Some non technical talk, slight ranting, unsure if this is the most appropriate thread:
So I just graduated with my B.S. CS degree and I'm getting into a job hunt. I don't expect to get anything for weeks (months?), I'm wondering what the best use for my time is. I suppose I consider myself a Java developer but I feel that what I got out of my degree isn't nearly enough to land a job yet. While I learned a lot about the foundation of Java, C++, web, design patterns, I feel like I've learned absolutely nothing about what sells right now, what is practical. My classes hardly covered anything with Java EE, Applets,, or practically any modern web technologies.
So far I've been spending time brushing up on stuff I've already learned but haven't used in some time and reading some books on interview questions, which I've been dreading, stuff I haven't really ever used in most of my programs, like binary trees and recursion (was essentially taught this is awful in terms of performance cost). Setup my LinkedIn and Github and have been working on my website (which is basically a modified bootstrap at this point) and doing some personal projects which aren't really mega impressive, just fooling around with new languages and doing tutorials.
I'm already kind of pessimistic looking for jobs because almost all the positions are looking for 5+ years of experience, and the entry level positions are non existent. I live in central Florida, somewhere between Tampa & Orlando. I am really eager to start working and continue learning but I just don't know what it is I should be focusing on.
TL;DR looking for insight from people who have recently graduated and found a job.
Some questions:
1. What job titles should I be looking for? I'm currently using programmer, developer, and computer science, but I really want something that gets my foot in the door and to go from there.
2. Is it better at this point for me to dive deep into one language in hopes of finding a job that is based on it, or to dip my hand into everything?
3. Should I bother participating in github projects or just continue doing my own work and publishing it on github? I feel like I'm stumbling into a lot of projects not knowing what needs to be added.
I'll have to get on this starting tomorrow, though my linkedin really hasn't gotten much hits despite having a ton of (key skills) information.
edit: Was your internship online? Curious if onlines ones have any less credit to them than local ones.
I'm in a similar situation.
I finished my BSc about two years ago; now I'm just over halfway through my MSc. I might be able to graduate this year if I manage to write my thesis, but I don't even have the slightest clue what kind of subject to tackle. When I browse the Open Topics lists of my uni or also the list of finished theses, all I see is stuff that's way over my head. I don't consider myself capable of writing a thesis like that.
Anyway, what I actually wanted to talk about was my job situation. After living from my savings for a while, it's now time to get a job. Similar to you, I learned the foundations of many general topics. Java, mainly (including Java EE and web stuff), a bit of UX, web engineering, logic programming, functional programming, systems programming, network programming and so on. A bit from everything. A few more specialized/exotic technologies here and there.
So here I am, having a least touched a truckload of technologies and tools, but I wouldn't consider myself competent with most of them. People say you should add to your resume by working on open source projects on Github, but I never did that. My Github/Bitbucket repos just consist of a bunch university assignments, nothing to showcase. Not a single non-uni project of my own (which I'm certainly not proud of).
Obviously, I'm gonna have to look for an entry level position. But even the ads of those usually require familiarity or even expertise with a lot of technologies I've never used. I'm actually scared of applying. Who would even accept me, when there are so many skilled and talented professionals studying alongside me?
And the worst of all is that I'm still not sure what kind of IT work I'd like to do. Programming, yes, but specifically? Web? Frontend, Backend? Enterprise? Mobile? I don't know.
I'm 26 now. I graduated from an IT highschool, I graduated from my university, I'm over halfway done with my Master's. And I don't know what job to pursue. It's ridiculous.
I never planned it to be this way. By this time, I hoped to be a member of some small startup full of talented developers, working on smart, high-quality software for end users. I hoped to have a sizable portfolio of useful tools and apps that people actually use and love. Well, I failed.
Sorry for the rambling. Or rather whining. I just got up and felt like I had to get this off my chest.