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Project: Beat! (Fan-made Jet Set Radio Future remake)

why isn't it cell shaded? I would rather sega just give us a HD remaster of the original. I hate how they remastered the first one and then left the way better sequal hanging.

We were lucky to get JSR HD in the first place. Sega probably hasn't even entertained the idea of doing Future. And really, we got the one that mattered the most anyway.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Not properly cel-shaded.

Absolutely disgusting.jpg


They immediately sound like a bunch of dicks in the Q and A.

True, but that teaser looked pretty good. I would love to see this actually finished and sold on Steam.

As for music, maybe they can let people supply their own soundtrack. I have the JSRF soundtrack as mp3's, so all set there.


Neo Member
True, but that teaser looked pretty good. I would love to see this actually finished and sold on Steam.

As for music, maybe they can let people supply their own soundtrack. I have the JSRF soundtrack as mp3's, so all set there.

It could absolutely never be sold on steam, and the music is secondary to the fact that the models and environments look like they've been ripped straight from the game. Removing the soundtrack wouldn't solve anything.
I never understand why people show these off at all. Make it quietly, release it, then bolt and have nothing more to do with it. Telling people beforehand is the quickest way to get a C&D I can think of.

Since most fangames are not for profit, their creators try to at least get some time in the spotlight out of it. It's all they can get out of it, really. If they just quietly worked on it and then silently released it on some torrent site, they wouldn't get any attention.


Feel like the JSR website getting roped into stuff like a remake and selling merchandise is gonna lead to its downfall.

It was just a simple radio station where you could listen to music from the games and songs that had the vibe of the series. Now all this happens.


lighting and lack of cel shading is making me second guess my love for JSR since it looks bad without OG stylin'


nah. I'll give this a shot, but JSRF wasn't as fun as JSR to me.


Meh, ripping the models and textures from JSRF and putting them into a different engine doesn't seem that difficult to do. Call me when they implement fluid controls and actual gameplay. That is, if the project even lasts that long.

It's a shame because I'd love a game that has the same vibrant style and fluid controls as JSRF but with challenges more focused on platforming. Unfortunately, this project just seems to be a fanmade port of JSRF which makes it pointless because it'll never be as good as an official port (which I am still confident we'll get someday).


Low Poly Gynecologist
I checked it out and took some screenshots at 7241x4073.




Definitely recommend you turn the SSAO intensity down because it's WAY too overzealous by default.

Album here.


maybe im being too cynical idk, but im not really wowed by the build they have. it just comes off as they took ripped assets and spent all of the effort in making them look nice to generate buzz instead of the game part.


Neo Member
Definitely recommend you turn the SSAO intensity down because it's WAY too overzealous by default.

Yeah, it seems dumb that they don't have basic features in the game yet but are wasting time adding superfluous visual effects like SSAO, and then implementing them really badly.
Hmm. I think that teaser video really undersells the game - like it makes the game look like trash. These high res screens are much, much better and actually make the game look really good.

I'll be keeping an eye on this with interest I think.
maybe im being too cynical idk, but im not really wowed by the build they have. it just comes off as they took ripped assets and spent all of the effort in making them look nice to generate buzz instead of the game part.

Yeah, tried current build last night, and there's not much of a game yet. They focused on visuals first. I don't really expect this to go anywhere, hope it does though.


I'd say I wish them luck but I'd be lying. Their attitude in the Q&A is really off-putting. And those are some ugly-ass character models.


it's weird seeing a high framerate JSR game

The short gameplay clip in the trailer looks like it is running at a lower framerate than Future did on the original Xbox.

EDIT: Playing it back frame by frame, it's technically 60 fps but suffers from a weird Unity glitch where the camera position does not change on every sixth frame although animation frames are updated. So it has the appearance of 50 fps rather than 60.


You know it's sad but doing this remake is easier than Xbox Emulation getting done.
I'll take what I can get I suppose.
well, there's many issues with getting the xbox emulated, most of them being emulating a graphics card with no public api and then emulating a CPU more complex than any other emulator project.


If I've learned one thing from the Super Best Friendcast, it's that:





So this is kind of a gray spot. We are not allowed to sell you guys the game. However, We CAN accept donations.

"Gray spot"
Stolen ripped assets
CC-BY-NC licence - "A commercial use is one primarily intended for commercial advantage or monetary compensation."

You don't have to be Matt Murdock to smell something fishy
Well, you don't have to worry anymore guys. It seems this project won't survive long:

The disaster that is Project Beat Part I

The disaster that is Project Beat Part II

The disaster that is Project Beat Part III (they talk about this thread)

Some extracts:

Referring to developers in this post, I am referring to the two co-founders of Project Beat. And not the other developers who I respect and have put in more effort than the founders. I will refer to the founders as [A] and ; everyone else in the team is decent and really need to jump ship.

Essentially Project Beat (PB) in its current state boils down to a barely modified Unity character controller with ripped assets from Jet Set Radio Future (JSRF). Now, don't get me wrong, this would be an impressive feat if the Project Beat developers had written the tool to reverse engineer JSRF themselves, but they didn't.

JSRF Tool & Neo & DMCA

The tool used to extract the content from JSRF was developed by a guy named Neo, it took a significant amount of effort to get the PB developers to acknowledge the work of Neo (giving him credit on the Subreddit), I had to ask them around five times to do this. This is made significantly worse due to Neo developing JSRF Tool over a period of two years, when PB is still in its infantile stages and has had roughly 1 month of development time.

Neo himself joined the development discord to chat with the developers and see if he was interested in joining (especially since a tool he spent a long time developing was the only reason PB could happen). It may be key to mention here that Neo has professional game development experience, as well as previous experience in modding teams (which is similar to what PB is).

So Neo comes onto the development chat and asks key questions such as how the developers are preparing for problems which could occur in the future as more features are added. He gives suggestions such as how to optimise it and make it look more like the original JSRF. However, rather than heed his advice, he gets a very aggressive response from , completely turning him off from the project.

Now is the part where I introduce two developers who haven't appeared in Part 1, [F] and [G]. Personal opinion: I highly respect these two; while I haven't talked to [G] much, I can say that both of them are being taken advantage of.


[G] was asked to join PB due to posting a video of his own JSRF game which had a basic grinding system. I shan't link the Youtube because anonmity, but please take my word. I'm spectulating here, but I think the hope was to get him to join the team to be able to copy and paste his grinding code into PB and have it miraculously work (the PB leads probably have good experience with copy and pasting code~). Anyhow, he joined the team and spent days trying to get grinding working. I was a bit confused as to why he left his old project which had way more gameplay to join PB - maybe it's the attractive visuals of PB or just stopping the isolation of solo game development. A few other people told him to work on his own project rather than PB, which I hopes he continues to do because that looks a lot more promising, and he doesn't seem like the type to hype up a walking simulator.

One of [G]'s tasks was to place splines (3D bendy lines) in the whole map, I would define this as drone work (easy, but repetitive boring work). He spent 17 hours straight one night placing these splines, only to have the Unity build need to be reverted back multiple days (most likely due to someone's awful code causing the project to shit the bed). I think he managed to save his splines, but he never got any appreciation for it.


[H] was already working on the project, he is older than both the main devs (and also me) and way more mature than them (and also me). He was originally working on grinding, combed through resources learning about splines and implementing them. Sadly he didn't get the chance to finish, most likely due to his age and holding down a job and [A] & being impatient thus the headhunting of [G]. Currently he is trying to attempt to manage the project (software engineering type principles), which really needs to be done especially with the team size of 6-ish. (Hell I use some sort of management for my solo game development projects.) I wish him luck, but I don't know how he puts up with it, there was an instance recently where [A] was rude towards him.

The state of this fan project is just too bad.
well, there's many issues with getting the xbox emulated, most of them being emulating a graphics card with no public api and then emulating a CPU more complex than any other emulator project.

Public API? I thought the original Xbox used DirectX, unless you're referring to another API?

Also, is it really more complex than even the Wii U CPU with three cores? Cemu appears to be coming along very well.

I've have been following XQEMU for quite some time though, it's one of the most recent Xbox emulator projects, however the developers are quite busy.

They're now asking for donations for "Assets to purchase on Unity", in case you're wondering whether their technical aptitude matches their understanding of copyright. http://archive.is/mCUQv

Well, you don't have to worry anymore guys. It seems this project won't survive long:

The disaster that is Project Beat Part I

The disaster that is Project Beat Part II

The disaster that is Project Beat Part III (they talk about this thread)

Some extracts:

The state of this fan project is just too bad.



Neo Member
Has to be one of the worse run fan projects I've seen.

I feel bad for some of the developers who stayed behind those "founders" they sound like some fuckbois.

No less than nine members of the original twelve person dev team have since left the project.

Jet Set Radio Live (the radio fansite) has publically disavowed the website after discovering that the lead developer was soliciting money from the community to fund development: http://archive.is/df3Rt

The dev team is down to two members, now, and they've deleted their discord because it devolved into people posting Metal Gear Solid memes at them.

EDIT: their subreddit has been set to private. Stick a fork in this one, it's done. And not a single DMCA!


Man when I initially saw this news I was so ecstatic

but then I started watching more footage...and reading this thread. Sigh, just let it die at this point.
No less than nine members of the original twelve person dev team have since left the project.

Jet Set Radio Live (the radio fansite) has publically disavowed the website after discovering that the lead developer was soliciting money from the community to fund development: http://archive.is/df3Rt

The dev team is down to two members, now, and they've deleted their discord because it devolved into people posting Metal Gear Solid memes at them.

EDIT: their subreddit has been set to private. Stick a fork in this one, it's done. And not a single DMCA!

Wow, what a circus.


Jet Set Radio Future finally coming to PC via fan project? Well, it's not what I wanted but it looks alright for something so early. Should be pretty coo--


Oh. Oh, no. Yeesh, and to think I thought the Q&A was tongue-in-cheek when I first read it. Attempting to mimic the feeling of the game they're making and all. I never knew a project could go from zero to disaster so fast.


Wow, sounds like what could be a good idea (recreate JSRF in a modern engine for free) turned to crap by immature founders.

I wouldn't have minded them asking for donations but it needed to be done in a better way, not overnight by one rogue developer with no notice.


A) This isn't how creative commons works

B) This looks like it has like maybe a couple of weeks of "dev" time. Most of what it is using is pre-fab unity templates.

Were this a kickstarter, I would advise people to keep their money.


The word going around on JSR fansites is that the lead developer spent the money he got from donations on pizza.


Also, it's weird how there's been a sudden influx of JSRF fangames within the past few months. I can only think of one or two JSR fangames that existed in the 15 years after Jet Grind Radio was first released, but in this year alone there's been at least three of them (not counting Project Beat).


I guess we have Neodos' JSRF tool to thank for the sudden influx. At least they all seem to have more original work put into them than Project Beat ever did, and yet the scam that was run by assholes is the one that got all the attention. Graphics over gameplay, I suppose.


In terms of announcing a fan game, isn't Sega super cool about it? Hell we have Sonic Mania because of fan games.

I can imagine it maybe being trouble if Sega plans to port JSRF to PC or modern consoles, as this would have been a remake of the game.
The most hilarious thing that I read is that -according to them- the OP of this thread which is me (if you didn't pay attention) was somehow part of Project Beat too.

They have the idea that one of them is doing all he can to destroy their project... I must be jumping to conclusions but it seems they think the writer behind "The disaster that is Project Beat" and the OP of the NeoGAF thread are one and the same...


Neo Member
The sub-reddit, which was closed by the developer who opened the donations, has now been re-opened by another developer who put a Q&A claiming that he is cancelling the project, but also taking all of the assets and starting over under a different name to "continue work with a new team on this project."

So the project is cancelled, except it's not, except it is.

There was an "important announcement" thread, which is essentially a tirade about the failures of the other developers on the project: http://archive.is/GjVgl

From what I can tell, there's a lot of Streisand Effect going on with those blog posts, since there are supposedly around 30 comments posted in the thread, but only around 15 are visible when you open the thread, and several of the remaining questions and the updated OP concern why so many questions are being deleted.
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