I do, and it can be a nightmare, especially on papier, but most of the time, coding conventions (especially capitalization choices) aren't the worst offenders.
For example, lack of comments with 1-character names taken at random is awful (when they begin the algorithm with
a, b, f, k, l, j = 0, 1, -7, len(L), [ (1,) ], "Hello World"
(I'm only half joking), I know I'm in for a wacky ride.
Especially when they have strange implementation ideas.
And even more when they're too clever. ^_^
Take an example: find whether "110" appears before "011" in a string, or "011" appears before "110", or if none of them appears.
def Search(s) :
if s[0] == '1' and s[1] == '1' :
for i in range(2, len(s)) :
if s[i] == '0' :
return '110'
if s[0] == '0' or s[1] == '0' :
for i in range(1, len(s)-1) :
if s[i] == '1' and s[i+1] == s[i] :
return '011'
return None
Perfectly fine, clever when you understand it, even if strangely written at times, but when it's 12AM, you're tired, are in a hurry and have read a lot of completely rubbish answers...
It would probably have been far easier with a " else " instead of the " if s[0] == '0' or s[1] == '0' ".
That makes me wonder how many errors I miss, and how often I consider wrong perfectly valid code (should happen less often, when I have a doubt, I test, but I still make errors sometimes).