(list) in size
repeatNum = 2**(number of repeats in list)

def func(list, perm, repeatNum, count=0):
    if count equals the original list length
        print perm repeatNum times, and return
    for i in range(len(list)):
        if we're on a repeat
        perm[count] = list[i]
        func(list, perm, repeatNum, count+1)
        list.insert(i, perm[count])

count is the perm index so I can reuse the list. Then I just go over all the permutations with backtracking, but there's basically 2 layers of duct tape:
- skipping all the repeat permutations
- printing every permutation the amount of duplicates that would be if I did it "properly"

It works perfectly, sure, but there has to be a better solution out there, right?

Do you have to do it in python? Doing recursive stuff with lists in python is kind of a pain in the ass, as they're essentially only pass by reference. I would just make a copy of the list and remove an item every recursion, and then print when your list is empty. It's not super memory efficient but its quick and it looks nice.

ehh on second thought..
code removed

I'm sure there's a more 'pythonic' way to approach this that I'm missing.


Corporate Apologist
I need a bit of advice, what would be a good language/technology to us to have something constantly make API requests and log them into a database.

I use PHP for a smaller project, but each script instance only runs for a few minutes, and I was wanting something that could be reliably ran for days or weeks at a time. So something thats a bit more robust that could started up ether on a web server or a low powered linux instance. Mainly would like something that had some exception handling, being multithreaded would also be a plus.


Do you have to do it in python? Doing recursive stuff with lists in python is kind of a pain in the ass, as they're essentially only pass by reference. I would just make a copy of the list and remove an item every recursion, and then print when your list is empty. It's not super memory efficient but its quick and it looks nice.

ehh on second thought..
code removed

I'm sure there's a more 'pythonic' way to approach this that I'm missing.
Yeah I need to use python. They showed an example in C in class that reuses the same list over and over, so I'm assuming they don't want me creating a new list for every cycle, but I did that at first too and it still had the same problem involving repeated elements.

I'm basically mimicking what they did in C in Python, giving perm enough elements in the beginning and then reusing it with an index
I need a bit of advice, what would be a good language/technology to us to have something constantly make API requests and log them into a database.

I use PHP for a smaller project, but each script instance only runs for a few minutes, and I was wanting something that could be reliably ran for days or weeks at a time. So something thats a bit more robust that could started up ether on a web server or a low powered linux instance. Mainly would like something that had some exception handling, being multithreaded would also be a plus.

Depends on where your priorities lie. Java-based solutions are really good from a performance standpoint, but usually relatively verbose and can seem like overkill depending on the size of your project (depending on the framework you're using).

Using Ruby or Python is probably a lot less code, but the performance might suffer. Though, in this case it sounds like the brunt of the work will be IO-bound (database accesses, API querying) which lends itself well to an interpreted language. Querying a REST API is really easy in Python or Ruby, same for database access. Can't really help you with multithreading, all I know is that Python is notoriously bad for that (global interpreter lock), Ruby's a little better and Java is very good.

You could also just use PHP. I don't like the language, but database access and API querying sounds like something the languge should be good at, also for longer running applications.


Hey guys,

I'm looking for someone to help me out with a couple of things regarding a Web-based php / java racing game (like a manager type, not actual user-racing) I've been working on for months.

Heads up though, I'm a complete noob and self-taught guy regarding this so I probably do some things very wrong but I'm always open to suggestions.

Since I have a ton of different questions regarding several aspects of the game I'm stuck on, I'd rather take it to chat / PMs as I don't want to spam the thread about it but any help would be welcome.

Thanks !


That's not really true at all, open source projects come in all shapes and sizes and even the large/complicated projects can/will have simple "PICK-ME-UP"s that even a beginner can handle.

Here's what I wrote few pages back:

You mentioned that you have looked around GitHub and you are only a first year major, but I'd say that most of that still applies to you.

Find a project that you like (even if it's "fairly complicated"), fork it and then start fiddling around with it. I assume that you don't have very much programming experience yet, so the projects might be overwhelming, but you don't necessarily have to start solving bugs, sending pull requests and what not: you can just familiarize yourself with real-life projects made by others, which will (well, might) really help you with your school work, which in return helps you getting deeper with other projects. Constant learning!

Hey man, thanks for this reply! Created an account and did the tutorial + sorted explore and found a few interesting projects (Telegram Desktop Messaging App / some framework stuff that I don't get but want to learn). Seems like c++ has way less options than python/java though...

I have another question! I'm based in the bay area, and i'm trying to get an internship in the summer. But because I'm a first year, I think my chances are pretty slim...what other things can I do to have worthy stuff in my resume besides contributing to open source projects?

Also, sob story; just a 19yo feeling the stress and burden of RL...can't be a kid gaming all the time anymore, any tips from older people that manage to get rid of dumb distractions in order to drive their life forward?
I have another question! I'm based in the bay area, and i'm trying to get an internship in the summer. But because I'm a first year, I think my chances are pretty slim...what other things can I do to have worthy stuff in my resume besides contributing to open source projects?

Also, sob story; just a 19yo feeling the stress and burden of RL...can't be a kid gaming all the time anymore, any tips from older people that manage to get rid of dumb distractions in order to drive their life forward?

Well, here's an idea for combining these two: maybe try doing a simple game on your own? Nothing too hard, like a game of snake or tic tac toe, at first. Gaming is based on programming and while I am not a game developer, I do find inspiration from the gaming side too.


I have another question! I'm based in the bay area, and i'm trying to get an internship in the summer. But because I'm a first year, I think my chances are pretty slim...what other things can I do to have worthy stuff in my resume besides contributing to open source projects?

Google has a program called 'Engineering Practicum' that is kind of like an internship, but is targeted at freshmen and has lower expectations than the normal internship program. Microsoft has a similar program called Explore. Facebook has Facebook U. There are probably other companies doing similar things.


Google has a program called 'Engineering Practicum' that is kind of like an internship, but is targeted at freshmen and has lower expectations than the normal internship program. Microsoft has a similar program called Explore. Facebook has Facebook U. There are probably other companies doing similar things.

Wow no idea they had programs for freshmen and sophomores... I'll apply but as a community college students with As in compsci but B in calc1....i probably don't stand a chance vs actual 4 year university students ):

EDIT: haha all of them require "underrepresented races"....as an asian...GG


Wow no idea they had programs for freshmen and sophomores... I'll apply but as a community college students with As in compsci but B in calc1....i probably don't stand a chance vs actual 4 year university students ):

EDIT: haha all of them require "underrepresented races"....as an asian...GG

It's not a requirement.
I told a joke in my sprint planning session.

The developers were having a discussion about Maven and I said:

"Maven? I use Maven."

They looked at me funny because I'm a PM, I don't shit about coding. then I said:

"Maven Beacus Teaches Typing, I use it all the time."

That's funny right? Right?


What do you mean? It sounds like you yourself know what you are saying, but the nuance is lost.

Google's Engineering Practicum said:
"We are committed to addressing diversity in the technology industry, thus students who are a member of a group that is historically underrepresented are specifically encouraged to apply."

Facebook University said:
FBU for Eng is a paid eight-week summer internship designed to provide mobile development experience to students who are historically under-represented in computer science.

Microsoft Explore said:
We especially encourage applications from groups currently underrepresented in engineering including women, Native-Americans, African-Americans, Hispanics, Veterans, and students with disabilities.

I'm just assuming Asians are over-represented and that if i'm not a 4.0 Asian, I probably can't compete with people among my race...But obviously if my resume stands out, which is what I'm trying to accomplish, I might still stand a chance.
I told a joke in my sprint planning session.

The developers were having a discussion about Maven and I said:

"Maven? I use Maven."

They looked at me funny because I'm a PM, I don't shit about coding. then I said:

"Maven Beacus Teaches Typing, I use it all the time."

That's funny right? Right?
I told a joke in my sprint planning session.

The developers were having a discussion about Maven and I said:

"Maven? I use Maven."

They looked at me funny because I'm a PM, I don't shit about coding. then I said:

"Maven Beacus Teaches Typing, I use it all the time."

That's funny right? Right?

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